Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2276: Sword Spirit Mountain is here

"Nie Tong?"

Nie Yun froze.

"Yes, Nie Tong's constitution is very special. I think it is very suitable for this corpse!" Gui Ling nodded and confirmed.

At first Nie Yun wondered why he said so.

Nie Tong's predecessor was King Shura. In order to save the chaotic ocean, his body died, the body floated in the Xinghai, and it was silent for millions of years!

Later, after Nie Tong came along with him, he merged King Shura's body with his body, and died once ... This body and the dead body have already had a lot in common. , Something changed!

That being said, Nie Tong is indeed the perfect candidate.

"Nie Tong will condense out of the bounds soon. With this corpse, Xiu Wei will definitely be able to make rapid progress!"

Thinking about this, Nie Yun laughed.

The stronger Nie Tong's strength is, the more he feels relieved that he can refine corpses, and he is happier than he can refine them.

"Let me try!"

After hearing the two's judgment, Nie Tong took the dead body in his hands.

He took the corpse to destroy the feeling of Nie Yun's stiff arms, but with a kind of intimacy, as if there was a huge treasure house in his palm, with infinite power.

"I can refine!"

After a while, Nie Tong's eyes lightened: "However, refining is a bit wasteful now. When I condense the sword world, I can use this to break through to a higher level!"


Nie Tong's cultivation has its own path, and Nie Yun never interferes.

Obtaining the corpse dan and the magic circle beads, this line has been very fruitful. Without intending to continue to enter the sorrow world, the two homeowners Nie Yunwentao and Hao Long went out.

By the time he returned to the Wen family, it was already bright.

"I'll wait until there is something important, leave first, and see you later!"

The Wen family and Hao family's affairs were resolved. It didn't make much sense to stay here. Nie Yun found two homeowners. Waved goodbye.

"I do n’t know where to go? Although our writers are not as famous as the famous clan in Yunzhou City, there are still a few ways to get on the road quickly. If the master believes it, I might as well send you there!"

Listen to him going. Wen Tao's owner was busy.

Get along in just one day. Although the young man looks young, he has good medical skills and deep cultivation. No matter from which point, it is worth to associate, let alone save his daughter, the kindness is extremely great.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun was worried about how to go the second half of the way. He smiled when he said he wanted to send.

Regardless of whether the other party has a means to rush the road, just saying that the other party is a perfect imperial powerhouse will drive the flying soldiers faster than him.

"I wonder where the master is going? I'd better prepare in advance!"

Wen Tao asked.

"Sword Spirit Mountain!"

It's no secret, Nie Yun said directly.

"Sword Spirit Mountain?" Wen Tao's homeowner froze for a moment, looking at it in confusion: "Master wants to watch [Sword Spirit Tower]? Learning Supreme Sword Art?"

"Sword Spirit Tower?"

Nie Yun froze.

About Lu Xi the Great and Jian Lingshan. He heard it from the mouth of Guiling, but I do n’t know how long it has passed. No one in the vicissitudes of the sea knows what happened, what is the Sword Spirit Tower, or the first time.

"Yeah, the most famous place of Jianling Mountain is the Jianling Tower. It is said that you can learn the Supreme Sword Art and attract many people to it, but ... for so many years. I have never heard of anyone who can climb to the top of the tower!"

The owner of Wen Tao seems to know a lot about the situation of Jianling Mountain, and laughed: "I also went there in the past, and fortunately entered the second floor. After learning a set of swordsmanship, I happened to be familiar with the environment over there and can take you past!"

"Then there is the owner of Lauwen!" Nie Yun smiled.

"Master is polite. If it weren't for your shot, our literary family is now fragmented and can do something for you. You can also be more secure in your heart!" Wen Tao's owner waved hands again and again.

The Wen family is indeed a family that has been passed down for many years. Although there are not many masters, there are a lot of treasures. At noon on the same day, they took out a flying magic soldier that completed the imperial realm, and everyone entered into it and broke away.

The literary master who completed the imperial realm cooperated with his flying soldiers a lot faster. Before Nie Yun took more than half a month to fly, at his speed, he could arrive in five or six days.

Someone drove the flying soldiers, and Nie Yun didn't bother to sit still and practice quietly in the cabin.

Nothing along the way, after five or six days of cultivation, Nie Yun felt that the cultivation was more solid, and the strength increased again, especially the fusion realm that merged with the imaginary avenue, and the power was even better!

The previous boundary could only spread a distance of ten meters around the body, but now it has increased by five meters and has reached a distance of fifteen meters.

Don't look at this small distance, but it can play a reversing role in combat. If he is encountered in the sixth level assessment situation, it will become very easy and easily crush all opponents.

Not only the scope of the realm is increased, but the realm of the imaginary avenue is merged, and a variety of imaginary lands can be generated at random within 15 meters. The most satisfying thing for him is ~ www.readwn.com ~ Out of the Phantom!

The realm is open, and with his spirit, he can form one or several own phantoms around him.

These phantoms are generated by illusions. They are not afraid of attacks and have the effect of confusing the enemy. That is to say, once fighting with people, he can easily arrange countless phantoms that can not be seen and confuse each other.

Once you can't find out which one is the real body, you can take the opportunity to sneak attack, making it impossible to care about the end and end, limited to endless passive.

And this illusion is formed by the avenue, unless the opponent's understanding of the illusion is deeper than him, or if he realizes that the ranking is reached.

Especially with the use of the soul, the more you use it, the more easily you will be confused. If you do n’t need to take a shot, you will be unable to extricate yourself from life and death.

He completely adapted to the power of the imaginary avenue, and Nie Tong also made great progress.

He had condensed the rudiment of the sword world before. At this moment, the rudiment of the sword world is more solid. It seems that it will completely stabilize at any time to form the real sword world.

However, although he knows a lot about Kendo, it is not so easy to consolidate the sword world. According to normal calculations, without months of hardening, it is difficult to succeed.

Rao is so, his sword is getting stronger and stronger, like a sharp blade placed in the box, it will break out at any time, making the world and the earth change color.

"Master, there is Jianling Mountain in front!"

Wen Tao's voice came.

It is inevitable to call the master a lot of trouble. Nie Yun asked him to name him by the first name, but Wen Tao ’s owner disagrees. The two sides stand still for a while and have to be called “masters”.


Nie Yun and others stood up and looked out. (To be continued.)

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