Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2277: Pei Yang


I saw a majestic mountain standing in front of me. This mountain is different from the mountains I have seen before. There is only a lone peak rising from the ground. Thorn the sky. Please search (品 @ 书 ¥ 网) to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

"This is Sword Spirit Mountain?"

Nie Yun was shocked.

Not to mention whether there is the inheritance of Emperor Lu Xi in the Sword Spirit Mountain, just looking at this mountain, you can feel the endless swordsmanship coming to the face, which makes people excited and difficult to self.

"Yes, this is Jianling Mountain. For so many years ... it hasn't changed much!"

The turtle spirit stood behind, his eyes seemed to be in memory.

Nie Yun knew that he had been here before, so he no longer asked.

"Jianling Mountain has only one passage. If you want to reach the [Jingling Tower], you must step up and not fly, otherwise you will be strangled by the swordless sword!"

Wen Tao's home.

"Good!" Nie Yun nodded.

He came here this time to help his brother find the inheritance of Emperor Lu Xi. He didn't want to cause trouble, so everything is better.

Not long after, everyone came to the foot of the mountain, and the master of the Tao Tao controlled the flying soldiers to fall.

After leaving the flying soldiers, Nie Yun looked forward and saw a tall building standing not far away. Many people stood in front of the building and slowly moved forward.

"This is the place to buy [enter the tower symbol]. If you want to enter the sword spirit tower, you must not only have talent, but also buy this thing. Without this access to the mountain, you cannot enter!"

Wen Tao's home.

"Buy? Buy with God Stone?" Nie Yun wondered.

"Yeah, it costs 10,000 godstones to buy a tower charm, and it's expensive!"

Wen Tao's owner smiled bitterly.

"One pantheon?" Nie Yun froze.

If you want to understand Kendo, you need understanding and ability. Even if the sword spirit tower is amazing, you can't understand it. If you do n’t have anything, you can pay so much money directly. The price is really black.

However, this thing is willing to be beaten, to see the line in front. Even so, many people still came.

Regarding the souls of the divine realm, cultivation is always the most important thing. Money and wealth, with cultivation, you can find ways to earn.

Although the ten thousand **** stone is exaggerated, if it can get a first-class sword technique, it is still worth it.

"Not only that. There is a time limit for entering the tower charm, the one purchased by Ten Thousand Stones. Only seven days of aging, that is to say, you have spent so many divine stones, you ca n’t just stay in the sword spirit tower to practice and want more ... only continue to pay! "

Wen Tao's owner continued.

"Uh ... it's so dark!" Nie Yun sighed again.

"The inheritance of the emperor was turned into a tool for collecting wealth. If Lu Xi is still alive, I am afraid he will be alive and angry!" Gui Ling shook his head, full of sighs.

Emperor Lu Xi entered the Tao with a sword, and his strength was unmatched. Disdain for money, if you know his descendants, use the guise of his swordsmanship to collect money, I wonder if I will come back to life.

"Master, rest assured, although my literary family is not strong, this **** stone can still be taken out!"

Turtle muttered, Wen Tao's owner didn't understand what it meant. I thought that Nie Yun and others were distressed at such a high price and hurriedly said.

Although the Wen family is only a small family in the ancient city of Langyan, far from the nine emperors and eight kings and twelve concubines of Yunzhou City, after all, it has been passed down for a long time, and tens of thousands of gods are nothing to them.

"Master Wen is polite. Thousands of **** stones are nothing to me, I can still get them!"

Nie Yun shook his head and rejected the other's kindness.

The medical museum has been open for so long. As long as every visitor comes here, no matter whether he can succeed or not, he must first deposit a deposit of ten thousand gods. This is a huge profit. Nie Yun's God Stone is not lacking, and there is no need for others to help him pay for it.

"I'm reckless!"

The man of the house was busy.

The crowd walked towards the tall buildings as they said, and soon came behind the crowd.

There were about a hundred people in front, mostly young men with sharp eyebrows, carrying long swords on their bodies.

"Almost all who can come here are kendo geniuses, and one by one already has a strong sword skills!" Wen Tao's owner laughed.

Nie Yun nodded.

Needless to say, he also saw it.

These young people, one by one, are full of vigor and vitality, and at first glance they are geniuses.

Of course, their genius just stands out among a few people. Compared with Nie Tong, the difference is too much.

"Look, Pei Yang is here!"

"Pei Yang? You said that peerless genius who grabbed a sword?"

"Yeah, he is said to have created his own set of swordsmanship at the age of three. At the age of ten, he can fight against the strongest in the middle of the kingdom with swordsmanship alone. Breaking through the imperial realm, sharp swords, and the strength of the early imperial realm allowed many strong players in the late imperial realm to resign! "

"I have also heard that this man has a good swordsmanship. It is said that he has also been passed down by a swordsman master. It is very powerful!"

"Yes, I heard that he didn't come to the Soul Tower last year? Why did he come again this time?"

"He came here and broke into the fifth tower! It was said that he was defeated by only one move at the time. He was dissatisfied with his heart and practiced for one year. This time, I'm afraid I want to hit the sixth or seventh tower!"

"Impact on the sixth tower? It's difficult. I heard that for nearly 10,000 years, no one can rush to the sixth tower, and can hit the fifth tower. The whole **** world is not more than one hand. I think this time ... …difficult!"

"Who knows, just follow up and see!"

"This is, it is very scary to be able to rush to the fifth tower. Take this opportunity to make good friends with it. Maybe it will be a great help!"


After walking behind the team for a while, everyone suddenly heard a quiet discussion.

Nie Yun looked in the direction of the discussion, and saw a young man in his thirties walking up with his sword restrained, and only occasionally shaking his eyes with sharpness.

"It really is a kendo genius!"

Nie Yun nodded secretly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although his cultivation is only a complete king, his vision is very high, especially his understanding of Kendo has reached a certain level. Although the young man in front of him is hiding well, Much stronger than the so-called "geniuses" I saw before.

However, although this man is a powerful emperor, he has not formed a unique sword world, but an unknown second-class realm. Compared with Nie Tong, it is still quite different.

"I want three runes!"

This kendo genius, Pei Yang, came to the hall in charge of the person in charge of selling the tower charms, flipped his wrists, and threw a ring of objects.

"Three enter the tower? It seems he intends to stay more than twenty days!"

Seeing that he had bought so many tower symbols, everyone secretly judged.

"This is a life-and-death contract, sign this first!" The person in charge threw a paper lazily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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