Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2282: Nie Tong's sword



Unexpectedly, it was laughed at, and Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

What he said is true!

To be honest, it was questioned, and I was drunk.

However, he was not angry and did not answer.

It's nothing in a sentence.

"Let's go!"

Ignoring the other's mockery, Nie Yun greeted him and continued to walk up the stairs.

This Yunluzi sword mark is not far from the top of the mountain. If you continue to walk up, it should not take too long. Instead of wasting here, you should move forward.

"Master ..."

Wen Tao's master froze for a moment, and couldn't help sighing.

If you have guessed before, it is now determined.

The sword art of this young master is really not very good at present. It is estimated that he is only playing with a playful heart. If not, the sword marks on the road can't be seen.

After being so ridiculed, refute not refute?


As Nie Yun was about to move forward, a shout sounded, and then the figure shook and stood in front of the three.

It's that purple weight.

Zi Zhong's palm stretched out, blocking her front, her eyes full of pride: "Apologize!"


Nie Yun frowned.

"Yes, Master Yunluzi is my idol. The sword marks left by him, you said that it was not very enlightening. This sentence alone can make you die hundreds of times! But ... I feel good today, I apologize and I will let you go. Do n’t toast without eating or drinking! "

Purple heavy cold.

"Remove your dirty hands!"

Nie Yun had not spoken yet, and Nie Tong on one side came forward.

"what did you say?"

Hearing that someone said that he had dirty hands, Zi Zhong's face sank, his gaze was murderous.


However, before he finished speaking, a sword-mang suddenly emerged, as if the sun was rising in the east, and the sun was shining, and people couldn't help narrowing their eyes.


Then came a scream. When everyone looked again, they found that Zi Zhong's arm that had blocked Nie Yun had been cut off, and the hands-on Nie Tong quietly stood in place. There was neither a sword nor a sense of sword in his hand, as if the previous events had nothing to do with him .

One sword cut off the genius purple heavy arm, the opponent did not even have a reaction time ...

What the **** happened?

There was no sound around.

Ignore the shock of the crowd. Nie Yun smiled slightly, this is his brother's temper. As long as someone dares to embarrass himself, he must be the first to take the shot and not kill him directly.

"Let's go!"

She shook her head with a smile, no longer paying attention to the cold sweaty genius Zi Zhong, Nie Yun stepped out and went up the steps.

Do not want to cause trouble, does not mean fear of things.

It's just a clown jumper. Cutting off his arm is punishment. Continue to not know what to say, don't mind killing on the spot.

Anyway, the people here have signed a life and death agreement, and no one is blamed for the death.

"Ah ... go!"

Seeing that Nie Yun, the Nie Tong brothers, and the turtle spirit had already stepped up the stairs, the owner of Wen Tao reacted, took a moment, and turned his head to look behind him.

At this moment, the crowd seemed to be shocked. In the horror of Nie Tong's beheading just now, no one reacted or stopped.

Even Pei Yang, who had the limelight before. There was no movement, but the eyebrows were slightly squinted, and they remained still.

"Too fierce!"

Seeing this, the owner of Wen Tao reacted, and couldn't help feeling.

All who can come here are geniuses. The number of means is unclear. In the face of these people, even him, he did not dare to be too pretentious and kept a low profile, and this Nie Yun and Nie Tong cut off the other's arm at once. There is no nonsense ... And, not only did it, but it scared everyone out of speech ... This boldness was so fierce that even he couldn't help being shocked.

"However, this is not good ... the first three layers of the sword spirit tower need cooperation to succeed. Such domineering will probably make everyone conflict and unwilling to form alliances. If this is the case ... the first three layers will have Very dangerous! "

While shocked and sighing, Wen Tao's owner was a little worried.

The first three layers of the sword spirit tower need to be aligned with others to pass. If they don't agree, they will cut off the opponent's arm.

Without an alliance, the first three layers are impossible to pass.

"Maybe Lord Nie Yun doesn't know about it yet, let me tell him in detail ..."

Wen Tao's owner hurried to catch up.

As soon as a few people left, the front of the sword mark immediately exploded.

"Master ..."

Zi Zhong came to Pei Yang with doubts.

For their practice, although the broken arm is nothing, but when so many people start to face, it is equivalent to a severe face, why is Master Pei Yang indifferent?

"The boy's swordsmanship is not weak!"

Seems to see his thoughts, Pei Yangdao.

"It's not weak, but it should be a lot worse than the boy!"

Purple gritted her teeth.

He has blind self-confidence in his own son and believes that in Kendo, no one is the master's opponent.

"It is a lot worse than me, but his attendant is a perfect emperor, and his status is not low. He arguing with it, and started to fight. We are the ones who suffer.

Pei Yang said.

His eyes were sharp and he saw that Nie Yun and Nie Tong could not fulfill the king's realm, but Wen Tao's homeowner could not conceal it. The real strength of the imperial realm could not be concealed.

It is definitely not easy to have a successful imperial power as a servant ... It is really not a wise choice to argue directly with such people.

"So ... let's swallow in this tone?"

Purple heavy fist squeezed.

Immediately after laughing at the other side, he was cut off his arm and faced in public. If this humiliation is not reported, the heart of the sword is unknown. How can he improve in the future?

"Swallow it? How easy is that ... after a while they don't enter the Soul Tower, once they enter ... hehe, I will make them die!"

Pei Yang's eyes were cold.

"Yes! The Sword Spirit Tower does not allow anyone beyond the middle of the imperial realm to go in ~ www.readwn.com ~ his follower has no effect ... it can isolate the idea and explore, and the life in it can not help but die, even if you find a chance to He killed ... and no one knows! "

Zi Zhong understood it.

The sword spirit tower is not accessible to everyone, and there are clear restrictions on cultivation. As long as it exceeds the middle of the imperial realm, it is not allowed to enter even if it knows nothing about kendo.

The follower of that man had already reached the perfect imperial realm, and obviously could not go in. As long as this man did not follow ... they had the opportunity to take advantage.

The two kings are just perfect. As long as the master does it, he will surely catch it and kill him!

You should know that although the young master is only a strong man in the early days of the imperial realm, with his understanding of kendo, even if the strong man in the late imperial realm can encounter a battle, even beheaded, with such strength, he can kill two successful kings and easily add Pleasant and effortless!

"Let's go up, don't let them escape!"

Pei Yang said lightly, no longer looking at the sword mark monument in front of him, standing up, Zi Zhong followed closely. (To be continued.)

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