Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2283: Enter Sword Spirit Tower (Part 1)

"The sword spirit tower is not allowed to enter the middle of the imperial realm. The first three floors can be entered as a team?"

Nie Yun looked at the owner of Wen Tao, and couldn't help asking. [Almost all the books I want to read are stable and much faster than regular stations. There are no ads in full text. Visit the latest chapter: ..

The owner of Wen Tao was afraid that he didn't know the rules of the sword spirit tower, and after catching up, he said everything he knew.


Nie Yun nodded.

I felt strange at the beginning, and after thinking about it, I came to understand that the place where the sword spirit tower practiced swordsmanship must have various assessments. People with too high strength can completely use their strength to forcibly crush and lose the significance of assessment. .

Restrictions are inevitable.

As for why the team is allowed, I'm afraid I have to go in to know.

"This Pei Yang and Zi Zhong, I have heard before, I must report, I have just offended them, I'm afraid ... I will get in trouble when I enter the sword spirit tower!" Wen Tao said, hesitating: "And ... "

"And what?"

"And ... the magic tower is not allowed to use magic weapon, that is, to enter it, you can only rely on your understanding of kendo, layer by layer, can not rely on magic, once violated, they will be killed on the spot ..."

Speaking of this, the owner of Wen Tao quietly glanced at Nie Yun.

In his opinion, the young man beheading the corpse king must have relied on many means, possibly some powerful magic weapons or even secret skills!

Magic weapons and secret skills are great outside, but when you reach the sword spirit tower, you must follow the rules in it. Without the magic weapons and secret skills, you can only complete the king's realm ... he really doesn't like it.


Knowing the other party's concerns, Nie Yun waved his hand.

Although he just completed the king's realm, but the real combat power, the perfect emperor's realm is not an opponent, and he does not rely on illegal treasures, but integrates the realm!

Therefore, even if the sword spirit tower restricts the magic skills, it should have no effect on the realm, so don't worry at all.

That Pei Yang and Zi Zhong didn't bother to trouble, and didn't care about them. Really looking for trouble, don't mind solving it.


Seeing that he didn't care, Wen Tao's homeowner knew that persuasion was useless and had to stop saying more.

Several people are fast. Not long after I came to the top of the mountain.

From the bottom of the mountain, the whole mountain is like a sharp sword, piercing the sky, and the top of the mountain, which was supposed to be the point of the sword, will be very narrow. There is not much space, only to come to find out that this is not the case at all.

In front of me is a vast, flat surface that looks like one cut. If I don't step up from the mountain, I really suspect that it is not the top of the mountain but a plain.

The flat ground is covered with all kinds of vegetation, fresh weeds ‘flower’ taste ‘mix’ in the soil, the breeze is blowing, and the aroma is blowing.

Looking up, a sword-shaped tower stood not far away. Although the prestige is much smaller than the previous Jianling Mountain, at a glance, it is sharper and has more heart-breaking power.

If you do not use swords to resolve, ordinary people may be obliterated by the power contained in it at the first glance, and die on the spot.

"Awesome sword spirit tower, even if you don't go in, just looking outside will be of great benefit to Kendo!"

Nie Yun couldn't help feeling.

Every building of this sword spirit tower is repaired according to kendo. The whole body has the charm of the sword art avenue. Even if you don't need to enter, just sitting here to observe will greatly help Xiu Wei!

It seems the people who built this tower. The understanding of Kendo is far above him!

"A lot of people are sitting here watching the tower!"

Along with the progress, I really saw many people who practiced sitting in front of the tower and seriously trying to figure out the cultivation.

These people are far away from the sword spirit tower. They can see the whole picture of the tower body. You don't need to guess and know that they are the same as what they just thought. Observe the tower body here. Comprehend Kendo.

"The sword spirit tower is very dangerous. The people who enter it are not ten alive, and they have not found the object of cooperation. Many people are unwilling to go in. This tower is indeed extraordinary. Many people who cultivate here also broke through and stayed. Many legends! "

The owner of Wen Tao explained: "The most famous is the sword demon white 'Yu' Ting, who sat here for a full ten days and ten nights, stood up and stared at the stars and swords. His understanding of kendo reached a very high level and became The famous Kendo master in the **** world! "

"There is also a sword-ridden happy man. When he came here, Xiu Wei had already passed the middle of the imperial realm and was unable to enter the sword spirit tower. He had to sit here, just like Bai 'Yu' Ting. After the Peerless Kendo, it became a blockbuster and became a famous figure in the world of God! "

"and also……"

Saying several names casually, Wen Tao said that in the eyes, he ‘showed’ a strong sense of worship.

These people he said are all extremely famous strong men in kendo. From the bottom of his heart, he also hopes that he can be as amazing as these people and understand high kendo.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

Although it is easy to say, but from the tower alone, you can understand the deep meaning of Kendo. The talent is high, and it is not comparable to ordinary people. If you want to succeed, 100 million people may not appear one.

"Master Pei Yang from our family entered the tower. Is anyone willing to come together?"

A shout sounded between the two.

Looking around, I saw that Pei Yang and that Zi Zhong had already reached the top of the mountain at this moment, looked at Nie Yun, with a playful smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Pei Yang? That sword boy Pei Yang?"

"It is him. He entered the fifth floor of the sword spirit tower last year. His understanding of kendo is extraordinary. Follow him in. There is no danger in the first three floors!"

"He actually formed a team. Good opportunity, we must seize it!"

"Come in with someone like him, and I will definitely learn a lot of" fine "deep swordsmanship. I will also go, count me as one!"

"Also count me ..."


Hearing Pei Yang's team, the people sitting in front of the tower immediately burst into anger, one by one, ‘exposed’ and ‘excited’.

Sword Spirit Tower, there is no one in the third level. Those who broke the fifth level do n’t know how many years before one appears. Many people staying here have heard of Pei Yang ’s name ~ www.readwn.com ~ at the moment After hearing that he was going to form a team, he couldn't wait to pounce directly.

The first three floors of the sword spirit tower are extremely dangerous, and the mortality rate is very high. If you find a team with a good understanding of swordsmanship, the danger will be much reduced.

"Master, what do we do when they team up?"

Seeing the many masters sitting on the ground before, heard that Pei Yang's name went one by one and joined his team, the owner of Wen Tao couldn't help but be anxious.

There are so many masters, and he has been cleaned up. Even if he is a team, he cannot find the right person.

What's the difference between bringing a group of weak people over to death?

As for joining Pei Yang's team ...

If it ’s not what I just did, I would like to think about it, but this young master Nie Tong just cut off his arm and teamed up with the other party ... It would be nice if he did n’t hurt him, how could he help each other!

"Then you ask, is there anyone willing to team with us?"

Looking at his nervousness, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

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