Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2284: Enter Sword Spirit Tower (middle)


"We Master Nie Yun are also planning to form a team. Anyone willing to join together?"

Now that Nie Yun is speaking, the owner of Wen Tao has no choice but to step forward. Please search (品 @ 书 ¥ 网) to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

He did not cover it, and the breath of the perfect imperial realm was released, with a strong coercion.

"The imperial conqueror is strong!"

"He called the young master, indicating that this man must be a talent of the big family, and he will be quite safe behind him!"

"Yes, there are many ways for the children of the big family to save their lives. Teaming with them should be good!"


After hearing the words of Wen Tao's homeowner, everyone was stunned, and then they started to discuss one by one.

With whom to enter the Sword Spirit Tower, it has to do with their lives, so they have to be careful.

"There are many ways to save the lives of big family children, but ... they all save their lives, and I haven't heard of others' lives ... Also, I heard that big family children always look down on Sanshou, and Sanshou children are with them It's hard to say if it will be thrown out as a target ... "

The discussion was not over yet, and a yin and yang voice sounded.

Looking at the sound, it was Zi Zhong who had been cut off his arm before.

At this point his broken arm was connected. When talking, he squinted his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Obviously, he wanted to destroy Nie Yun's side and recruit a team.


"It makes a lot of sense. The children of the family look down on Sanshou, and it's no secret. They can at best guarantee their lives, and they won't care about us!"

"That's right, I'll go with Master Pei Yang ... It's safer!"

"I am with Master Pei Yang ..."

"Fortunately, I didn't pass, otherwise, I don't know how to die ..."


Just seeing Wen Tao ’s successful completion of the imperial realm, he was about to move everyone, and hesitated when he heard Zi Zhong ’s words.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Zi ’s trouble, the people who originally wanted to come here to join the team turned away, and Wen Tao ’s face became a bit ugly.

Thanks to Nie Yun's favor, naturally he didn't want anything to happen, no one teamed up. How to enter the sword spirit tower?

"Nothing ... fair competition, you have to form a team, we also have to form a team, who they want to join the tower with is their freedom, you are strong, but you ca n’t force so many people to be with your young master. Come on! "

Zi Zhongpi smiled and didn't smile.

"That's right. You can't force us, what about the imperial kingdom? Your young master can't fulfill the imperial kingdom. With him, we need to protect him ... impossible!"

"We have decided to team with Master Pei Yang!"

"The sword spirit tower is extremely dangerous. We want to choose one who can protect us. This young master is really sorry ..."


Zi Zhong's words rippled like a stone thrown into a calm pond.

Those who plan to enter the tower can't help shaking their heads to see the strength of Nie Yun and Nie Tong.

When the kingdom is completed, entering the sword spirit tower is equivalent to death. Teaming up with someone of this strength ... is equivalent to a death sentence!

One is to die, the other is the strongest who broke through the fifth level last time. Do n’t think about it, and you know how to choose.


Zi Zhong's words were extremely deceptive, and the owner of Wen Tao wanted to refute but did not know how to answer.

He didn't know much about the specific strength of the young master in front of him. He really wanted to elaborate. He couldn't tell why.

"Master ..."

Anxious in my heart. Some were worried about Nie Yun's safety, and couldn't help turning his head, but found that neither this master Nie Yun nor his brother Nie Tong had the slightest tension on his face, but instead had a playful smile.

Even the attendant turtle spirit. It doesn't matter what he looks like.

It seemed that the inability to find someone to team up did not affect them in the slightest.

"Don't worry, just be willing to form a team with us, even if you don't want to, there is nothing to force!" Looking at him, Nie Yun comforted.

"It's not the case ... the first three levels of the sword spirit tower test the understanding of swordsmanship. Speed, strength, and timing are all taken into account. If you don't form a team, it's very dangerous. Sanguan ... "

Wen Tao's owner quickly explained.

"It's all right!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

Seeing that he was light and windy, the owner of Wen Tao didn't know what to say, and had to say, "If no one is in a team ... leave in danger if you can't break through, don't stand up!"

"Okay ..." Knowing that the owner of the Wen family was kind, Nie Yun nodded, trying to speak, and suddenly a tender voice sounded, "I ... join you, okay?"

I turned around and saw that a teenager, 14 or 5 years old, appeared from somewhere, and looked embarrassed.

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Come here at such a small age ... It's so bold!"

"I know, this boy is called Yongxian. He is an orphan. I don't know where to get a pantheon. He squeezed it over!"

"It seems a bit of kendo talent, but it's too young and the cultivation is too weak. Only the middle of the kingdom, who wants it ..."

"He's been waiting here for a few days, no one wants to form a team every time, and it's time to see ..."

"It is also a burden to carry, and I don't want it!"


Everyone who had originally discussed it stopped at this sentence and looked at the young man and laughed.

In the middle of the king's realm, among them, they are the worst, and taking them into the sword spirit tower ... can only be a drag.

"Haha, look, someone is going to join them. This teenager is not very old, but genius, you can't ..." Seeing this scene, Zi Zhong almost didn't laugh, his eyes were full of joy.

The opponent recruited a team, and for a long time there was not a strong one. Instead, he came up with such a thing, which was just too funny for him.

"You want to join us?"

Ignoring his glee, Nie Yun looked at the boy in front of him.

"Um ..." The boy nodded leisurely.

"The sword spirit tower is very dangerous. It may not come out if you go in, aren't you afraid?" Nie Yun continued to ask.

"Don't be afraid!" Yong Xian is not very young ~ www.readwn.com ~ but she has unusual firmness in her eyes.

Seeing this look, Nie Yun nodded secretly.

He had only seen this look on Nie Tong.

With this conviction, even if the talent is not high and the strength is not strong, the future is bound to be boundless.

"Okay, since you want to join, come with me!"

Nie Yun nodded.

"Thank you, Master ..."

Yongxian had planned to be rejected long ago, never dreaming that the other party would agree, his eyes brightened, and he bowed and saluted quickly.

"Master ..."

Unlike his excitement, Wen Tao's owner almost didn't faint when he heard the decision.

What is this Lord Nie Yun doing? Even if you can't find anyone in the team, you can't find this ... The strength is too poor, it will bring danger ... (To be continued.)

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