Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2285: Enter Sword Spirit Tower (below)


"Master, the first three floors of the sword spirit tower will be attacked a lot, one wave after another, his strength is so low, with ... will affect you!"

Can't help it anymore, Wen Tao's owner hurriedly said it.

"Your master said you are going to bring it, why are you so much nonsense?" Zi Zhong smiled and looked at Nie Yun: "This young master, since you dare to promise to take this leisure, you must have full confidence, sure Naturally, it is impossible to regret it, otherwise we would not be laughed at by so many of us ... "


The voice was not over yet, and suddenly felt hot on his face, and Zi Zhong's body was light, and he flew out in the air, piercing his head not far away, spitting blood with a big mouth, his teeth fell to the ground.


Struggling to stand up, Zi Zhong just realized that he was slap.

Thinking of the speed and strength of the slap just now, I felt a panic involuntarily in my heart, swallowed, and tried to swear, but at last I didn't say a word.

Not that he didn't want to say it, but he didn't dare! The opponent is too powerful, and it is foreseeable that if he really wanted to kill him just now, his head had already fallen to the ground and turned into a corpse.

"I don't need you to intervene in what I decide, something that no one will manage! Dare to say nonsense, don't mind beheading you now!"

Nie Yun held his hands behind his back in a calm tone.

It was just his hand just now, just a little bitch, too lazy to bother, and really regarded himself as a big man!

This purple is not as heavy as the early days of the imperial realm, and can be slapped to death.


After hearing this, Zi Zhongqi's face turned red, and almost another blood spurted out.

Before his arm was cut off, most of his face was lost. Now he fought in public, and his reputation, which was hard to earn, disappeared.

"Good breath, this is Jianling Mountain, not your family! Do whatever you want!" Pei Yang came over.

Zi Zhong is his man, and was beaten to death in public. If you don't show your face, you lose face.

Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, with a cold, murderous look: "No more nonsense, I don't mind letting the divine world lose one more reputation!"

Seeing this look, Pei Yang couldn't help but take a step back, giving birth to a panic from the bottom of his heart.

Although the opponent's tone is very bland, he can be sure. Really say that the other party will definitely shoot!

"Come into the tower!"

Nie Yun was too lazy to continue to bother. He greeted Nie Tong and the young man named Yongxian, striding toward the tower door.

With the increase in strength, his vision and eyes have also improved. This Pei Yang is genius in the eyes of others. In his opinion, it is only a self-righteous little person.

Of course, if you do n’t know what to do, you will never show mercy.


The three were fast. Before the Wen Tao master had time to stop, he came to the main entrance of the sword spirit tower, and the light flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Abominable, abominable ..."

Pei Yang's fist clucked!

The other party said those words just now, and he wanted to refute, but for some reason, he never showed courage in that look.

"Master ..."

Zi Zhong came forward.

His face was still swollen. The teeth also fell a few, and before they looked a bit chic, at this moment they were like a flower child.

"Don't worry, getting in the tower will make him pay for what it is today!"

A glance at Wen Tao's owner not far away, Pei Yang lengheng. One beckoned should walk to the sword tower in front of him.

Just now the other party has a servant who is in the imperial realm. Even if he wants to do it, he does n’t dare go too far. It is different to enter the sword spirit tower. The magic weapon and secret technique cannot be used. kill!

"But three of them. I'm afraid it won't last long without us!"

Zi Zi nodded, followed closely.

The people who had teamed with them before, saw that the two were going to the tower, and they all followed, and for a while, there were seventy or eighty people. They came to the tower together.



Upon entering the Sword Spirit Tower, a huge stele appeared before his eyes.

The handwriting is written on it, which is the rule for entering the tower. Like the previous Wentao owner said, you cannot use magic weapons and secret skills, only swordsmanship! Once wrong, it will be immediately obliterated by the prohibition in the tower.

There is a weapon stand in front of the stele, which is full of various swords, of different lengths and different styles, but the levels are all the same, the weapons of the early imperial realm.

Here, even your own sword cannot be used. You can only choose the swords provided in the tower. After the level is over, the sword will only be put back here and reused.

This is to prevent someone from forcibly breaking through the barrier with magic weapon.

Everything is restricted, and no one can cheat, and only advance on the understanding of Kendo.

After understanding the rules, Nie Yun glanced for a suitable long sword. Nie Tong and Yong Xian also chose the right one, and the three of them went forward at the same time.

After walking for a while, I saw a round table in front of my eyes.

"I've heard people say this, it seems to be called the" combat station ", there will be one every three levels, the content of each assessment is different, the first level assessment should be the speed of the sword!


Although no one has taken him into the Sword Spirit Tower these days, through inquiries, he still knows something about it.

"Sword speed?"

"Well, it is said that as long as you get on the actual combat platform, countless arrows will be fired around you. You can only survive if you stop the sword. If you stick to a fragrant time, you can pass it.

Yongxuan said: "The more people there are in a team, the better it is. They can form a circle, the people in the middle rest, and they take turns resisting the arrows they shoot, so ... the first level is for more people who form a team Is very easy to pass! "

"Oh!" Nie Yun understood.

No wonder so many people outside have to form a team, and it really has great benefits.

"But ~ www.readwn.com ~ People who form a team don't need to all come on stage. As long as the strong people in the team are sent up and stick to the time, even if others don't come on stage, they can still pass!"

Yongxian continued.

"Oh, this is the best way, it can save a lot of trouble!" Hearing this rule, Nie Yun smiled, and his body would jump to the actual combat platform first. Suddenly his shoulders sinked and a palm fell.

"Brother, the first level is simple, let me do it!"

Nie Tong laughed.

"Well, you go!" Nie Yundao.

"This young master ... it's not okay to be alone, the arrows are shot from all directions, and one can go up alone, he can't look around, it's very dangerous ..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yong Xian was startled, and hurried.

This is not shooting arrows in one direction, but in all directions. If three people go up together, they all find it difficult to resist. One person goes up ... Isn't this a joke? (To be continued.)

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