Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2287: Break


When Nie Tong came down from the actual combat platform, the three saw a dark distance, and a staircase appeared out of thin air.

"The first floor passes, and you can enter the second floor, let's go!"

Seeing the stairs, Nie Yun knew that he had passed the first pass and walked up slowly.

The stairs were not too many floors. The three walked for a while and entered another empty hall.

The first thing I saw when I stepped out of the stairs was a huge stele with a set of swords carved on it.

"Just leisure, you remember it!"

Taking a look at the swordplay above, Nie Yun knew that the reward was passed through the first layer.

This sword art is not bad for ordinary people. It has no effect on him. It is not as good as the moon-piercing sword art that he originally created in the Xieyue Supreme Realm. It is directly given to Yongxian without the need to learn.

"Thank you!"

Looking at the stone monument in a hurry, he wrote down all the content in a short time.

With his understanding of kendo, it is difficult to learn a set of swordsmanship in a short period of time, but it can be done by remembering it.

"What is the second floor, have you heard of it?"

Leaving the stele and moving on, Nie Yun turned his head to Xiang Yongxian.

"The second layer is ten metal puppets, a total of ten. Defeat these metal puppets with swordsmanship and you will pass!"

I thought for a moment.

"Metal puppet?" Nie Yun smiled: "I'll do this!"

Said to go forward first.

As soon as the voice fell, the dark scene in front of me changed, and a figure suddenly appeared.

At first glance, the figure knew that it was not human, but a special metal puppet. When someone came over, he rushed over.


The metal badger held the sword and trembled gently. The sword was released and stabbed straight at Nie Yun.

Jianmang has a special law, and he is enclosed in front and back.

"What a cunning attack!"

Others may not see the weirdness of this technique. Nie Yun only glanced at it and immediately laughed.

This second layer of metal plutonium. Directly is a trap.

The sword sculpted on that stone tablet just now is very powerful. As long as you learn it, you can't help but use it, but ... the slap in front of you is the trick to restrain the sword!

As long as you learn to use it, you will be restricted everywhere and don't jump out of the nest. Changing the sword moves will make it impossible to win!

but. How easy it is to change the sword!

The reason why a set of swordsmanship can be passed on is that after all the hard work, the understanding of kendo cannot reach a certain level, let alone change, it is good to show it completely.

"Call out all your companions. You can't stop me!"

Seeing each other's trap, Nie Yun smiled slightly. The long sword in the palm of the hand swung gently.


The trick of the metal puppet was immediately cracked by him, and at the same time, he was impacted by the power and backed up again and again.

Xun Shi's swordsmanship is esoteric to some people, and extremely simple to him. At a glance, you can see at least a dozen flaws and crack them at will.

call! call! call!

The metal puppet's attack was easily resolved by him, and a roar sounded, and then nine more similar puppets appeared around him.

Ten crickets issued swords at the same time.

"Interesting swordsmanship. It can even form a joint attack ..."

The ten magpies shot, and the swords were superimposed, which immediately increased the power several times. What made Nie Yun interesting was that the sword skill that 傀儡 was performing at this moment was actually the one carved on the stone tablet.

For the unsteady generation, just after learning the sword skill on the stele, he was cracked by the blink of an eye. I definitely have a psychological shadow on this technique, I think it is so.

But at this moment, the top ten magpies exhibited the same sword tricks, and when they were united together, the confidence he had just established would collapse, and his understanding of kendo would not go back!

I have to say that the design of this level is very exquisite. Kendo's heart is not strong and can be easily destroyed.

Even more beneficial is that, if at the moment, Shi Zhan cracks the stone stele sword tricks, he will fall into a more passive state, and eventually be killed on the spot!

On the side of the leisure, the intention of the metal puppet was also seen, his face was red and white, and cold sweat spewed on his head involuntarily.

In other words, he must have no confidence in the sword tricks that he just learned. If he fails, he will use his previous tricks. If this is the case, he must be in a passive situation and unable to return to heaven!

Fighting with people, one trick is passive, the trick is passive, there is no way out, there is only a dead end.

In addition, the top ten magpies have the same mind, and the combined fencing power is extremely powerful. Even if the top of the realm of the emperor falls into it, it will be embarrassed and difficult to escape!

How to crack such a powerful sword? What should Master Nie Yun do?

My heart was tense and I couldn't help looking.

He wanted to see how this boy named Nie Yun solved the situation in front of him and what methods he used to solve it.


Just when he was strange, Nie Yun moved, and the sword in his hand was raised slightly, and the sword was flat.

"This ... this way to empty out ... not to kill yourself?"

Seeing this move, Yong Xian's face changed, full of incredible.

Not only did Nie Yun know the tricks, but he was also familiar with them ... it was the sword trick just learned on the stone tablet.

The metal puppets used this trick together to form a combined attack. The power has accumulated to the extreme and it is impossible to crack. Colliding with the opponent with the same tricks, isn't this trying to kill?

With the same tricks and the same power, you are one person, ten opponents, and you still fight together ... How can you win?

When Yongxian felt that not only would he lose this time, but he would also be beheaded on the spot, the sword in Nie Yun's hands was raised sharply.

The original bland and even slightly mediocre sword move under him lifted up, the finishing touch changed, as if the Qianlong ascended to the sky, and like a sun breaking through the dark clouds, it instantly emits a dazzling light, making it difficult to look directly.


Jian Yin gave birth to a combined sword formed by metal cymbals, like a balloon stabbed by a needle, whimpering and breaking.

"Let me all lie down!"

One move broke the opening and closing fencing potential ~ www.readwn.com ~ The rest is much simpler. Nie Yun smiled slightly, his body moved forward, and a sword stabbed in the past.

For each sword, one cricket fell to the ground and disappeared. After ten consecutive swords, all ten metal crickets disappeared. The second layer passed!


Yongxian rubbed his eyes hard and couldn't believe it.

In the second level, the ten crickets' combo technique is infinitely powerful. It is said that a team of thirty or forty people must be easily broken down and then killed one by one!

But the boy in front of him only used one sword ... to break the sword, this ... is it true?

Especially the sword move just now, what happened?

"The second floor passed. Go on!"

Not knowing his strangeness and doubts, Nie Yun beheaded and killed all the ten aunts and came over with a smile. (To be continued.)

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