Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2288: Layer 3


"The sword technique just now ..." Yong Xian was puzzled. http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d

The opponent's sword trick was too clever, he could not understand, but wanted to know, his heart was itching.

"My brother broke the sword with a sword that combines the stone carving and the first metal puppet. The sword skill created separately, a single trick is flat, with a flaw, and the combination of the two can exert the power beyond imagination. ! "

Seeing that he didn't understand, Nie Tong explained.

Just now Nie Yun's sword was suddenly picked, not original. It was the first trick that Xun shot at him. This was combined with the sword-sculpted swordsmanship. The power of the sword suddenly increased several times. Trend.

"this is okay too……"

Blinky eyes blink, sweaty palms.

Before, like everyone else, he felt that these two teenagers were children of a large family, and they did n’t have any real ability. After seeing this, they understood that their understanding of Kendo had reached a level of tremor. All the geniuses he had seen before and One is no different from a countryman who doesn't understand anything.

The sword was dead in his hands, it was a weapon, but he lived in the other's hands, just like his own hands ... not seen with his own eyes, I can't believe it, there is such a sword in the world! So genius!

"The third level is the most dangerous. It has a space array method, and there will be countless falcon beasts attacking. The main test is the endurance of the passersby. The endurance is not enough. The 800-mile channel cannot reach the end and can only die in it!"

Through the second level, Yongxian spoke out the third level that he knew.

"Eight hundred miles?"

"Well, I heard that there is only one way to go on the third floor. There are 800 miles. The road is full of falcon beasts. You can only go forward by killing a blood path. There is a great test of human endurance. Not too far away will be exhausted! "


"So it is!" Nie Yun nodded.

The first level assesses the control and grasp of the sword, the second level assesses the flexible use of swordsmanship, and the third level assesses endurance. It seems that the content of each level of assessment is different.

Ascending the stairs on the third floor, as before, a stone monument appeared at the entrance of the stairs, with a set of swordsmanship carved on it.

Nie Yun did not learn this set of swordsmanship, just glanced at and continued to move forward.

Bypassing the stele, I really saw a long passage appearing in front of me.

The channel can't see the end at a glance, I don't know how far. Spread into the darkness.

"Two young masters, because the third floor is a protracted battle. I can't wait to take a break here, and adjust my state to action, otherwise, once I set foot on the aisle, unless I go to the end, there is no possibility of rest!"

Seeing that Nie Yun was going directly to the aisle, he stopped in a hurry.

Others rushed across the first two floors, panting, leaving a little bit of overall strength. These two are good, just like people who are fine, but even so, you have to take a break and walk. Do you think the 800-mile road is so easy to pass?

The test is endurance, energy is consumed. No matter how much you know about Kendo, it's useless!

"No rest, no need!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

The first floor was from Nie Tongchuang. On the second floor, he didn't spend energy. Now he is full and has almost no consumption. Besides ... with the world of holding things and the vitality of Dantian, his physical strength can be said to be endless, let alone eight hundred miles, eight thousand miles should have little effect on him.

"Let's go!"

Nie Tong also smiled at the slackness and nervousness.

"No need to rest ..."

Yong Xian looked suspiciously at the two brothers.

These two guys have high swordsmanship ... and they don't have endurance and are very strong. Is there such a freak in the world without any disadvantages?

"No!" Nie Tong nodded, trying to keep talking. I heard a rush of footsteps coming.

The three turned their heads at the same time, and saw a group of people come over from behind the stele.

It is Pei Yang, Zi Zhong and others!

They also came in after Nie Yun and others entered the sword spirit tower. Like them, they also passed the first two levels and came to the third level.

However, compared with those of Nie Yun and others, they seem extremely embarrassed.

Before they formed a team of 60 or 70 people, there were less than ten, and all of them had injuries. Even Pei Yang and Zi Zhong were not spared. The clothes were broken in several places, although they were not affected. Injury, but the breath has obviously waned a lot.

It seems that the first two layers have caused great difficulties to them, and the casualties are also very heavy.

"You actually rushed to the third floor ... It was unexpected to me!"

Seeing the three of Nie Yun, Pei Yang and others were also apparently surprised.

They didn't see it on the road before, thinking that these three people were shot and killed by arrows on the first floor, never dreaming that they had reached the third floor.

"Look, they don't seem to be hurt ..."

"It wasn't really hurt. How could that be ...?"

"In the first two levels, we formed a team of seventy-eight people. Only nine were dead. The three of them were just king strength. How could it be unharmed?"

"Did they follow a different path from us? No, never heard of this happening?"


Looking at the appearance of the three of Nie Yun, everyone behind Pei Yang couldn't help but be surprised.

The first two floors were terrible. They knew it personally. There were only ninety-eight people here, almost all of them were wiped out.

Such a terrible level, according to normal principles, three guys who have not even reached the imperial realm walk into it, and it is unlikely that they will be alive. Why ... the other party is not only alive, it looks like the clothes are not stained?

It's ... unlikely!

Could it be that they did not encounter any danger in the first two floors? Just walked directly?

Should not!

The evaluation of the sword spirit tower is formed by the formation method. No matter how many people pass through the level, they are exactly the same. They have never heard of special and alternative ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone ’s discussions, so that Pei Yang and Zi Zhong also found out. With this in mind, he looked at the three of Nie Yun in doubt.

They have come to this place with so many high-level teams, so the three of them need to have no strength, no talent, no talent ... How can they be faster than them, and not fart?

"How did you ... come to this floor? Didn't you experience arrow rain and golden body?"

Pei Yang could not help asking.

In his opinion, the only explanation was that they had not experienced these dangers. Otherwise, how could there be only three people who could not be prevented from being injured!

"Experienced! Master Nie Tong broke through the first floor alone, Master Nie Yun broke through the second floor ..."

Seeing the skeptical eyes of everyone, Yongxuan was a little upset and explained.

"One person passes the first floor? One person passes the second floor?"

After hearing this, Pei Yang sneered, and then sneered, "What a joke! This joke is not good at all!" (To be continued.)

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