Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2290: Sword mark

"Yongxian hasn't even pulled out his sword ..."

"Draw a sword! The Master Nie Tong in front has such a bad swordsmanship, I'm afraid he won't even have the chance to pull a sword this way!"

"It looks like he did the first two levels ..."

"At first, this Master Nie Yun recruited people. I didn't want to go yet ... I only know now that it is a frog at the bottom of the well ..."

"Thinking that you've taken advantage, but you've actually suffered a big loss, thinking you're a smart person, but you're actually a fool!"


Pei Yang saw the superiority of Nie Tong's swordsmanship. Others were not stupid and understood it. Looking at Xiang Yongxian again was full of envy.

They used to think that mediocre teaming with these two people was simply death-seeking behavior, but now they understand ... how wise his move was.

They died for nine lives, and rushed to the third floor at any time. They did not even pull their swords, they wandered all the way behind, they also reached the same place, and even went further ...

Only then did I understand why the two teenagers were not angry at themselves and others who did not join his team. It turned out that ... they did not care if they waited to join or not.

You can crush with your own strength, why should you find some who are holding back?

It's a pity that they had the opportunity to pass the first three floors, or even higher, and wasted by them ...


Regardless of the regrets of Pei Yang and everyone behind him, the three of Nie Yun walked on the aisle and moved forward slowly.

Although the number of falcon beasts is great, Nie Yun can't break through Nie Tong's defense anyway, and Nie Yun is too lazy to talk about leisurely while moving forward.

As for leisure, it's numb at this moment.

Horrible falcon beast in others' eyes. In Nie Tong's hands, it's like Chinese cabbage growing on the ground, as long as the sword is out. There must be death.

Yongxian originally thought that such a high-density beheading of the falcon beast, even if this master Nie Tong was extremely talented and strong, it was good to stick to one incense and two pillar incense, but ... after an hour, he Knowing you were wrong.

For a consecutive hour of high-intensity shots, the teenager walking forward didn't change his face, let alone a sweat on his head. It seems ... this high-intensity shot has nothing to do with him.

After two hours, the boy still maintained the same speed and the same moves ... three hours ... four hours ...

At the fifth hour, the falcon beast had already been killed by the juvenile.

Knowing this moment, I just knew that the falcon beast that was smelling discolored sometimes had fear. Also know panic.

The falcon beast fled, and the rest of the journey was much simpler. In less than a joss stick time, almost half of the rest of the journey passed under his feet and reached the end of the third floor.

Seeing the stairs appear in front of him, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

I'm afraid he has been the easiest to pass the first three levels since the establishment of the Soul Tower.

Others are constantly fighting. Nine dead came here. And he ... just followed for a while and arrived ...

No one believed it.

Go down the stairs to the end. I saw a stele again.

The stone tablet also depicts sword strokes.

Compared with the previous two levels, this sword move has a qualitative leap. Nie Yun glanced and could not help nodding.

Although its usefulness to him is still not great, those who are of this strength learn that their strength can at least double.

"Hurry up and remember, this opportunity can be insurmountable!"

Nie Yun explained that he didn't rush forward and waited in situ.

"Two adults, I'm inferior ... I won't be back!"

Remember Jianzhao, look at Nie Yun, sincerely.

His strength is limited and his understanding of Kendo is average. It is also a burden to keep up with it.

To be honest, he had never thought of being here before, and he was already content to the third floor.

"What is the fourth floor? Have you heard of it?"

Nie Yun asked, without answering him.

Yong Shao shook his head: "The third layer can be used to advance in teams, and the levels are not a secret. You can know it at will, but on the fourth layer, the team can no longer be used. Are geniuses among geniuses ... I don't know each other, so I don't know what is on this level ... "

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

The first three levels of assessment of the understanding of swordsmanship are not important for many people and team formation is harmless. The content of the later assessment is different, it is not appropriate to continue to do so.

Since it is impossible to form a team, the people who pass the assessment will naturally not say more. What is the fourth level, and not many people know.

"You learn this set of swordsmanship well, try the following, but you wo n’t be able to say that the first three levels are very dangerous. If you do n’t do well, you will die. It must have died long ago! You can't make it through, and it's not too late to go back! "

Nie Yundao.

Although the first three levels can be teamed up, there are many crises and deaths are very common. The fourth level is not so dangerous.

Many can't make it, and you can go back and continue the sprint next time.

"Yes!" Yong Xian also understood and nodded.

Without danger, he will definitely have to go through ~ www.readwn.com ~ After all, next time you come here, you may not have such good luck!

If you can't meet the two masters in front of you, whether you can pass the first three levels is a problem.

"Nie Tong, let's go in!"

Yongxian couldn't keep up with the two of them, Nie Yun was not waiting, greeted Nie Tong, and went forward.

After walking around the stele, his sight suddenly opened, and a sword mark appeared in front of him.

"Through the sword marks, push out a set of swordsmanship, and defeat swordsman with swordsmanship, you can pass!"

Such a sentence is carved on the stone tablet where the sword marks are located.

Nie Yun and Nie Tong looked at the sword marks at the same time.

The sword mark on this stone monument is completely different from the Yunluzi sword mark encountered on the mountain road. With a deeper flavor, if you look closely, an unspeakable breath rushes across the road.

"So deep Kendo!"

Nie Yun looked for a moment.

Although he has seen the sword marks left by Emperor Lu Xi, he has not underestimated the people in the world. The strong man who left this sword mark has an understanding of Kendo that definitely exceeds him.

The mind was immersed in the sword marks, and a avenue slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

"The understanding of Dadao among the sword marks tends to be sharp. According to this method of creating swords, it should be ..."

One by one, each sword moves in the heart, Nie Yun becomes clearer and clearer.

At the time of Heaven and Earth, he could create a sword of mercy, and his understanding of swordsmanship is conceivable. Now, with more and more knowledge and strength, it is simpler to create a sword.


After deduction, Nie Yun stopped and turned to look at Nie Tong.

"Brother, I have created a swordsmanship. Let's take a step!"

He heard a chuckle, and his brother's thin body strode forward. (To be continued.)

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