Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2291: Layer 8

"This kid!"

Seeing his brother walking away, Nie Yun shook his head and walked forward.

Creating a sword with a sword mark sounds very difficult. To him, it was nothing. After taking a few steps, it turned out that Nie Tong had lost his trace and it was clear that he had passed.

I grabbed the sword in my hand and shook it gently. A snowflake appeared in the air, followed by two or three ... A few breaths of effort turned into thousands of pieces, and the newly emerged cricket had not had time to rush forward. Entangled by snowflakes, her body was torn up and down and disappeared before her eyes.


I was killed and the stairs appeared again.

Nie Yun raised his foot and went up.


Hum! Hum! Hum!

Not far from the sword spirit tower, on a flat stone platform, the lights kept flashing.

The light shone, and a corpse appeared.

It was the person who died before breaking through the first three levels.

The Soul Tower will not house these bodies. Once they lose their breath, they will be transferred out by the formation method in a short time, and placed here so that relatives and friends of the passersby can also take away the bodies, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Luck ..."

"Zhang Ying ..."

"I told you not to go, you have to go, this is all right ..."

"Our strength is not enough to enter the sword spirit tower. You have to break through. This time, all right, the dead lights go out, nothing ..."

"Master, when you come here, the master Qianding Dingwan told him not to go in, I advise you not to listen, how to explain next time ..."


Watching the corpses constantly appearing, Shitai's screams came one after another.

Just now when teaming up with Pei Yang, only 78 of the 78 people died. A large number of these people had relatives and friends outside. When they saw their bodies appeared, they knew the result and cried sadly.

"Master Nie Yun ..."

Among the crowd watching in front of Shitai, a middle-aged man stared at the light without blinking, his fist clenched involuntarily.

Wen Tao owner!

Nie Yun and Nie Tong entered the sword spirit tower. He didn't want to see their bodies here, but he also knew that the first three stages could kill so many people, and these three people who had no experience went in. The danger is so unimaginable.

"The two who should have stopped them just now ... the sword tower is so dangerous, no team ... I'm afraid it's already a lot of evil!"

Seeing more and more corpses, I couldn't help feeling sad and kept shaking my head.

When these corpses were alive. He's seen it, they are all mid-level imperial powers! Such strong men entered the tower and turned into corpses. Only Nie Yun and others who fulfilled the king's realm did not report much hope at all.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help secretly regretting it. If I had held them both before, I wouldn't have to worry so much.

"I thought this Pei Yang went to the fifth floor last time and was able to protect everyone. I didn't expect so many deaths ..."

"Yeah, I heard it was him just now. I almost followed him. It seems that his swordsmanship is certainly not good, otherwise, not many people will die!"

"I'm afraid he didn't take our lives seriously!"

"You shouldn't believe him ..."


Seeing more and more corpses, the voice of discussion is getting louder.

The reason why everyone accepted Pei Yang's team is because he broke into the fifth level!

This record, from the outsiders' perspective, can protect their thoroughness, now it seems. It's all fake!

If it had been known that there was such a large mortality behind him, no one would be willing to pass.

"Well, that's wrong. I just went in with the young master. Why didn't you see it?"

"Not only did he not see him, the bodies of the two masters did not seem to have been seen!"

"Does it mean that they are not dead yet and are continuing to break through?"

"Without a corpse, it must have been dead, but ... none of the three of them have reached the imperial realm. How could it be so far?"


No one in the crowd shouted. Everyone couldn't help it.

In their opinion, Yongxian and the two young masters who were not in the imperial realm entered the team. It should not take long for them to be killed by the formation method. The corpse appeared here, but ... however, no corpse was seen ?

Could it be ... they are not dead?

This is impossible!

So many imperial powerhouses can't hold on and become corpses. Three of them who are not in the imperial realm can continue to break through the barrier?

"Look, the tower on the fourth floor is lit!"

Just when everyone was weird, someone pointed up.

The fourth floor of the Soul Tower lights up, representing someone ascending to this floor.

"Really ... is it Master Pei Yang? He rushed to the fourth floor again?"

"Sure it is, except for him, I can't think of anyone else who can come here!"

"Fast, the fifth floor is also on. It seems it must be Master Pei Yang!"

"He crossed the fourth floor before and knew what the level had been tested for. He had been prepared to have such a fast speed!"

"Break through to the fifth floor last year. After a year of hardening, it must be even more powerful. I just don't know how many layers I can break into this time ..."

"I think it's at least six floors ..."


Seeing the fourth floor of the Soul Tower light up, everyone's attention was diverted.

He reached the fifth floor so quickly. In the eyes of everyone, Master Pei Yang must have done it, and only he had such a powerful talent.

Sixth floor!

Seventh floor!

Eighth floor!

Every half hour, the light flashed, and within two hours, the eighth floor was already on.

"Great ..."

"Break through to the eighth floor ... since the sword tower was opened, it seems like it has never been before!"

"I've never heard of it anyway ... it's Pei Yang, the sword boy. This talent is too great. If it doesn't fall, it will definitely be famous in the future!"

"When he comes out, he needs to make a good deal with him. The sword tower has a total of nine floors, and reaches the eighth floor ... It may even impact the ninth floor ... This talent alone is worth making!"


Seeing the eighth floor light up, everyone was going crazy.

Since the establishment of the Soul Tower ~ www.readwn.com ~, no one has ever reached such a high level. A total of nine-story pagodas have reached the eighth floor, indicating that there is only one step from the peak of the distance.

Whether you can step out or not, I am afraid that this young man named Pei Yang can be recorded in history and admired by millions.

"Hurry up and wait for someone in front of the tower. I guess he will be out soon. We must find a way to associate with him ..."

I don't know who murmured, many people just came to understand and ran to the tower.

Dead corpses that fail to break through the tower will be teleported to this stone platform, while those who are alive will be teleported to the tower.

This Pei Yang broke into the eighth floor in such a short time, extinct ancient and modern, such a genius, seeing himself when he appears, it is easy to leave a good impression. Once he becomes a friend, he will be greatly strengthened in the future and his name will change. Can also rely on.

Knowing this, everyone came to the tower and looked at it eagerly, hoping to give him the first encounter with Pei Yang and be favored. (To be continued.)

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