Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2328: Compensation

Seeing the appearance of the two, the high priest's face sank immediately.

"This guy came with me to get in trouble with me just now. I accidentally patted it and it turned into this! I don't know it is your housekeeper, I'm really sorry!" Nie Yun fell to the ground, and Nie Yun gently Smile.

"Did you do it?" I thought it was the second sacrifice shot. When I heard this, the high priest immediately understood that the young man had done it, and his eyes narrowed suddenly: "You are so brave, do you really think I dare not kill you? ? "

A strong breath rushed into the clouds, and the high priest boiled up and down, and it seemed that he would start directly at any time.

"Kill me? You can do it, and you will surely kill me, but ... this Lu Meng, Lu Bo, and the doctor you just found, I'm afraid I can never live again!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly and ignored the threat of the other party.

The high priest looked ugly and felt his lungs explode.

He knew the other party was right.

Even Lu Changyixian was poisoned. This poison could not be solved with the power of their sword spirit valley. If they really killed the outsider, they would surely die.

It is okay to die Lu Meng. The key is Lu Bo and several other elders.

In the Presbyterian regiment, these people are very supportive of him. Once these people die, the whole situation will change as a result. It is difficult to say whether the position of his high priest can be maintained.

"I seem to belittle you, let's say, what do you want to do?"

Holding back his anger, the high priest looked at Nie Yun.

"Simple, 200,000 jinjianmi, change this Lu Meng's life!" Nie Yun said lightly.

The high priest jumped with blue muscles and stared at him.

Although he is a high priest, it is impossible for him to master too much Jianmi. Last time, Lu Tao bet he had lost 100,000 catties. This time he actually said 200,000 ... it is almost the same as grabbing.

"Presumptuous, 200,000 jinjianmi, I'm afraid you have the ability to do it, but not the ability to take it!"

A guard shouted loudly.

But the scolding ended. The guard turned dark, blood spewed out, and lay on the ground, jerking.

Just said one sentence. It was poisoned, when it was poisoned, and when it was poisoned, no one saw it!

"Is the high priest's subordinates so unruly? Are they treating the guests up and down?"

Nie Yundao.


The high priest trembled.

When his face poisoned his people to the ground, he was regarded as a public face. But he couldn't do anything.

The other side's poison was so severe that even Lu Changyixian was lying on the ground, even if he felt weak for a while.

"By the way, there is something else that may bother the high priest. Several elders from Lu Bo had troubled me just now and got poisoned. At this moment, you are lying in the second sacrifice house. You inform their family, everyone also Bring 200,000 jin Jianmi, or else. Just wait to take the body back! "

He waved his hand, no more to say, Nie Yun greeted the second sacrifice, turned around and flew out.

The goal has been achieved, and what should be said, there is no need to stay here.


Seeing him leave and turning a blind eye to himself, the high priest was about to explode!

An outsider who has never looked down on him, he can't help but think of it.

"Grandpa. This kid is so abominable, why not kill him directly?"

Nie Yun left and a figure came out from behind the door. It was Lu Xuan, who was called the Super Genius of Sword Spirit Valley.

He saw the scene just now. It just didn't come out.

"Hum, can I do this now?"

The high priest gritted his teeth.

Now this situation is really going to work, even if the teenager can kill, Lu Meng and others will surely die!

"What then? Could we really send him Jianmi over?"

"Jianmi can only be sent over. Let him rescue ..." the high priest hummed.


"No, but you can rest assured, I will let him have the ability to take it, not the ability to go out!" The high priest flashed in his eyes, as if he had made a certain decision.


Hearing the words of the high priest, Lu Xuan knew that his grandfather had finalized the case, so he would not say more.

"Also, please prepare. I will use the power of sacrifice to forcibly promote your cultivation and strive to make you reach the imperial kingdom before the Inner Valley opens!" The high priest continued.

"Thank you Grandpa!"

Lu Xuan's eyes brightened, and he quickly fisted in excitement.


Back to the second sacrifice house, less than half a day, the high priest's house, including Lu Bo and other elders, sent Jianmi over.

Five men and one million jins of rice were piled up like a mountain, and the volley sent out a sword.

Seeing things delivered, Nie Yun was too lazy to toss each other, and he detoxified Lu Bo and others.

In fact, what is in them is not poison, but the spirit of the master Dan Tian. There is nothing in him that can enter other people's bodies, even if the imperial realm is complete, it cannot bear it.

As for the Lu Chang Medical Immortal and several guards, the master Dan Tian's qi is colorless and tasteless, just like a breeze, and sent to the other person by means of the fusion realm, which can not be found at all.

"Although I have obtained a lot of Jianmi, but this way, it is equivalent to completely offending the high priest. I am afraid that when Uchiya, they will be against you!"

In the living room, Lu Yunzi frowned and looked at Nie Yun.

Although it seemed that the high priest had suffered a great loss this time, and he did not dare to treat him, it was actually a disaster.

Provoked the high priest so much, he certainly did not hesitate to deal with Nie Yun.

It is not too much for him to help the other side here. Once in the inner valley, I am afraid that any means can be used.

"If you don't, do you think the high priest will let me go?"

Nie Yun didn't care, looked over with a smile.

Lu Yunzi hesitated and finally shook his head.

He's right, even if you don't ask the other person for Jianmi, you can't let it go if you don't figure it out.

The high priest is inherently loathing to outsiders, and it is impossible for them to have the chance to inherit it.

"Anyway, be careful. Uchiya is different here. Although the high priest can't go in, there are still many ways. I'm afraid he will just send in the sword attendant regardless of it ... That would be troublesome!"

Lu Yunzi rubbed his eyebrows.

"Thanks a lot ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will be careful!"

Hearing the swordsman, the smile on Nie Yun's face collapsed, revealing a dignified color.

According to his introduction, the swordsmen were the puppets left by Emperor Lu Xi, each of whom possessed the strength to steal the world of life. Although he is not weak now, he also knows that he is not an opponent of such people.

Once encountered, you can only escape.

"Well then, I won't delay you. Prepare well. Uchigaya will open soon. I don't have enough spirits. I'm afraid it won't be recognized. I don't get enough sharpening stones. ! "

Seeing the boy promised, Lu Yunzi stopped saying more and stood up and went out.


Nie Yun nodded, thinking about speaking, and then suddenly expressed his joy: "Nie Tong, have you finished cultivation so soon?"


The next moment, disappeared from the place and entered the world of things. (To be continued.)

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