Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2329: Nie Tong breaks through again


In the world of receiving things, Nie Tong stood on a high mountain, with a sword-shaped body and a strong breath that twisted the whole world and seemed to collapse at any time.

"Nie Tong, have you completely refined that corpse?"

The light flashed, and Nie Yun appeared in front of him, looking at it with joy.

It took more than a day to enter the world of objects from Nie Tong, but in such a short time, his temperament has made a qualitative leap and change.

The previous sword world has just broken through, and it is still a bit unstable. At this moment, it has completely stabilized, with a pure sword intention and full of spirituality.

"I didn't expect Jianmi to cooperate with Shidan so quickly, I have successfully refined it!"

Nie Tong nodded with a smile on his face.


Nie Yun took a closer look at his brother, showing a look of astonishment: "You have reached the peak of the imperial realm? You have reached the peak of the imperial realm? So fast ..."

When Nie Tong entered the world of things, but in the early days of the imperial realm, it took only one day to reach the peak of the imperial realm. Even if the corpse was refined, it would be too fast!

"Sure enough, I can't hide my brother!" Nie Tong smiled and shook his head.

He will suppress the repair, the sword energy all converges in his body, he should not be able to see it without fighting. He did not expect his brother to see it at a glance. It seems that it is impossible to hide the master of this world in the world of things !!

"The sword in Jianmi is pure and natural, it can help the corpse to melt, so progress is fast ..." Nie Tong explained.

Then Nie Yun came to understand.

Jianmi absorbs the formation of free sword in the air and is suitable for people who practice kendo. Nie Tong is a genius in kendo, and has experienced life and death. Jianmi has been tempered. Within the peak of the imperial realm!

"It has reached its peak, let me try your cultivation!"

Knowing that his brother's strength has soared, Nie Yun's heart was full of relief. Laughed.

"it is good!"

Nie Tong also wanted to try it, and didn't say much at the moment. He rolled his sword and stabbed it.

Zizi Zizi!

Strength soared, and the strength of the sword really made a qualitative leap. Under the impact of powerful forces, a fissure appeared in the world of things, and it seemed to be penetrated into the void at any time and jumped out from here.


Feeling the power of this sword, Nie Yun knew that if he did not use his full strength, he was not an opponent at all. At the moment, his face was dignified, he also grabbed a long sword in the volley, and pierced it.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

In the blink of an eye, the two swords collided hundreds of times in the air, and each time, Nie Yun felt a strong force transmitted from the sword body, and kept back.

Nie Tong broke through to the peak of the imperial realm, and not only increased his power a lot, but also his sword tricks became more subtle. Only a few tricks, he felt very strenuous. The strength is a bit out of place.

"So strong!"

Light shines in Nie Yun's eyes.

The stronger his brother is, the happier he is. Obviously, Nie Tong, whose strength has soared, cannot be defeated even if he exhausts his best efforts.


Seeing Jianmang in front of him could never dodge again, Nie Yun's body flickered and disappeared from the place.

In the world of things, he is the only controller. As long as Nie Tong does not have the ability to instantly destroy the world, it is impossible to kill him. When in danger, you can teleport away or turn away to escape.

"No need to fight, brother is not your opponent now!"

Avoid the sharp swordman. Nie Yun quickly waved his hand.

His brother was promoted to the peak of the imperial realm, and even if he did everything he could, he would be difficult to compete.

"My brother let me! If you use the exquisite pearl tower, as long as you attack, I definitely can't stop it! Besides, my brother just completed the royal kingdom and hasn't made a breakthrough. Once I have reached the royal kingdom, I will definitely not beat!

Nie Tong drew his sword and laughed.

"The exquisite pearl tower is not its own strength anyway. As for the breakthrough ... my requirements are too high, and I do not know how long it will be successful!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

The perfect realm is just a legend. Even Shennong, Lu Xi, and others have never seen him. He doesn't know if he can succeed!

However, whether you can succeed or not, since you have chosen this path, you will have to go on, and you will never be able to step back!

Otherwise, they will have a great blow to their confidence. Even if they borrow the other avenues to impact the emperor, I am afraid it will be difficult to do so.

Cultivation to a certain level, Taoism is very important, and confidence is lost, everything will become illusory, such as the moon in the mirror, a illusory scene.

"Brother will succeed!" Nie Tongdao.

His tone was full of self-confidence, more than his own breakthrough.

The elder brother is omnipotent in his heart. He has always come from the Qihai continent and has always followed the elder brother as an example. He is not proud and impatient, and never discouraged.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded, smiled, and grabbed again, a drop of golden blood appeared on the palm of the hand: "This is what I got in Jianchi before. Good guess, it should be the blood of Emperor Lu Xi, you See if you can refine and make Xiuwei a breakthrough! "

The blood of the emperor is extremely precious, especially the things left by the top powerful men of ancient times, such as Lu Xi, which is definitely a treasure that cannot be found.

Even if Nie Yun refines himself, there are great benefits. However, he has to condense the perfect realm, which is a bit wasteful to use compared with Nie Tong of pure kendo!

Used by his brother, he can better expand the sword realm, make his power more pure, and reach a higher realm as soon as possible.

"The blood of Emperor Lu Xi?"

Nie Tong took the blood in doubt, only looked for a while, his eyes couldn't help flashing: "It really is the blood of the Emperor Kendo ..."

Others may not be sure yet. As a heir to Kendo, he has a complete sword world and can clearly feel the power contained in this drop of blood.

No doubt, it was definitely left by Emperor Lu Xi.

"If this thing is refined, I can easily break through the imperial realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ and even reach a higher level of repair, but ... Now that I have just broken through, the strength has not been completely consolidated, and I will wait until the cultivation is consolidated More effective! "

Although he knew that refining would make his strength break through again, Nie Tong hesitated and let his blood down.

His cultivation has just broken through, and he has not reached a complete consolidation. He is forcibly making a breakthrough. For future advancements, there is no benefit but only disadvantages.

"Well, it's my fault! I'll take it for you first, and give it to you when you need it!"

Hearing his brother's words, Nie Yun secretly exclaimed shame.

Just wanting to land Greek Emperor's blood is huge, forgetting that his brother just broke through.

Cultivation is like building a house. A quick breakthrough if you don't give enough time to consolidate will make the foundation empty, and the more you go upward, the more dangerous it will only hurt yourself.

"Brother, I want to use your time to accelerate the consolidation of practice, sharpen sword skills, I don't know if it works ..."

Seeing that he had taken the golden blood, Nie Tong looked at it with a smile and looked forward. (To be continued.)

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