Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2332: mural

The body, like the ape, moves forward quickly with the elasticity of the branches, while moving forward, the spiritual power is quietly released, and scans the inch-by-inch land underneath.

Although he has never seen Mo Jianshi, he knows that there must be a strong sword in it. As long as he looks carefully, it should not be difficult to find.

Flying forward non-stop, and soon half a day passed.

"No ... Neigu stayed for three days. It's been half a day, and nothing was found. It shouldn't be ..."

Stopping, Nie Yun frowned.

For half a day, he hadn't seen a single whetstone, nor had he seen other trialers.

Even if his soul is suppressed, it can spread for tens of kilometers, and he has been walking for tens of thousands of kilometers for a long time. He has not seen anything, which has to be strange.

Could it be that this sword is really so hard to find?

"It must not be so blindly searched. What is the end of this search? If you can't find a piece for half a day, even if you are lucky in three days, it's only six or seven, which is better than others!

Realizing this, Nie Yun did not continue, but stopped and thought.

When he came, the second sacrifice described the scene of Uchiya in detail. Although most of the people who entered it had forgotten about it, some of them could be known.

At least how many whetstones they got, they could remember clearly.

Regardless of others, when the second sacrifice entered here, we got a whole 31 yuan!

He could get more than thirty yuan. He walked for a long time and found none of them. His confidence in him had to be a blow.

"Whet the sword stone. Inner Valley of the Sword Spirit Valley, Emperor Lu Xi ... It should be related to Kendo!"

Think about it for a while. His eyes brightened.

Come here, since it is looking for the sword. If you understand the higher meaning of swordsmanship, it is naturally related to kendo. It is definitely not right to aimlessly.

"Try it!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun stood on the spot, flipped his wrist, and a drop of golden blood appeared on the palm of his hand. At the same time, he took out a sword and stroked it gently in the air.

The avenue flows slowly. Like a long sword rushing away with the same handle, even if you observe it carefully, it is difficult to detect the trace.

Sword Art Avenue!

Originally, according to his strength and understanding of Kendo, it was impossible to summon a complete Kendo, but with the blood of Emperor Lu Xi, the effect was different.

Emperor Lu Xi not only fully understood Kendo, but even surpassed it. With the understanding of Kendo in the blood that he left behind, he could bring the complete Kendo together.


The kendo flowed slowly, slowly rotating in the air, and finally the sword pointed at a position.

"Sure enough!"

See Kendo moving. Nie Yun's eyes lighted, his body stretched, and he darted out in the direction pointed by the sword tip.


Not far away. A loud bell rang and jumped up to the treetop. Looking along the source of the sound, I really saw a huge building appear in the field of vision.

"This building is definitely new. I haven't seen it before ..."

He had just seen everything around him just now, and he definitely didn't see the building, but suddenly appeared at this moment, I am afraid it was related to making the kendo river by himself.

The speed is fast, and soon comes to the building.

It is a magnificent hall, and I do not know what it was built with, revealing the ancient atmosphere.

Nie Yunyi was bold and walked in.

A scent of incense was inserted in front of the hall, and the smoke slowly flew upwards, with a slight smell.

Pushing the door into the main hall, the entrance is not a wide hall, but a long corridor with special patterns engraved on both sides.

These patterns include gods and beasts, as well as mountains and rivers. They are intriguing, so people don't know what they are doing.

"Strange ..." Nie Yun was full of doubts.

Suddenly there was a hall full of murals ... what the **** is going on?

Strange in my heart, I didn't rest on my hand, rolled my wrist, and shot a sword.

Since this hall was attracted by the river of Kendo, the use of swordsmanship will certainly cause change and let him know what is going on.


The long sword volleyed, and the sword whistled. Sure enough, the gallery often responded. A huge stone monument fell out of the air and stood in front of it.

"Mianjian Stone is at the end of the hall, and Yixiang Incense time has come to an end. If you get Mojian Stone, it is a success. If you do n’t get it, you will lose your chance. You wo n’t be able to get this sword mark stone!

There is a line inscribed on the stele.

"Whetstone is at the end? That's it!"

Looking clearly at the words written on the stone monument, Nie Yun was relieved, and turned to glance at the sandalwood burning at the door. At the moment, a small part of the breeze outside the hall had been burned.

It seems necessary to speed up.

Taking a deep breath, strode towards the interior of the hall.

woo woo woo woo!

As soon as I stepped in, the murals on both sides of the corridor seemed to be alive. Numerous gods and beasts flew over, and the mountains that I saw before also ran across in front of them. The streams flowing like a river blocked the way.


The mural suddenly turned into this appearance, and Nie Yun took a moment to hold back a little strangely.

Could it be trapped in a fantasy?

"No, not a fantasy!"

Refined the illusionary beads ~ www.readwn.com ~ He has a superhuman understanding of illusions, only one glance shows that this is not a illusion, but a powerful idea.

"It's a set of swordsmanship!"

Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, his eyes narrowed and he stared at the countless heads of beasts and rolling mountains that appeared in front of him.

This is not a fantasy, but a powerful set of swordsmanship in the mind.

It seems that if you want to move on, you can only fully understand this set of swordsmanship.

Thinking about this, Nie Yun's spirit was moving at a high speed, and the scene in front of him was deeply remembered.

After a moment, the light flashed in his eyes, and the sword in his hand rose.


The sword dances like the wind, the sword qi is vertical and horizontal.

In the blink of an eye, he practiced a set of swordsmanship.

This set of swordsmanship, like mountains and water, seems to countless creatures flying in the air, revealing the mysterious taste between heaven and earth.


After the swordsmanship has been performed, the mountains, beasts, and streams in front of them disappear, as if they did not appear at all. The usual corridors are in front of them, and murals are still on both sides.

It is just that the murals at this moment are no longer mountains or streams, but some women suspended in the air.

Each of these women has different forms, regardless of clothes or manners, revealing different charms.

Nie Yun glanced at the two breathless exercises, and once again exhibited a set of swordsmanship.

After the swordplay was finished, the mural disappeared and proceeded.

After taking a few steps, different murals appeared, and Nie Yun was very capable of understanding. According to these pictures, he exhibited swordsmanship. If it was not long, he exhibited more than ten swordsmanships and saw more than ten murals .


At the end of the corridor, an empty hall appeared in front of him. (To be continued.)

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