Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2333: Night is coming

"Where is the sword?"

Standing in the middle of the hall, Nie Yun was puzzled.

Coming all the way from the corridor, I thought I could see the so-called whetstone outside the corridor. Why ... nothing?

Could it be that what was said on the stone tablet was false?

Strange in my heart, I turned to look at the passage just passed, and the sandalwood outside the door was clearly visible. At this moment, it was burning and was about to reach the bottom. It was only about one finger. Based on the burning speed, I am afraid that it would take no more than dozens of breath Burned out.

In other words, if you can't find the sword in these dozens of breaths, all previous efforts will be wasted and gone!

"Since it says on the stone tablet that there is a whetstone here, it will definitely be there, and Emperor Lu Xi will not fool this posterity!"

One by one inferred to hover in his head.

The great emperor of Lu Xi, who was the top ancient emperor, designed the inner valley for future generations. It is impossible to deceive them only. This must have its own purpose.

"Furthermore, so many descendants of Sword Spirit Valley have won the swordstone. They can get it, and I can certainly get it too. I don't think I found the key ..."

My heart kept thinking, my eyes fell on the incense in the distance, faintly anxious.

The incense kept burning, and it won't take long for it to burn out ... Could it be that the first sharpening stone that I encountered was so missed?

"Derived Kendo, this palace appeared, along the way, countless murals, countless sword moves ..."

The more anxious, the more Nie Yun can keep calm and keep thinking.

He deduced under such anxiety. He has gone through many times. From the appearance of the main hall to the arrival of this scene, one by one appeared in front of him. The things that were not clear before could seem clearer.

Countless swordsmanships practiced in the past also began to hover in the brain, constantly stacking.


There was a flash of light in my head.

"So it is!"

The many sword moves deduced in my mind are completely merged together to form a special sword mark.

This sword mark is half carved on the wall, vigorous and powerful, writing the mystery of the avenue.

"come out!"

Realized this. Nie Yun no longer hesitated, the long sword in his hand slashed straight along the inferred sword mark.


With a roar, the empty hall in front of him shook violently, and a violent force swept across. Let him take a step back.


Opening his eyes again, I found that I did not know when he had arrived at the entrance of the hall. The burning incense just burned out, "Boom!" Went out.

"Success or failure?"

Seeing the incense burned out and completely extinguished, Nie Yun was startled and looked up.

Until now, even he didn't know whether he succeeded or failed.

What was learned at the last moment was not what the Emperor Lu Xi needed to assess.

"Haha, it worked!"

However, this tangle of emotions did not last long. It was over. The magnificent palace in front of him kept shaking under his gaze, and the blink of an eye became a huge stone monument.

There is only one sword mark on the stele, exactly the same as he exhibited before, regardless of each other.


After getting the first sharpening stone, Nie Yun reached out and grabbed it.

With the advent of his palm, the whetstone gradually became smaller, fell into his palm, and flipped gently. Earn things from the world.

"Derive Kendo to find the palace, use the hints in it to deduce the mystery of the sword mark, and then you can get the recognition of the sword. Show the true shape ...

After taking away the sword, Nie Yun summarized it.

Before coming here, I didn't get any useful news about Neigu. If I want to get more whetstones, I can only research a little bit by myself to find out the rules.

Summarized. Nie Yun exhaled a sigh, and the sword in his hand was swiped again, and the kendo river appeared again.

I walked not long in the direction indicated by Changhe, and sure enough I heard a bell ring again and saw a palace again.

This palace is different from the previous ones. It looks more powerful and taller, covering the sky.

Come up faster.

There were no burning incense or murals in front of the palace this time, only two stone giants of gold armor stood.

The two giants were expressionless, one with one hand covering the sky, and the other with their palms stretched out.

With the first experience, Nie Yun speculated that the mystery of the sword must be on these two giants, and now he carefully observes it.

Soon he discovered the mystery of the giant's action, broke the palace with a sword, and obtained the whetstone in the palace.

With these two experiences, Nie Yun became more and more familiar. On the first day, as soon as it became dark, he got eight sword stones.

Although not much, finding them in half a day is not bad.

woo woo woo woo!

The sun fell to the west, and the entire inner valley seemed to be stained with ink, and no fingers were seen.

In such an environment, even Tianyan can't see how far, and can only be blind.

In desperation, Nie Yun had no choice but to release the space power of the world.

The power of space in the world of objects can also be used here without restrictions. With the reflection of space power, I quickly saw the surrounding scenes, and I could not help wrinkling my eyebrows.

I was still in a lush forest just now. Why did I blink into the Shura battlefield in a blink of an eye?

It appears in the inner valley reflected by the power of the world of objects. There are no trees, no flowers, and some are only rocks and ruins.

"Don't you see all the fakes during the day?"

Strangely in his heart, Nie Yun shook his head back with the force of the space that contained the world of objects.

Although the sky is not far away, it can still see a part clearly. Like the power of the world space, the debris is everywhere.

A scene of decline.


My heart was weird, and a sharp tweet came suddenly from a distance, like a wolf and a night owl, I don't know what it was.

"Check it out!"

Stepping underneath ~ www.readwn.com ~ Following the direction of the sound, Nie Yun flew away.

A moment later, he went to the place where the sound was heard, the power of holding the world space spread, and a scene appeared in front of his eyes, making his pupils shrink.

In the darkness, a huge wild wolf stood behind the rock, and his eyes shone like lanterns.

This wolf is tall, especially the momentum of his body, has obviously reached the imperial realm.

The wild wolf that has completed the imperial realm ... when did it emerge? What the **** is this?


Strangely, the roaring sound of the wolf rang again, and the bright sound cut through the dark night, followed by a rustling sound of running feet, and countless green eyes appeared on the wide ground in front of him.

Each eye represents a wild wolf, so many appear at once, and all of them are complete imperial realms ... what the **** is going on?

Nie Yun felt only a little nervous, and his palms were sweating. (To be continued.)

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