Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2342: Lu Xuan's Pride


"That direction!"

Jiandao Changhe pointed out the position. Nie Yun and Nie Tong set off at the same time. The two of them moved forward quickly, like the elves in the night, and the arrows off the string.

After they passed, the yellow sand behind them didn't lift the slightest trace, leaving no trace of traces.

Both of them used the strongest force to tread sand without traces.

I don't know how long before, Nie Yun stopped suddenly.


A row of mixed footprints appeared in front of each other. Each one did not enter the sand deeply, but walked very regularly. The distance between the compartments was the same as that marked by a ruler.

"This is not the foot of a wolf, nor is it a tiger ..."

Nie Yun looked strangely at the mixed footprints in front of him.

The footprints in the yellow sand in front of me are larger than those of wolves and tigers, and are definitely not these two animals.

"It's the footprint of a dragon beast!"

Nie Tong suddenly said: "I once hunted beasts in the mountains of Yunzhou City, and studied the footprints of these animals. The war dragon beast is a powerful beast. With dragon blood in its body, it is more terrible than a tiger! However, the dragon beasts in Yunzhou City have not surpassed the king, and they are very small. Look at the footprints here ... it should be very powerful! "

"It's more than powerful, it must be more powerful than yesterday's tiger!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

After the first and second days, he had guessed the rules.

During the day, it becomes more and more difficult to sharpen the sword stone. It is difficult to obtain them. At night, these beasts will also change. No matter the size or strength, there is a qualitative leap.

Before that, the brothers had self-confidence and sneaked into the tigers who had fallen lonely. Knowing these things, they couldn't help but feel a little coldness.

I'm afraid this battle dragon beast is not as simple as imagined!

"However, judging by the number of footprints, there should be few war beasts ..."

Nie Tong carefully looked for a while, said.

"I counted it. If you guessed well, there should be about seventeen ..." Nie Yun had already counted all his footprints just now.

Step into the sand according to size. A total of seventeen war dragons have been identified.

"Seventeen heads ... a lot less than yesterday. Even if they were besieged by them, they could not be all killed, and there should be no problem running away!"

Only seventeen dragon beasts were heard. Nie Tong was relieved.

They plan to sneak attack on Dragon Beasts. If there are too many, once they are discovered, it is not necessarily who is dead, and there is room for manoeuvre if the number is small.

"The number is low. I am a bit worried!"

Unlike his thoughts, Nie Yun shook his head.

If the battle dragon beast is really a sword-sword change, the smaller the number, the more people get!

Two of them only got twelve in the daytime. Yesterday, when there were more than fifty tigers, only seventeen were left, indicating that at least some people got more than twenty.

If Lu Beihuang and others are evenly divided, they all fall into Lu Xuan's hands, and there is no suspense when they become champions.

"Catch up and see ..."

Aside from the chaotic thoughts, Nie Yun first chased in the direction of disappearing footprints.

After walking hundreds of kilometers, his footprints looked messy. Not as neat as before.

"Brother, look, there are human footprints!"

Nie Tong suddenly pointed.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, Nie Yun really saw a row of human footprints coming from a distance, and merged with the chaotic footprints of the dragon and beast.

"I don't know if it was the Dragon Sword that the Dragon Beast robbed others or was taken away by Lu Xuan!"

When you see the chaotic footprints, you do n’t need to guess and know that there must have been a fight here, but you do n’t know whether the dragon beast took away the sword of Lu Beihuang and others, or the sword was obtained by Lu Xuan gone.

Continue to follow the footprints of the dragon dragon beast, walked for a while, and found that human footprints crossed with it again. It looks like they met again.

Along the way, I encountered three consecutive encounters with human footprints. At this moment, it was midnight, and it was chasing from darkness to the present. For more than three hours, none of the dragon beasts was found, and Nie Yun was anxious.


Just as the two brothers were planning to continue speeding up, a huge roar rang in front of them, and they looked forward together. Sure enough, they saw a dozen tall figures in the dark music.

"Just in front. Be careful!"

With a joy on his face, Nie Yun explained, leaned down, and rushed towards the figure quickly near the ground.


Before they came, the two saw the dragon beast in front of them, and a figure stood.

"Hurry up and give me the swordstone you grabbed. Don't you force me to do it?"

The silhouette stood in the sand, without any fear, but determined to be free.

"It's Lu Xuan ..."

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun's heart sank.

I was really afraid of what came and what I thought I could wait for someone to find the dragon dragon beast one step faster, sneak attack and kill, and get more whetstones. I never dreamed that Lu Xuan was faster and was already standing in front!


Hearing Lu Xuan's words, the war dragon beast seemed very angry and made a roar, but the roar was interrupted by a flash of light as soon as he remembered it.

Lu Xuan sacrificed the sword servant!

The sword sergeant with strong coercion, just like the king saw the courtier, let people involuntarily give birth to surrender.


Seeing this, the battle dragon beast had to make a helpless roar, lowering his high head.

Both sides argued and did not notice them. Nie Yun also saw the situation of the dragon beast.

Tall Dragon Beasts are taller and more burly than tigers. From the point of view of their body, they are more powerful than yesterday's tigers. Although each one is still a perfect imperial realm, it seems that they are not far away from stealing the sky to live. Already.

A Dragon Beast of this strength can easily slay the South China Lao Xian by simply pulling it out!

"Every end requires our brothers to exhaust all their efforts!"

After watching for a while, I couldn't help conveying the voice to Nie Tong.

Before encountering the wolf pack, Nie Yun was confident that he could defeat both heads ~ www.readwn.com ~ When he met the tiger pack, he felt that he could kill at most one. Now when I see the war dragon beast, I know that if I want to kill any one, I need The two brothers shot together to deal with it!

Otherwise, it is impossible to beat!

In just three days, how did these guys soar in strength?

Is it because of trials?


My heart is speculating that the dragon beast in front has been forced to agree to Lu Xuan's request, a huge head trembled, and a pile of sharpened stones fell to the ground and landed in front of Lu Xuan.

"Twelve, haha, there are twelve sharpened stones!"

Lu Xuan reached out and grabbed the whetstone in his hand, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "Plus the seven I found today and the twenty-seven I got yesterday ... I have forty-six now. This time the champion is not I must be! "


Hearing his shout, Nie Yun drew his skin and his face sank. (To be continued.)

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