Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2343: Break up


According to the introduction of the second sacrifice, there were a hundred or so whetstones in Neigu, and Lu Xuan got forty-six, which shows that he has got almost half!

"Nie Tong and I add up to a total of thirty-seven, and there are seventeen dragon beasts in front of me. In other words, our brothers must kill at least nine heads to win!"

Nie Yun was full of pressure. http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d∑,

If Lu Xuan only got forty whetstones, he wouldn't be so nervous, after all, the two of them have reached thirty-seven, and there are only three from forty.

But forty-six ... it's different!

It would take a long time to kill a dragon dragon beast, and it would take more than nine to kill ... How could it be done?

And with the decrease in the number of dragon beasts, the possibility of placing an order is also small. If you do not place an order, the light will be rushed to the end and beheaded ... he does not have this strength yet! There is no such means!

"Let's go and continue to plunder others, I will look for you before dawn!"

Taking away the sword, Lu Xuan smiled.


Seeing Lu Xuan let them go, the dragon beast did not dare to stop, turned around and left, and blinked away in the desert.

"Forty-six whetstones, this championship must be me, but ... one more thing to do is to kill two outsiders!"

When the battle dragon beast left, Lu Xuan did not leave, but changed his face and planned something.

"Neigu is so big. It ’s been nearly three days since I walked, and I haven't met the two outsiders. If I look for it blindly, I can't find it ..." "Hey. It's easy. I'm following these dragon beasts. I can't find them, can the dragon beasts do it! And ... I saw the dragon beasts grab the whetstone. By the way!

A smile flashed in his eyes, and Lu Xuan's body stretched, chasing quickly along the footprints of the battle dragon beast.


Lu Xuan left, and the two brothers stood up, one by one, looking pale and unsightly.

What are you afraid of?

Lu Xuan got forty-six whetstones, and they were already at a disadvantage. They had been tracking the dragon beasts. There were more than two hours left for the sneak attack, perhaps the ability to turn the tide and surpass the opponent before dawn.

Who knows ... this guy followed!

He kept up, waiting for others to keep up, it was easy to be found without saying, it was difficult to sneak attack and kill the dragon beast!

Even if the beheading is successful, once Lu Xuan finds that the war dragon beast is the sharpening stone ... With his sword aide, there is no chance for them.

That is. When Lu Xuan followed the past, their last chance would be lost, and there was no other way.

"How to do?"

Nie Tong couldn't help it.

If this Lu Xuan doesn't have a sword attendant, he doesn't care. On his own, he can easily beheaded, but ... there is a completely different servant with a sword. Once the sword guard who steals the sky and borrows his life is released, he cannot escape!

"This way. I'll lead Lu Xuan away, you follow the dragon beast. Find a way to sneak attack and kill!"

Nie Yun narrowed his eyes, said.

"You lead Lu Xuan away? No, I'll lead him, you sneak attack and kill the dragon beast!"

Nie Tong was busy.

The war dragon beast forced by Lu Xuan to bow his head, indicating that it is more terrible than the war dragon beast. The three-day experience also shows that the war dragon beast will not kill the trial. Will be lost.

Lu Xuan is different. His purpose of bringing a swordsman is to kill two people. He really needs to meet his brother and send a swordsman. How can my brother have a life?

"Rest assured, I have the exquisite pearl tower and Yanhuang Hall. It is not easy for Lu Xuan to kill me, but you ..." Nie Yun waved his hand to interrupt his brother, and Lu Xi's golden blood turned over his wrist. "This Hold Lu Xi's blood first. Once surrounded by the dragon beasts, if they want to kill you, swallow them directly! "

Although Nie Tong's current strength has not been completely consolidated, using this blood is a bit wasteful, but ... waste is better than losing his life!

With this drop of Kendo Emperor's blood, he can completely break through the current puppet and directly reach the imperial kingdom.

With the achievements of the sword world and understanding of kendo, if you really want to enter this realm, the dragon beast is definitely not an opponent and you can easily kill it!

"Also, all these sharpening stones are placed on you, and once I am snatched by Lu Xuan, there is no chance of winning!"

When his brother took Lu Xi's blood, Nie Yun passed all the sword stones.

He entered Neigu for his brother to fight for the inheritance of Emperor Lu Xi. Since he has to deal with Lu Xuan, this thing is still more secure for his brother.


Nie Tong's fist clenched, his eyes flushed.

The elder brother's mind, he understood, because of this, he didn't know what to say.

"Rest assured, my brother has been through hundreds of battles. A little Lu Xuan can't treat me like that, but you must be careful. The dragon beast is even more terrifying than expected, especially the head dragon, which is stronger! If you ca n’t fight, you will run away ... it ’s not working, I try to steal some swords from Lu Xuan! ”

Nie Yundao.

"Huh!" Nie Tong nodded.

"Okay, I'll go first. You'll follow me later, see me lead Lu Xuan away and act on the machine!"

After Nie Yun's explanation, he stretched his body and chased along the footprints left in the sand.

Fighting Dragon Beasts and Lu Xuan have not been away for a long time. Footprints are clearly visible. Nie Yun has no hidden meaning this time.

Less than a cup of tea, he heard the roar of the dragon beast, not far from him.

"Huh? Where is Lu Xuanzang ..."

Knowing that the war dragon beast was in front, Nie Yun stopped, the power of holding the world space was scattered, and he was searching for Lu Xuan's traces, and he was soon discovered.

Lu Xuan was hiding behind a pile of yellow sand at this moment, and looked at the dragon beast in front of him quietly.

"This guy wants to kill me, just to see if he can steal his whetstone ..."

Seeing that the other party didn't find himself, Nie Yun moved.

When it comes to stealing, he can be regarded as a master. When he was in the floating continent, he followed behind the thousand magical bodies, and he got good things.

Since this Lu Xuan didn't find himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can just try it out and see if he can steal the sword from him. Once he succeeds, my brother will not have to take risks and fight against the dragon beast.

Thinking of this without hesitation, the body fluttered into the sand.

Neigu has many restrictions. If he is on the ordinary ground, his talent of the master may not be able to move freely, but the sand is different. The sand itself is soft. Even without talent, you can easily drill in and move forward at will. At this moment, the talent of the Master is running, as if falling into the water.

"It works!"

Feeling the condition of the body, Nie Yun smiled lightly and strode towards Lu Xuan with a good breath.

ps: I'm going on vacation soon. There are many things. I will return to my hometown after the vacation. I will go through Qinghai, Xining, Lanzhou, Xi'an, and Zhengzhou ... It is estimated that I will be walking for three or four days on the road. . Updates will be put into the evening from today, try to keep two changes, everyone forgive me. In addition, continue to ask for public prestige fans. Everyone can open Prestige and add new friends. You can find them by sweeping the horizon. If you do n’t have prestige, you can search for the starting point on Sina Weibo and sweeping the end. . Keke. . (To be continued.)

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