Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2366: Excuse

Chapter two thousand three hundred and sixty-six excuses

"It wasn't that I gave up on myself, but ..." Prince Ruxia's face was full of bitterness: "This assessment is different from the past. We can't rob the Prince of Prince anyway!"

"Different assessment? What kind of assessment makes you lose confidence before you start the test?"

Nie Yun came over.

Before the competition starts, the confidence is lost here. What is better?

"This assessment was put forward by Putian the Great himself. According to reliable information, he entered [Fire Dragon Divine] to pick up the heart of the Fire Dragon ..." Prince Ruxia said.

"Heart of the Fire Dragon?"

Nie Yun frowned.

"Yes, Diyuan has a fire dragon. If you want to get the heart of the fire dragon, you must kill it first! But ... the fire dragon is extremely hot, let alone us. , Will inevitably be killed by flames, unless ... with polar ice! "

Prince Ruxia was helpless: "Prince Dobo seems to have known about this for a long time and got this thing a few months ago!"

"Polar ice?"

"The polar ice is a special kind of treasure, one of the items for refining the soldiers of the imperial realm. It is difficult to find, and the entire divine realm will not exceed three pieces! Even he has spent countless costs to obtain it. Look for it, how can you find a second one? "

Prince Ruxia sighed.

"Refining the goods of the Emperor Realm?"

Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

Emperor Realm soldiers throughout the ancient world to the ancient times, but there are only thirty pieces, showing the preciousness, this item can be refined, visible rare.

Such treasures, without great opportunities, are indeed not something you can get.

"Is there no other way to approach the fire dragon than the polar ice?"

Nie Yun could not help asking.

Everything in the world is in harmony with each other. Even if the fire dragon is terrible, it cannot be overcome only by the polar ice. Is there no other way?

"Yes to have ... There is a Vulcan sect among the ten places in Kyushu ten places. Their purest blood is immune to the fire dragon ... It is just like the engulfing avenue, which belongs to the imperial blood lineage. This time the assessment does not allow outsiders to enter. So ... there is no way to know these! "

Prince Ruxia said.

Those who participated in the assessment were descendants of the nine emperors of Yunzhou City. Each of them had a continuation of their blood, even if they wanted to learn something from the Vulcan Sect. It's impossible.

"Vulcan Sect?"

Unlike his tangles, Nie Yun couldn't help hearing the eyes of Vulcan Sect.

Others have imperial blood, and it is more difficult to obtain other abilities ... he is different!

The Vulcan Sect's strength is so pure that he can pose as the core disciple of Vulcan Sect with fake and real ... Can he approach the Fire Dragon?

of course. No one can tell about this, nor can it be revealed ... This is Yunzhou City. The pure blood of Vulcan Sect is mixed in, and it is easy to cause contradictions between the two forces. If it is not good, it will be caught as a spy.

Therefore, even if he can get close to the fire dragon, be careful, others cannot show up, but Putian the Great watched it all the time and was noticed by an emperor ... He didn't want to!

"If Prince Dobo can succeed alone, it doesn't make sense to participate! It doesn't show fairness ... why should we continue?"

These thoughts flickered in my heart, and Nie Yun's face recovered and asked strangely.

The emperor's assessment should be fair, knowing that Prince Dobo hopes the most, and still insist on this assessment, will he be a little biased?

"The assessment is not so simple. Although he is very likely, it is difficult to say whether he can come to the depths of the abyss ... Anyway, there must be a fierce battle!" Prince Ruxia said.

Nie Yun did not answer, but nodded secretly.

Everyone knows that Prince Dobo has the best chance to approach the fire dragon. He will definitely be blocked, which is actually an assessment.

As long as the heart of the fire dragon is not obtained, everything is still uncertain.

"Well, there are so many. Three days later, Your Majesty will personally meet the people participating in the competition ... Prepare in advance! But ..." Prince Ruxia said with a worried look: "You were not here before, Prince Dobo Waiting for someone to deal with you, now you come back, I am afraid that these three days are a lot of trouble, really not work. You move to my residence to live! Have mutual care! "

Nie Yun's identity is a true "prince". Prince Dobo and Prince Liumu could not find him before, but can only worry about it. Now that he hears that he is back, he will definitely take action.

After all, the Emperor Putian will return in three days. Once he sees this "natural son", who knows whether he will recognize it and establish him directly as the emperor?

So ... in three days, it is better to remove him so that he cannot see His Majesty!

Because of knowing this, Prince Ruxia was in a hurry.

"Thank you Prince for your kindness, no need! I also want to see what they can do!" Nie Yun's mouth raised a smile.

Although Prince Dobo and others are strong, they are guarded by the emperor Yuanyang, and they must not dare go too far.

As long as he doesn't overdo it, he can handle it.

Just happen to be able to sharpen yourself and see the other party's means in advance.

"Then you need to be careful!"

Prince Ruxia explained.

He now figured it out. If the promise of the "prince" can be fulfilled, as long as it succeeds ~ www.readwn.com ~ he is the next emperor!

If it cannot be fulfilled, the "natural son" of Potevio is more likely to become the emperor than Prince Dobo! It is definitely better to draw up a good relationship in advance than to cooperate with Prince Dobo and others!

After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to make a good deal with Nie Yun.

Otherwise, everyone is competing for the throne, and as opponents, how can they try their best to help.

"Huh!" Knowing the other party's thoughts, Nie Yun didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement.

No matter what, he is weak now, so he must draw one before talking.

With allies, it will be much easier when confronting Prince Dobo and others, at least in terms of sources.

Otherwise, no one knows what happened when someone else comes.

The two chatted for a while, and Prince Ruxia rose to leave.

Although it is clear that the possibility of obtaining Wanjie Yuyi is not high, it must be prepared in advance.

Prince Ruxia left, and Nie Yun didn't rest. Instead, he summoned everyone in the medical museum and explained a few words.

Three days seemed short, but it was the darkest moment. Everyone must be careful, otherwise, they would not know how to die.

As everyone was being accounted for, they heard a sound of clashes from the armor, and Liu Zhu came in angrily.

"Master, there is a team of officers and soldiers out there, saying that a spy came to our hospital and wanted us to cooperate with the search ..."

"Spy? Cooperate with the search? They're really fast, even thinking of excuses ..."

Nie Yun was not surprised and smiled slightly. (To be continued.)

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