Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2367: Breaking through the Prince's Mansion

Chapter 2367 Breaking Through The Prince's Mansion

He is the "Prince". Prince Dobo and others did not dare to openly, for fear that once they were exposed, they would be thundered by the Emperor Putian. Such an excuse would be different.

The spy ran to the medical museum, they reviewed it as a business affairs, and when they couldn't find it, they could be arrested directly if they charged him with communicating with the spy.

Just grab it, it's easy to get started, and it's easier to find a reason!

It can be said that as a spy, in order to prevent leaks, the other person shot and killed him ... As long as everything is arranged, even if the time of the great emperor is back, he will not see any flaws!

I have to say that this trick is very insidious, but very effective.

The imperial rule, the most resentful is spies. The reason is bright, and no flaws can be found. Even if Putian is traced afterwards, they can completely shirk and say that the official affairs are not known to Nie Yun ...

"Master, what shall we do?"

Liu Zhu looked anxiously.

If you stop the other party from searching, it is an official business. If you do not stop the crime, you can break into the medical center and do not know what to do.

"You ask them to come in. I'll go out first. If anyone asks, I'll just say ... I went to the Prince's Mansion as a guest!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"Guest at Prince's House?"

Liu Zhu and others first froze, then laughed one by one.

On the surface, Prince Dobo was about to kill him. Going to his mansion was no different from seeking death, but it wasn't.

Bright Zhengda entered his mansion as a guest and gave the other ten courage to dare not do anything!

The most dangerous place is the safest place!

Moreover, there is another benefit: he has all gone to Prince Dobo's Mansion. These people can't go to Prince Mansion to catch people, right? Really dare to catch ... Afterwards, he will also have a great relationship with Prince Dobo, and the Emperor Putian will investigate it later. Can't escape responsibility.

It can be said that this decision is seamless. Not only can save trouble, but also allow Prince Dobo to reap the fruits.

"Okay. Let's go out and let the wind go. Master can rest assured!"

Liu Zhu is also a clever person. The most important thing to know is to let the news out, so that the entire city of Yunzhou knows that the young master went to Dobo Prince House.

It won't work if the news doesn't spread.

"Let's get ready, I'm gone!"

Someone came in outside the door, and Nie Yun avoided the opposite, and disappeared from his place as soon as his body stretched. The next moment has left the medical hall.

In the past, he did n’t dare to fly wantonly in Yunzhou City. Now it ’s different. With the strength at this moment, he is usually not afraid of successfully completing the imperial realm. No one in the realm of a product can be found.

Leaving the medical museum, Nie Yun moved forward according to the news he knew, and soon he saw a tall courtyard.

It was Prince Dobo's Prince's House.

Although he is only a prince, he has great power and high status and owns his own residence. Not surprising.

The mansion is tall and the two giant stone lions in front of the door are powerful and domineering. Four bronze armored guards next to Shishi stood on both sides, revealing a strong majesty.

Glancing at it, Nie Yun strode over without hiding his body.

"Stay, stay away from the Prince's Mansion and idlers!"

Before coming, the two guards set up spears and scolded loudly.

"Presumptuous, blind your dog's eyes. Don't know me!"

Nie Yun frowned and stepped forward. Palm of your hand.


Two beeps, the two guards fell to the ground instantly. His face swelled up like a hoe.


"Someone is going to the Prince's House ..."


Seeing that he shot directly, the remaining two guards panicked and yelled.

Prince Dubo is the most respected among many princes. Even if the descendants of the Nine Emperors must respect it again and again, a young man suddenly emerges without saying a word, and does not report his identity, making them feel unbelievable.


With the shout of the guard, a group of people rushed out of the mansion in an instant.

Prince Dobo respected the state, and the house had a large number of soldiers. At this moment, dozens of people immediately surrounded Nie Yun.

"Who is yours, dare to make trouble in the Prince's House!"

One of the soldiers with a good leader came out, glanced at the two guards lying on the ground, looked at Nie Yun, and frowned.

"Noisy? Nonsense, I came to visit Prince Dobo. The two men dared to stop. It was also trouble to teach them some lessons? What a joke?" Nie Yun said with a back of his hands, lightly.

To be honest, what he wants is trouble.

Let everyone know that he has come to the Prince's Palace, the more you know, the better.

"Visit the prince? Your Excellency ..."

Seeing him so calm, the soldier's leader froze and asked with a fist.

There are not many other cities in Yunzhou. There are many people with background and influence. They are just a group of soldiers, so it is better to be careful.

"Who am I? When you see your prince, you know it naturally and give me up!"

Nie Yun waved his hand and raised his foot and walked towards the mansion.

"Sorry, if you don't tell who you are and you won't get the pass, we won't let you in!"

Seeing his movement, the soldier's leader gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

Although I do n’t know the identity of the person in front of him, the Prince ’s mansion is so heavy that he ca n’t let anyone in. Otherwise, the Prince will blame him and no one can afford it.

"Do you think that you, the cockroaches, can stop me?"

Nie Yun didn't answer who he was ~ www.readwn.com ~ The body fluttered, as if drawing several phantoms in the air.

Poppy poppy!

A series of slapping sounds continued, and the soldiers around him blinking all lay on the ground, just like the two before, their faces were red and swollen, and they kept on.

These soldiers, however, have the strength of Wang Jing. They are far worse than him. If they were not merciless, they might have become corpses.


The leader of the soldier did not expect that the boy in front of him was so fierce that he started to act without a word, and his face became unsightly, but he did not dare to act.

The opponent's strength has exceeded his imagination, and he is not able to compete at all.

"What's noisy outside?"

Just when he was nervous and didn't know if he should do it, a drink sounded, and then a figure came out of the door.

"Back to General, someone plans to break into the palace ..."

Seeing this person, the soldier's leader relieved and quickly bowed.

"Breaking the palace? Who is so brave ..."

The figure scolded and looked forward and saw Nie Yun standing in the middle of the crowd.

"It's been a long time, General Zhixuan!"

Nie Yun laughed.

The man in front of him was the general Zhi Zhi, the father of Miss Bier, who had just met in Divine Realm.

I didn't contact him when I came to Yunzhou City, but I didn't expect to meet him here.

"Do you know me ... who are you?"

Hearing this, General Zhixuan froze. (To be continued.)

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