Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2368: Enter the house

Before Nie Yun came to Yunzhou City, he changed his appearance. Even a particularly familiar person was difficult to recognize.

Although General Zhi Zhi was very familiar with him, he suddenly couldn't help wondering about the appearance.

"It seems that the status of Yunzhou City has risen, and old friends don't even know it!"

Nie Yun smiled, this time using the original voice.

Hearing this voice, General Zhizheng's eyes flickered, and then his eyes flickered: "You are the emperor ... Lord Nie Yun?"

"Hehe!" Nie Yun didn't say much, neither did he deny it, but just smiled slightly.

"Master Nie Yun, you are noble guests to Yuanyang Emperor's Mansion. If you dare to stop, you are looking for your own way of death! Come, immediately report to the prince, and say that Lord Nie Yun is coming!"

It was confirmed that he was, and Zhi Zhi turned his head and scolded.

"Yes!" Then the soldiers knew who this person was, and almost cried.

Nie Yun hasn't been in Yunzhou City for a long time. With the status of the heir of Shennong and the distinguished guest of Yuanyang Emperor's Mansion, he has already known Yunzhou City. These soldiers have also heard of it.

Such characters, if they say their names in advance, how dare they stop them. This is all right, it is estimated that they were beaten for nothing.

"Master Nie Yun will wait here for a while, they are done reporting, I will take you in!"

General Zhi Yi bowed and pointed to a room inside the door.

Prince Dobo, as a hot character in Yunzhou City, wanted a lot of visitors. There were special rooms inside the door for them to wait. They did not seem to be indifferent and could arrange their time reasonably.

Nie Yun's trouble just wanted to let more people know that he was here. At this moment, there were many people watching. The purpose has been achieved. I will not talk about it. I followed the general Zhi Zhi directly to the guest room.

"His subordinate Zhisong has seen His Royal Highness!"

As soon as he entered the guest room, General Zhizheng immediately arranged a soundproof restraint and fell to his knees.

"Get up!"

Nie Yun smiled: "It looks like you've been doing well recently. Your strength has also grown a lot!"

The last time I saw General Zhizheng, the opponent was only in the early days of the imperial realm, and now he has reached the middle of the imperial realm.

Although it is only one level behind, the strength has been significantly improved, plus] style_txt; go to the town of Prince Dabo. I am afraid that my status has risen a lot.

"It is not the good fortune of His Royal Highness. If it was not His Royal Highness, I am afraid that I would have been decapitated for a long time now!" General Zhi Zhi shook his head.

At the time, Prince Bobo set up a mission to let him look for the awakening flower. If it wasn't for the young man's help and he couldn't get the medicine, he would have been disposed of by military law.

"Everything you fight for has nothing to do with me!" Nie Yun did not contribute.

"I heard that someone called Nie Yun came before. I always thought it might be His Royal Highness, but I haven't met it a few times before, I'm afraid I can't confirm it. It really is you!" , Said with a look of excitement.

"I don't have much time in the hospital!"

Nie Yun nodded.

Although his medical fame is great, in fact he doesn't spend much time, most of them are outside.

General Zhi Zhi heard only his name and was afraid to look upright. Naturally I can't see him anymore.

"I heard……"

Suddenly, General Zhizhen's expression was straightened, and his voice was lowered: "Prince Dobo seems to be dealing with His Royal Highness. Why is Your Highness here?"

He knew Nie Yun's identity, and combined with the actions of Prince Dobo, he could guess some more silly.

"He is going to deal with me, but ... here is the safest!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Hmm ..." General Zhi Zhi was also a stunner like Liu Zhu, and immediately understood, nodded quickly.

Although he is Prince Dobo's person. But after all, they are soldiers of the imperial family, coupled with a fateful relationship with Nie Yun. The two really want to fight, and they are still leaning towards the latter.

"Well, from now on. I will follow Your Highness, staying true to my Highness!"

Although I knew it was safe to come here, I still felt a little uneasy.

"Follow me? No, if you want to help me, stay here obediently, don't show that you know me, I will ask you for help at that time!" Nie Yundao.

The middle of the imperial realm has been of little help to his current state. If the other party really wants to help himself, staying in the royal palace can play a greater role than following him.

"I know!"

Zhi Zhi was not stupid. He soon understood what he meant, nodded, and stopped talking.

"General ..."

The two were trying to continue, and when they heard footsteps from outside, General Zhizheng waved to remove the sound insulation and banned, staying on the side, pretending to be unfamiliar with Nie Yun.

"Back to General, His Royal Highness wants Master Nie Yun to pass by!"

"Well, sir, please!"

General Zhi Yi bowed.

Nie Yun didn't say much, stood up and strode inward.

Although Prince Dobo has a high status, he can only be regarded as a new noble. There are ancient families such as the nine emperors, eight kings, and twelve dukes in Yunzhou City. This mansion is not too large. When a tall palace appeared in front of me ~ www.readwn.com ~, before entering, I saw Prince Dobo greeted with a smile.

"It's my pleasure that Brother Nie can come to our home!"

Prince Dobo was so excited, if only from the expression, he thought they were friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"The prince is polite. I came out of Emperor's Mansion that day, and I always wanted to visit, but I never had a chance!"

Nie Yun laughed at his "passion" for his enthusiasm and said quickly.

Talk while observing each other.

Sure enough, as expected, he hadn't seen him for more than two months. Prince Dobo was deeper than before, and his breath was better covered, giving him a strong sense of crisis.

In order to reach this level of Xiu, this natural feeling is very sensitive. Since he feels dangerous, it shows that the strength of the multi-wave prince in front of him has indeed reached the point where he can be killed!

"It is indeed the perfect imperial realm of a product ..."

Nie Yun was surprised.

In the perfect imperial realm of Sanpin Realm, his current strength can be easily beheaded. Even the old and oldest Ye, they are probably not opponents.

But Prince Bobo is different. Although he has just entered the perfect imperial realm, he has given him a feeling of extreme power. This situation has only been experienced on the swordsman!

In other words, even if the current Prince Dobo is not as good as the swordsman, it will not be too different.


"We don't have to be polite here, let's go in and talk!" Prince Dobo smiled, not seeing anything unnatural on his face.

When Nie Yun was watching him, he was also watching Nie Yun.

In his opinion, although the teenager in front of him only had a successful kingship, he didn't know why he gave him a sense of unfathomableness, and even if he had such strength, he would not dare touch it easily. (To be continued.)

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