Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2407: Who is the Prince? (in)

Nie Yun and Prince Ruxia walked very close to each other. In addition, some time ago, they made a lot of royal palaces and Liumu palaces, causing the two to lose their faces. They really wanted to be in power. How could they not revenge?

If you didn't know the emperor's seal before, you still don't feel anything. With many methods, it is not so easy for the other party to kill yourself, but ... with the emperor's seal, it is different.

He owns the Yanhuang Palace, and dare not guarantee that he can escape from the emperor, but the emperor seal can do it, which shows that this thing is not worse than the Yanhuang Palace.

Yanhuang Dian is only a defensive imperial soldier. If the emperor's seal is offensive, it cannot escape.

"Wanjiedongtian must enter, but the trial is over. Run away!"

Nie Yun secretly decided.

"Isn't this Prince Ruxia? Why don't you look so happy? Didn't you look great at the beginning? One of the three princes ... not one time ... oh, why are you now like a cock?"

"It was crazy the other day, so scared that we didn't dare to say anything! Look now, hehe ... what about your power?"

Thoughts were lingering in his mind, and a mocking sound was ringing around. Nie Yun looked up and saw two glamorous boys standing not far away.

These two people look like they are in their twenties, but their strength is not low. With a luxurious dress, the high-mindedness is quite eye-catching.

"I don't want to mess with you today, don't mess with me!"

Hearing the irony of the other side, Prince Ruxia's face sank.

"Oh, arrogant, don't mess with you? Hehe ... Do you think it was before? Now His Highness Dobo will immediately become a prince, what will happen to you, don't you know it! I dare to cross with us ... ... I don't know if you have a brain ... Is it paste? "

"He may still have hope. Hope that he will become emperor someday, haha. If he wants to be emperor, it will depend on your life! If there is no life, it can only be a daydream!"

The two laughed again, with irony in their words.

"you guys……"

Prince Bobo squeezed his fist, and the flames burned in his eyes. Although my heart was angry, I sighed at the same time.

Before they changed, how dare they talk to themselves like that!

It must be because I have no hope, and this is intentional. Come and step on your feet.

"What's wrong with us? People have a sense of self-knowledge, we have them, and we are all princes. We know that without an emperor's life, we don't fight. Unlike you, I don't know how high the earth is, and obviously don't have such a life. , Once His Royal Highness becomes Prince, I am really curious, what will I do with you! "

"I think it will definitely cut off the title of Lord Wang and drive out of Yunzhou City!"

"Just kicked out of Yunzhou City? It's ... a little too easy!"

"Simple? Of course not simple. There are more princes who have left Yunzhou City to die. Who knows how long he can live here?"

The two sang one and one, their eyes full of ridicule.

Prince Ruxia's eyes narrowed and her heart was angry, but she also knew that they were telling the truth.

He competed with Prince Dobo and others for many years, and the king defeated the king. Once he failed, the other party would definitely use the strongest means to make him die.

Driving yourself out of Yunzhou City, then sending someone to beheaded, is not alarmist. It will definitely work out!

"Brother Ruxia, these two are also princes?"

Seeing that Prince Ruxia was insulted, Nie Yun shook his head and walked up.

The recent approach of the prince to himself is undeniable. Insulting him is also beating his own face.

"They are the two princes Yanhuo and Soar! Dobo's faithful running dog!"

Ruxia Prince hummed.

"Oh, who I thought it was, Brother Nie Yun Nie, I heard that you are a descendant of Shennong, which made me feel so tall. But ... unfortunately, I chose the wrong path, chose the wrong person, and followed this impractical Behind the waste, I am afraid that the new emperor will be crowned, and your life will not be easy! "

"A medical master, what kind of fight to take part in, isn't it asking for trouble? If you don't have a good life, you also blame yourself! You can only blame yourself for being blind! Haha!"

Seeing the two princes Nie Yunyanhuo and Xiang Xiang recognized, they laughed again.

Nie Yun and Prince Ruxia approached, as long as those involved in the capture of the feud knew that it was no secret.

"Hehe, the two are so right, I am speechless!"

In the face of their satire and ridicule, Nie Yun was not angry, but smiled slightly: "Although Prince Ruxia is unlikely to become a prince, he dare to participate in the seizure. You are all princes, but you can only hide from others. Behind the wagtail dog ... I want to know, who is more sad? The king defeated, brother Ru Xia has at least fought and competed, there will be a strong record in history, and you ... at the back Just wag your tail, do you think others will remember? "

"As for me? Who do I make friends with? I don't need you to control ... In the eyes of others, His Royal Highness Prince may be noble. In my eyes ... **** is worse! Warn you, don't mess with me, here, others dare not Do it, I don't have to! "

Speaking of this, Nie Yun glanced at the two lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his eyes were cold.

Prince Ruxia has a lot of scruples. He may not do it. He is different.

Anyway, whoever is the two princes of Duobo and Liumu, he has not been favored. In this case, why should he be wronged.

The big deal is to find Emperor Yuanyang.

This little thing is not enough to shock Putian the Great and let him do it himself.

"Oh, pretend to be so strong! Don't mess with you? How about I mess with you? You dare to do it, this is outside the palace, do you dare to try it?"

"I've heard that you don't know any good people, it's really better to meet them than to meet them! We are all princes, with titles, you are a little river and lake healer, respect you as a master ~ www .readwn.com ~ Disrespect ... You don't count as shit! Dare to pretend in front of us, you are not brave! "[^ 妙 ~ 笔 ~ 阁 *]

Hearing Nie Yun's words, Yan Huo and Prince Xiang Xiang laughed at the same time, unable to speak indifferently.

In their eyes, this guy in front of him is just a doctor in the rivers and lakes. He has no status, and the little king can dare to be so arrogant.

Snapped! Snapped!

The two were laughing, trying to completely attack Prince Ruxia and Nie Yun, but the words did not fall, and at the same time they felt a severe pain on their faces. Two crisp slaps were sounds, and they rang.

Reaching out my hand, I realized that the young man who had just spoken did not know when he had shot it. The two were unsuspecting, and at the same time they were pumped with two slaps. Two bright red marks on the white face were dazzling.

"you wanna die!"

The prince was beaten in public, Yan Huo and Xiang Xiang suddenly felt angry and rushed to his face, his scalp exploded suddenly.

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