Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2408: Who is the Prince? (under)

They are both princes anyway, and their status is not low. At the moment, they are Prince Chonglong's ministers of Dobo, and they are being blown to the ground by a slap while arrogantly repulsing Fang Yan. The whole man is going crazy. w? ww.`

Especially when I saw the expressions of the people around me, I was anxious to immediately "sneak" their youngsters.

"I want you to die……"

Prince Yanhuo Nie Yun rushed over.

He was beaten just now, but it was the result of a surprise attack from the other side. He has a magnificent imperial realm and has swallowed up a realm of realm. Such a strength cannot be beaten by a complete royal realm!


Before he came, the teenager slaps him over again.

"Come back? See how I can pack you up!"

Seeing the other party also used the same tricks, Prince Yan Huo smiled coldly, and wanted to use his strongest posture to escape the slap, and his body moved, and then the air around him seemed to be restrained by the opponent's palm, and the whole person was rigid. Like ice sculpture.


This time, his slaps were clearer, and under intense humiliation, Prince Yan Huo's eyes were black and he bumped into the ground.


I just felt that my ears were buzzing, and a special force burst into my head. I wanted to say something without even saying a word, and then passed out.

"Prince Yanhuo was stunned?"

"A slap to stun Prince Yanhuo in his peak?"

The surrounding birds are silent. .? `c? om

No one would have thought that this boy would dare to do anything outside the palace, and would knock out a prince!

The courage is too big!

"I only knew that this Nie Yun doctor was amazing. I didn't expect that his strength was so terrible!"

"Successfully smashing the peak of imperial realm of Yipin Realm, isn't this true?"


"Blatantly attacking the prince outside the palace, has already committed a serious crime ... Come, catch him ..." Seeing his partner Prince Yan Huo stunned with a slap, his face was lost, and Prince Soar was going crazy. Hurry up and yell, look around, look for a guard.

His strength is not much different from that of Prince Yanhuo. The latter was stunned without even holding a slap. He didn't think it would be possible to hold on to two moves. Rather than lying on the ground and being humiliated, he might as well call someone to deal with it.


Shouting. I saw the boy waving his sleeves, and then felt a wave of air rushing into his head, and then lay on the ground like Prince Yan Huo.

Prince Dobo became the prince, which was already the worst news for him. If there are more lice, it does n’t itch. Anyway, the relationship ca n’t be reconciled. Let ’s clean up his two subordinates first. Then, as for whether it will cause Potian the Great to be upset, and the Emperor Yuanyang will be neutralized, the problem should be small.

Besides, the dignified emperor cannot punish himself for such a trivial matter.

The two princes lay on the ground, and they looked around carefully, and there were soldiers around the palace. .? `Quietly standing still, motionless, as if regardless of the fighting here.

"Everywhere in the world opens, there are many contradictions among young talents. This kind of battle that does not hurt or cause major problems is not managed by anyone!"

"These two guys deserve it. Prince Ruxia, even if he fails, is a generation of heroes. Trouble him, don't blame him!"

"It seems that they wanted to shoot the prince's fart, and they got the horseshoe ..."

"Even if you make a flatterer, find someone. Who is this Nie Yun? The descendant of Emperor Shennong has his own pride, and even if it is passed on to His Majesty's ears, he can't justify it!"

"This is ... Although the Emperor Shennong fell away long ago, he used medical treatment to save people. He was deeply loved. It is said that His Majesty also received his favor. Don't say that he was humiliated and resisted. The prince killed, I would not say more ... "

"Yeah, I can only say that these two people are stupid. They bumped into the nail. It's not good for anyone to find him. They must find him!"


Seeing this scene, the talents who participated in the trial of Wanjie Dongtian have increased their vigilance one by one, and there is one more person who should not be provoked.

"Thanks a lot ..."

Prince Ruxia knew that Nie Yun's shot was to protect his face, and his eyes showed gratitude.

"You're welcome!" Nie Yun shook his head.

To be honest, I am sorry for the other party.

At first, if he hadn't pulled him into the water by himself, posing as the prince, the other party would not have been suppressed by the two princes, such as Dobo and Liumu, and he would not even be eligible to compete for the prince.

"I knew that before taking part in the battle, there were wins and defeats, and there was only one throne. This situation I had long thought about, and it has nothing to do with Brother Nie!"

Seems to know his thoughts, Prince Ruxia said.


After hearing this, Nie Yun shook his head again.

Indeed, since participating in seizures, it is necessary to think about the possibility of failure. This is no way out.

In fact, there is no need for everyone to say that if Putian really wants to establish his prince, he also knows that he will not choose Ruxia.

The seeker needle and the feather jacket of the World Realm failed continuously. These days, the continuous suppression of forces by many waves and Liumu has also reduced a lot, and there is no possibility to compete with these two people.

"Oh, rest assured, even if I can't be a prince, I will successfully break the sky and borrow my life, even straight into the realm of legend!"

The light flashed in Prince Ruxia's eyes, and the confidence that had been hit before was restored again.

"Your Majesty summons you, please!"

As the two talked, the **** next to Putian the Great did not know when he came out and opened the door of the palace.


"His Majesty is about to announce Prince Edward ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once the announcement is complete, it will be too late to stand in line. After entering, it is best to let His Highness Dobo remember us!"

"I want him to remember that the best way is to send gifts. Our Putian dynasty is not taboo. After entering the palace, there is still a period of time. I can't help but send the family's Zhenhai Lingzhu!

"Zhenhai Lingzhu? That is the priceless treasure of the family ..."

"Hey, what is priceless treasure, as long as His Royal Highness Dobo inherits the throne, and worry that the treasure will not be obtained?"

"That's ... Hurry up!"


The palace opened, and everyone knew that the last moment was coming, and they all secretly decided to prepare in advance.

Although it hasn't been long before the announcement of the Crown Prince candidate, the effect of allegiance before and after the announcement is still different.

One of the loudest princes, Dobo, became the object of everyone's attention.

"Brother Nie ... you were a little reckless!"

The crowd rushed in, Nie Yun and Ru Xia were moving forward, a young man came over, his face full of worry.

It is Ye Tao.

When Nie Yun arrived, they had a conflict with the two princes, and he didn't even have time to dissuade them.

"These two princes are loyal running dogs of Prince Dobo. Once Dobo becomes a prince, I must recommend some measures. I'm afraid that I will use this as an essay!"

Ye Tao said worried.

He also came out of the clan fight, knowing these filthy means.

(To be continued.)


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