Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2417: Battle of the Burning Heavens Beast (1)

I saw a few monsters in front of me.

The monster's body is tall, each tens of meters in size, covered with strange scales all over its body, floating not far away, and looking hostile.

"Can you survive here? Is this what the prince Ruxia said of the Sky Burning Beast?"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

When Prince Ruxia introduced the Burning Heaven Area before, he said that some strange beasts of heaven were born in this place. This kind of beast can resist the difficult conditions of the Burning Heaven Area and is extremely powerful.

At first, I was not quite convinced. I saw the magic of the creation with my own eyes.

"This place can't bear the strength of life, but they are fine. This defense is terrible!"

If there were no feathers of the realm of the world, he would not be able to bear the pressure here, and these gods and beasts would not be at all here. The defense is strong, which can be called terror.

"Hey, humans! Now that you're here, don't leave, obediently make our food ..."

When he saw Burning Sky Beast, the other side was staring at him, the biggest one of which was water out of his mouth.

"Although these human beings are not good, there are a lot of babies on their bodies. If we get them, we can grow up one step!"

"Fire dragon, the person who came last time was eaten by you, this time for me ..."

Several of the beasts of heaven burned, and looked at Nie Yun as if looking at a dead man.

"Make your food? You are so big, I'm just like that, I'm afraid it's not enough to plug your teeth!" Nie Yun smiled.

Although these flaming beasts were terrible, he was not a fuel-saving lamp, and he was not afraid.

"You don't have to worry about filling your teeth. Anyway, we want to eat you ... die!"

The fire-sniffing beast named Fire Dragon shouted, and his huge wings fluttered, and Nie Yun rushed over.

Haven't come to the heel claws to break through. Powerful forces swept the storm, breaking the surrounding space apart.

"It's so strong ... this kind of strength is already comparable to the pinnacle of the realm of a product!"

See the attack caused by the Burning Beast. Nie Yun immediately understood the strength of the opponent.

It is not much different from Ru Xia and Dobo who didn't see through, and they are put into the **** world. Definitely the pinnacle.

"Want to eat me, this kind of strength is not enough, get away!"

This kind of strength is very scary to others, and it's nothing to Nie Yun now. He smiles a little, doesn't use weapons, and hits him with a punch.


His fists are not fancy. But with a force that is irresistible, the originally confusing area of ​​the burnt sky has a huge black hole under one punch.


The fist collided with the claws of the fire dragon, the huge eyes of the latter shrank, the claws of the hard claws appeared, and the fat body flew out under the impact of strength.


Fly a short distance, the fire dragon stopped, a white mist sprayed out of the nostrils, looked very angry.

"Huh? So strong flesh!"

Seeing nothing from the other side. Nie Yun was surprised.

His punch just now, although he didn't use any martial arts, almost used all his strength. After one move, the original Dobo Prince would probably be directly hit ... Now it hits the opponent's hoof claws, but nothing happens, which shows that this guy's defense is strong.

"I'll see if it's your physical strength or my fists!"

Knowing that the other person's physical strength was strong, Nie Yun did not flinch, but instead showed strong warfare in his eyes.


When the body shakes, the teleportation usually appears on the side of the fire dragon. Turned his fists into palms and split it down.

Capricorn is infinite!

The mastery of practising in the floating continent. Improved to become more powerful. At this moment, the space was chaotic, and the chaotic avenues were scattered.

This palm is his strongest trick besides the Da Yan Tianji Sword. The violent power swept through, even the prince Dobo who had broken through was afraid to take it.

As for the ordinary perfect imperial realm, it will be beaten into a meat pie with one stroke, and it will be difficult to survive.


The palm of his hand hit the fire dragon without reservation.


The huge body of the fire dragon flew horizontally and hit the other celestial beast directly.

"Abominable, abominable!"

After finally stabilizing his body, the fire dragon kept roaring and the anger was soaring into the sky.

Before they were all devouring trials, but this time they let a humble little guy beat them. How can they not be angry?

It was angry, and Nie Yun was startled.

Just now he almost exhausted all his strength and hit the other side. The other side only flew up a distance. There is no fart ... is it true?

"This guy's defense is too strong ... If I have such a strong physical body, it will be no problem to enter the core of the burned sky area!"

When his heart moved, Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

I also thought about how to strengthen the physical strength. When I saw this guy, I immediately knew what to do.

"As long as I can get their blood and try to refine and absorb it, my physical strength can definitely go further!"

Although these guys are not very powerful, the physical body is unexpectedly powerful. The strong physical body is provided by the blood, which means that their blood is very powerful. Once they find a way to refine, they can definitely ensure that his physical body can also make great progress .

"This human is amazing, let's go together!"

After suffering a big loss, the Fire Dragon also knew that the young boy was not weak, and roared.

"OK, kill this human!"

"Damn ..."

After hearing the orders, the remaining burned beasts gathered around and surrounded Nie Yun in the center.

The flaming animal was tall, and Nie Yun stood in the middle, like a sheep surrounded by several elephants, looking passive.

However, Nie Yun was not afraid, but was excited and laughed: "Haha, come on, let me try the latest cultivation results!"

He hasn't been doing much with people since he came out of the sword spirit valley. With the increase in strength, he also wants to try what strength he has reached now!

A wrist turned, and a long sword appeared on the palm.

The opponent's defense is so strong that it cannot be broken with the fists, only swords can be used.


Seeing that he took out his long sword, a celestial beast rushed forward, and the thick claws grabbed Nie Yun's head.

To be arrested this time, it must be dead.

"A sword is broken!"

In the face of the opponent's hoof claws, Nie Yun did not dodge.

Lian Yuejian's strongest trick, one sword inch off!

A sword came out, the liver and bowels were broken.

This sword move is the same as the original skill of Qihai continent cultivation, ignoring defense and piercing the internal organs.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

In the blink of an eye, the sword tip and the opponent's claws collided dozens of times in the air.


I just felt a pain in Hukou, and his arm was numb. Nie Yun couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The sword and the claw of the opponent hardly touched each other, but it was irresistible.

"So strong?"

Nie Yun's face was dignified. (To be continued.)

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