Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2418: Battle of the Burning Heaven Beast (2)


Nie Yun was backed off by the power of the Burning Heaven Beast, and this guy was also wounded by his sword gas, wow, barking, and burning in anger.


Several head-burning beasts also knew that the young man's strength was horrible and rushed at the same time without giving him any respite.

The hoof claws attacked from all sides. The strong pressure caused the space to distort. With the special environment of the burning area, Nie Yun was more dignified.

Although these flaming beasts have average fighting power, they can be extremely powerful, and their defense is invincible. Even if he wants to overcome, I am afraid that he will have to pay a great price.

"Then try my fusion realm!"

When the spirit moves, the fusion realm is exhibited.

Nie Yun's strongest now is the integration of the realm. In the face of the pressure of several burning animals, he was released without reservation.

Zizi Zizi!

The realm unfolded, and dozens of sword shadows appeared in the air at once. These sword shadows suddenly changed into Nie Yun's appearance in the eyes of Burning Heaven Beast.

Sword Art Avenue, Fantasyland Avenue!


When the spirit moved, dozens of Nie Yun shot at the same time.

傀儡 Avenue!

Despite the disappearance of the Beacon Avenue and the Frozen Avenue, his fusion realm still has several top-ranked avenues, which can not be tolerated and terrible.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Dozens of stalks of perfect imperial soldiers stabbed several giant Celestial Burning beasts, making a sound of golden iron attack.

"This is weird ..."

Attacked by long swords in turn, a few of the Celestial Beasts were a little bit stingy.

They used to rely on their powerful defenses to kill humans. I did not expect that this human being blocked their siege with one person's strength.

And what boundary is this? Why is there so much power?

It would be too much, even if you could do it!

How can a person have so much energy?

"This defense ..."

Boundary Shi unfolded. Nie Yun blocked the attack of several Sky-Burning Beasts and seemed to have the upper hand. In fact, he knew in his heart that he did not even break the defense of the other party.

Alas, m. ◎ ∞m did not break the defense, and the opponent was not injured.

With such a powerful defense, Nie Yun was speechless.

No wonder you can run around in the burning sky area. Don't get hurt ... Unless you use the most powerful means, you definitely can't kill the other party.

"Son, we admit to seeing you ... now we can't kill you, and you can't break our defense ... it's better to just forget it!"

Parting again, the fire dragon roared low.

Although they really want to kill this boy, they also know that the other party is strong. With them, it is difficult to succeed. They can only find ways to stabilize the other party and find more companions to come under siege.

"Can't break your defense? That's not necessarily ..."

Nie Yun smiled. Suddenly her eyebrows were raised, and she could take a deep breath.


Along with his movements, dozens of long swords suspended in the air suddenly made the sound of jingling bells, flew up, blinked, and practiced into a string.


Pointed at the fire dragon.

Dozens of long swords came with great power.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

This time, each sword is chopped in the same position of the fire dragon. One sword may not be of much use. A dozen swords go on. The fire dragon suddenly felt pain.


With a rage, the fire dragon was about to run away, but its speed was not as fast as Feijian, and coupled with the influence of the realm, many long swords were still chopped in exactly the same place.


The fire dragon's huge claws fell under the continuous sword attack. Blood spurted.


As soon as Nie Yun grabbed his palm, he collected the hoof claw and the gushing blood into the world of objects.


The claws were cut off, and the fire dragon roared loudly.

The physical body is strong, and recovery is slow, although a hoof claw does not hurt lives. To it, the damage is too great. Without hundreds of years and thousands of years of cultivation, it is impossible to recover.

"You have to kill me, of course, you have to be prepared ..."

Regarding its roar, Nie Yun didn't care, smiled gently, and the sword fluttered again, flying over.

He just chopped the opponent's hoof claw just now. He just tried to see if he could do it. After finding that the effect was not bad, he kept the sword straight to the other's head without retaining it.

No matter how strong your body is, if your head is cut off, you will die!

Anyway, the other party wanted to kill him and beheaded the other party without any psychological pressure.


Seeing his long sword attack again, the fire dragon changed his face and fled.

Although he hasn't played against teenagers for a long time, he already knows that the opponent's strength is strong, and several of them are not opponents.

The opponent could not break its defense before. It was easy to pierce at this moment and stay here. There is only a dead end. No matter how stupid I know how to choose.


The fire dragon ran away, and the other burned celestial beasts were not stupid, and fled behind them.

For a moment, these big guys got into the depths of the burning sky.


Watching them run away, Nie Yun did not chase them.

It's not that he can't catch up, but that the opponent is physically strong, and it's okay to charge into the Tiantian District. If he wants to go in, even if he has the clothing of Wanjie, it will definitely be greatly oppressed, his strength cannot be exerted, and he will be attacked.

"I've got a lot of blood from Burning Heaven Beast. Try it first to make the body go further!"

Do not chase Nie Yun without rest, a slight smile has entered the world of things.

Just now a sword cut off the fire dragon's claws ~ www.readwn.com ~ got a lot of blood, maybe he can make his physical body go further, there is no pressure to enter the Tiantian area.

"This blood is really strong!"

With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood appeared at his fingertips, and Nie Yun glanced, his eyes shining.

Drops of blood from the burned heaven beast are like bright pearls, which contain a strong life force.

Put this drop of blood on the palm of your hand, sit cross-legged on the ground, slowly refine.

This blood is heavier than mercury. If it is swallowed in the abdomen, it will easily damage the internal organs, and it can only be placed on the palm to extract the power and temper the flesh.

Squeak! Squeak!

As he had guessed, the power in the blood was transmitted to the body through the palm of his hand, and it really improved his physical body. His muscles kept squirming, like a tonic, and every cell was growing rapidly.

One, two, three ...

Nie Yun kept refining his blood, and soon he refined as many as thirty drops.

Thirty drops of blood were put together, as much as half a washbasin.

"Huh? I can't absorb it ..."

With the increasing power of absorbing blood, Nie Yun found that his physical body was gradually saturated, and finally after absorbing 35 drops, he could no longer absorb half a drop.

After absorbing thirty-five drops of blood, his physical body has become extremely powerful, and he can feel the infinite power of his body with a flick of his fist.

"Although the physical body is now strong, it is still a lot worse than the Celestial Beast. How do these guys cultivate? Is it really talent?"

Nie Yun stood up with a strange expression on his face. (To be continued.)

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