Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2419: On the power of that 1 avenue

I just fought against "Fen" in Fentian. I knew the power of this beast. I used all my strength to shoot Da Yan Tianji Sword. I can only leave a white mark on the other person. The strength of the flesh alone has already exceeded the realm of the perfect emperor. .

If it weren't for the fusion realm, let alone ten swords and twenty swords, even if you use more swords, you may not be able to break open.

The strength of this physical body has surpassed all the beasts he has seen.

"Look if the current power can enter the core of the Burning Sky District!"

Do not think about why the flesh of Tiantian Beast is so powerful, Nie Yun left the world of Nawu and returned to the Tiantian area.

Back to the same area, I felt a little bit of oppression just now. I did n’t feel anything at the moment. I absorbed thirty drops of blood from the Celestial Beast. The body is more than twice as powerful. Although it is far worse than the Celestial Beast, it is not weak. Already.


The wings of the Phoenix waved and continued to move forward.

The chaotic space and messy avenue splashed on the feathers of Wanjie, flashing his faint light, like a layer of mist.

I have to say that Wanjie Yuyi is really powerful. Without this, he would have been torn into powder by the chaotic space.

"Huh? What's that?"

Continue to fly forward, and suddenly saw a dark thing flying out of the center of the burning sky area.

The sky opened and looked closely, and Nie Yun's eyes couldn't help flashing.

"Nine mysterious iron?"

The black thing that flew out was similar to a treasure he saw in books.

This thing is called Jiuxuan Divine Iron. It is the supreme treasure for making divine soldiers. If the refining is successful, even if it is only the king realm, it can easily break the emperor realm.

Such a **** iron is legendary that it can only be found in the depths of the boundless sea. And the number is scarce, so that many powerful people have broken their heads and never dreamed of discovering them here.

"come on!"

Know how precious this thing is. Nie Yun was not polite and grabbed his big hand forward. Grabbed God Iron over.

"It really is this thing ..."

That way, I studied it carefully, exactly as recorded in the book.

Take out a soldier who fulfilled the imperial realm and stabbed it.


Not even a white seal was left on the **** iron.

Ordinary treasure refining divisions, refining the highest-level weapons are only to complete the royal realm, and to be promoted to the realm of emperor requires the cultivation of the realm.

Wen Yangcheng's weapons to complete the imperial realm are all extremely sharp and extremely powerful, at this moment in an untouched. Even the refining God did not even make a full blow on the **** iron, not even leaving a white seal, which shows that the latter is terrible.

"Stay, maybe we can make a weapon in the future!"

With a small smile, Jiu Xuan Shen Iron is included in the world of things.

Take away the **** iron and continue to move forward, and soon saw a treasure flying over.

Virtual Dragon Flower!

This is a refining medicinal plant in Yan Dan, which is not in the medicine garden of Yan Huang Dian. I did not expect to see it in the chaos of time and space.

At first, Nie Yun thought that these treasures had been lost by the few burned beasts that had just fled. As he walked towards the regional center, he felt that this was not the case.

Many treasures spewed out from the center of the area.

Out of the nine mysterious iron, Xulonghua. There are also Hengsha in time and space, Tiangong God Stone ... Anyway, there are only the treasures recorded in books, and he has seen them at this moment. Even got a lot.

Although with his current strength, these treasures have little effect, but with so many good things out of nowhere, it still dazzled him and could not help collecting them quickly.

"Fentian District is a vacuum zone formed by the collision of many worlds. The world can be born and broken, and treasures can be born naturally. These things should be ejected from the most central place, but I don't know what the most central place is."

While collecting treasures, Nie Yun moved forward quickly.

Walked for a long time. I felt physical discomfort again.

With the help of the blood of the Celestial Beast, his physical evolution has evolved a lot. But it hasn't reached the limit. If you keep on moving forward, I'm afraid that Wanjie Yuyi will be fine, and the flesh will not be able to bear it and burst open.

"We'll be there soon ..."

Stopping, Nie Yun looked up and looked at the daughter of Chen Chen.

At the very center of the burning sky area, a ball-shaped thing is very close to him. If you fly at full strength, you can reach it in an hour.

However, he also knew that this short time would definitely not fly by virtue of his current strength.

"Guardian Realm!"

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun displayed the fusion realm.

Realms can be used to fight and protect themselves.


The fusion realm worked, and a solid armor was formed on his surface, hidden in the feathers of Wanjie, resisting the impact of the turbulent flow of space.

"Sure enough, go ahead!"

With the use of realm power, the sense of oppression really eased a lot. Nie Yun relieved and continued to move forward.

Close to the center of the burning sky, the treasures are also being pulled more and more, but the pressure has not completely disappeared, leaving him with no time to collect and no time to collect.

Even so, I still get many treasures that are difficult for the gods to find.

He flew forward for another half an hour and stopped again.

At this moment, his whole body was cramped, sweat was flowing on his head, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Can't move forward again.

The burning of the sky is the core of many world collisions. This place has a strong pressure on the soul and the body. The World Realm can withstand it, but his body can't hold it, even if the realm is used. .

"Are you going back?"

I can only go back if I can't get in, but Nie Yun is a little reconciled.

Without the core, it is difficult to perceive the essence of the world, and it is impossible for him to continue to promote the world of things.

In other words, if you don't move on, the effort to come here will be wasted.

"You must enter the center of Burning Sky District ... Burning Sky Beast can go in, I can certainly!"

Glancing, Nie Yun gritted his teeth.

The ability of Burning Heaven Beast to be so powerful must be related to the special situation at the center. If he cannot enter, he will be uncomfortable even if he leaves safely.

Anyway, you have to go in and check out ~ www.readwn.com ~ maybe you can find the conditions to form a perfect boundary, which will greatly increase his strength.

"There are two ways to complete the half-hour journey. First, improve physical strength! Second, improve your own strength!"

"Without treasures, I don't know how, it is definitely impossible to improve the body in a short time!"

"My strength is as it is now, and it is very difficult to be promoted in a short time, unless the thing world is promoted ... but this is obviously impossible!"

Nie Yun frowned.

Although he really wanted to enter the center of the burning sky district, he also knew where his limits were, and the more he thought about it, the more difficult he became.

No matter the body or strength, it is impossible to improve in a short time.

"No way ... just use that avenue!"

There was a flash of light in his head, an idea came out, and Nie Yun couldn't help moving. (To be continued.)

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