Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2420: The power of that 1 avenue (below)

Nie Yun also has a high-ranking avenue, which was the fusion of the two avenues of fire and ice.

As soon as this avenue was formed, it rushed to the front of all Dantians, and even the world of things was behind it.

If he can resist the Tiandao calamity, it is likely to become a new avenue, allowing him to become a powerful emperor.

This alone can see the terribleness of this avenue!

Because this avenue will be found by the Tao, crushed, and dare not use it in the realm of God, nor dare to put it into the fusion realm. At this moment, it is different ... Wanjiedongtian belongs to an independent realm and does not belong to the realm of gods ... but not Can you try it?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's eyes were full of fiery.

Although this fusion avenue has reduced his strength, he also knows that many avenues in the fusion realm are not their opponents.

What kind of effect can be produced after using it, even he can't predict.

However, what is certain is that it must be very powerful.

"No matter, try!"

A decision was made in my heart, a deep breath was taken, and the eyes closed slowly.


Spiritually mobilizing that avenue of fusion, a surging force rushed into the body instantly.

"Well, so much oppression!"

As soon as Dadao entered the body, Nie Yu immediately felt as if there were a pair of huge eyes on his head through the space-time diaphragm of Wanjiedongtian, staring closely at him, making him afraid to move.

"Is this the Divine Will?"

Feeling the power brought by these big eyes, Nie Yun understood: "If it is really going to work, I'm afraid I can't hold on even one thousandth of my breath ... No wonder the strongest person who dares to borrow the sky is afraid to use power ... "

Those big eyes must be the heavens of God. He used the fusion road and was peered by the other side.

Fortunately, this is in Wanjiedongtian, although the other party peeped. Did not start, if in the realm of God, this alone. I am afraid that the calamity of heaven will come directly.

The Tiandao calamity is nothing else, it is the most outrageous force of Tiandao. Many great emperors can't carry it, let alone him now.

Once encountered, there is only one way to go.

"It seems that it will be less used in the future ..."

Nie Yunxin was vigilant.

Although it is far away from the so-called heavenly path, it still gives a strong sense of oppression and can be foreseen. As long as you use the power of this avenue recklessly, the other party is likely to fall into the sky.

So ... even if you have to use this avenue in the future, you have to be careful. Otherwise, the enemy will not kill, but it will cause the anger of heaven, and you will never know how to die.

"But try the power now!"

Be alert, but equally hot.

As soon as he used this avenue of fusion, he felt the strength of his whole body suddenly surging. The whole person seemed to become the omnipotent God of War, and he was not afraid of anything.

This feeling. Only when I first experienced it in Chaos Ocean, never before in the realm of the gods.

"To prevent heavenly punishment, use one-tenth of the power first!"

Although to try the power of this avenue. But Nie Yun was not reckless.

Tiandao is suspended above his head at all times. He can't guarantee whether the other party will lower the punishment. In this case, then try a little bit and try with one-tenth of the strength. If there is no problem, continue to increase the strength.

Anyway, he doesn't fight others now, and he is not in danger. There is no need to use the strongest combat power.

Coo coo!

The power of the fusion avenue forms a brilliant light at the fingertips, and the whole body fuses. It is like forming a golden armor.


Although it is only one-tenth of its strength, it is integrated with the body. The previous feeling of oppression disappeared immediately.

"It's really more powerful than the fusion realm!"

The fusion realm can't withstand the current sense of oppression, and this avenue uses only one-tenth of the power, and it is easy and satisfactory, which shows the gap between the two.

Without the sense of oppression, Nie Yun was relaxed, his fists squeezed forward and hammered hard in the past.


A space crack running across several tens of kilometers appeared in front of him.


Nie Yun stood up and startled.

He is not in the Divine Realm now, but near the center of the Burning Heaven Zone. The sense of oppression here can't bear even with the feathers of Wanjie.

This shows the strength of space here.

Such a strong spatial strength, using the fusion realm, the big Yantian sword, all the combat power together, it is good to break a space crack of a few kilometers at most. At this moment, a crack appears dozens of miles ...

Doesn't it mean that the power of this avenue is ten times stronger than his normal strength?

"Ten times more powerful? Even if you steal the sky, you are not so powerful ..."

Nie Yun was shocked.

Stealing and borrowing the longevity realm, he is not unheard of. When he was in Sword Spirit Valley, he was chased away by a sword, and he knew the exact strength of this strong.

The swordsman at the time was not ten times his.

After leaving Sword Spirit Valley, the strength increased again, ten times more powerful!

According to his speculation, the punch he had just made, even if he steals the sky, the strong man can't show it, and there is no such powerful force!

In other words, using Fusion Avenue, his combat power has surpassed the best of life!

"That's a tenth power ..."

Nie Yun's eyes flickered and it was difficult to calm down.

If all the power of Fusion Avenue is used, the point is ... it is so huge with only one tenth of the power!

If all of them are used, wouldn't it indicate that they can perform more than 100 times their current combat power?

How horrible!

"Although this power is far less than that of the emperor, I am afraid there are no rivals under the emperor!"

Nie Yun smashed her lips and pressed the fiery heart.

The purpose of coming here is to promote strength, but I did not expect that the avenue of whim and fusion would be so powerful.

"Trying with two tenths of your strength!"

One tenth of the power was determined ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun experimented again.

Time stopped and shook his head.

"Even in Wanjiedong days, you can only use one-tenth of your strength. If you use too much, the heavenly path is likely to break through time and space and punish me directly!"

Although excited, I felt helpless.

The fusion road is very powerful, but it is too jealous of the heavens. Using one-tenth of the power, the other party seems impatient. If you use too much, even in the world of the world, the punishment of the heavens will be lowered, and he will not bear it. live!

"Maybe with more power, I can use more power!"

His current strength cannot fully control the avenue of fusion. Once he uses too much distributed power, perhaps he can better control it after increasing his strength, so that he will not become passive like he is now. (To be continued.)

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