Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 12: Burning Heavenly Beast



Concerned about this problem, a loud roar sounded, followed by numerous shadows, rushing towards him. Please search (Pin & Book ¥ net) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel ▲ ∴ 顶 ▲ ∴ 点 ▲ ∴ 小 ▲ ∴ said, x.

These black shadows are all celestial beasts, each with the speed of tearing wind, before they come to them, they give people a kind of spiritual oppression.

"It's this human ..."

"Dare to break in here and find death!"

"Haha, don't leave since you are here ..."

All thoughts came roaring.

Many of these celestial beasts do not speak human language, but Nie Yun has a strong soul and talented Tianer Master. By virtue of their fluctuations in ideas, they can fully understand each other's meaning.

"Some of the burned beasts that I just shot away fled here ..."

Looking straight ahead, it rushed to the front and it was the heads that were injured before. The guy named Fire Dragon was rushing in anger, and seemed to want revenge with the advantage of the ethnic group.


The speed of burning the beast was extremely fast, and I came to it in a blink of an eye.

Each of these giant beasts of heaven and earth possesses the strength of the pinnacle of the realm of the realm, coupled with the powerful defense, even if the prince of multiple waves is caught in it, I am afraid there is only one way to go.

"This human is weird, let's do it together!"

Came to the front of the fire dragon roar, shot first.

Along with the shout, the other Celestial Beasts who came with it did not hesitate, and innumerable forces formed a huge river.

This river traverses dozens of kilometers and cannot be avoided no matter how to avoid it.

"This group of guys ..."

Nie Yun's face changed.

Unexpectedly, these flaming beasts did not say anything directly, even if he had just experimented with Fusion Avenue. I also felt a big head for a while.

Absorb the other's blood and physical promotion, so that his strength has greatly increased. It is no longer a problem to battle one or two heads, if you are using Fusion Avenue. Dozens of burned beasts can also deal with it ... but tens of thousands of tens of thousands come at once, how to fight this?

In particular, they are of the same race and have similar powers. Even if they do not use combos, the powers can perfectly blend together to form stronger tricks.

"Da Yan Tian Ji Sword!"

Time didn't give him much thought, the realm was working directly, and dozens of long swords fulfilled the imperial realm, flying at the same time. In conjunction with the beacon and the fusion of ice and ice, Da Yan Tianji Sword is also cast at the same time.

Before using the fusion avenue to test the power, he just hit a random punch without using swordplay.

As a special skill of Kendo Emperor Lu Xi, Dayan Tianji Sword is powerful and unmatched. Driven by the integration of the avenue, it is even more powerful.

Wow! Wow!

The sturdy space is like the plastic that has been cut open. There are dozens of huge cracks without any sound.

The fissure greeted the river, and two huge forces collided fiercely. A huge black hole formed in the air in an instant.


I just felt a huge force crashing, and Nie Yun's chest was stuffy and blood spewed out.

Although the fusion avenue is powerful, it has thousands of heads and tens of thousands of flaming beasts attacking at the same time are too powerful. Suddenly he was seriously injured.

If it weren't for the Fusion Avenue bodyguard, I'm afraid it would be killed directly.

"No, it's definitely not an opponent. Go for it ..."

One move defeated the North, flying hundreds of kilometers backwards. Nie Yun no longer hesitated, turned and fled.

If Fusion Avenue can exert 100% of its power. I'm not afraid of these celestial beasts, but using only one-tenth of the power is different.

Unable to compete with each other, continue to persist, or die here.

It's better to run away first and make plans later.


The wings of the Phoenix unfolded and flickered, and the teleportation generally fled away.

The wings of the Phoenix, fused with the feathers of the Realm of the Realms of the Realm, can play faster, and in conjunction with the power of his fusion avenue, it is difficult for the strong to steal the sky to survive.

Although the Burning Heaven Beast is powerful, after all, he has not yet reached the life of stealing the sky, and when he sees his wings flicker, he disappears in front of him.

"Damn, why did you run away?"

"How could this human be so fast?"

"No, when he was fighting with us just now, his strength was so low that I couldn't even hurt him. How could he possibly prevent our joint assault by the many burning beasts?"

"Human beings have always been treacherous and cannot be speculated with common sense. Since this guy is here, it is definitely not good intentions. We must kill it anyway ..."


Seeing Nie Yun blink of an eye in the blink of an eye, and disappeared completely, many celestial beasts were blinded.

They have seen many humans over the years. Those who can block their joint attacks have almost never seen them. More importantly ... this guy has not had such power just now. How long has it been so powerful?


The beasts were roaring, and a loud roar rang.

Feeling the roar, all the Celestial Beasts turned around at the same time, looking respectfully towards the mountains.

"It's king!"

The fire dragon also turned his head, with worship in his eyes.


The kings of the Burning Heaven Beast have reached the point where they can look up.

Just now that human being has blocked many of the Celestial Beast attacks, although it seems very powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, compared with Wang Yi, the weak is like a chicken.

The king only needed one hand to kill him easily, without much effort.

It's just that Wang usually fell asleep, and did not expect this human to wake up after entering here.

"All the Celestial Beasts obey orders, catch up with this human and bring him to me! This is where our generations live, and humans are not allowed to be contaminated!"

All the Celestial Beasts turned their heads, and a loud voice reached their ears.

This voice carried majesty and domineering, making all the Celestial Beasts involuntarily lower their heads and dare not resist.

"Search now, I'm going to live ..."

The sound of the Heavenly Beastmaster sounded again.


"Wang, don't worry, we must do our best to kill this human!"

"We must catch him ..."

Hearing Wang's order to kill this human, all the Celestial Beasts had their eyes brightened, and they rushed towards Nie Yun's direction of escape.

Tens of thousands of celestial beasts set off at the same time, there seemed to be a thunderous sound between the heavens and the earth, and cracks appeared on the ground.

"Hey, Wang himself ordered, I see where you escape ..."

Hehe smiled, the fire dragon followed behind the other celestial beasts and rushed out.

"Catch me? I don't know this king, what are you doing?"

Although Nie Yun fled a long distance, the breath of the king was great, his voice echoed throughout the world, and he heard this command.

However, unlike the excitement of Burning Heaven Beast, my heart was full of depression.

How could this celestial beast king catch himself? I do n’t know, I did n’t do anything bad ...

Hunted by so many burned beasts ... Think about it, too ...

(To be continued.)

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