Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2423: worry

But things have come to an end, and tangling is useless. Find a way to deal with it first.

The wings of the Phoenix flickered and Nie Yun flew forward.

Although his speed can't catch up with the Celestial Beast, there is only such a large place in the center of the Celestial Zone, and it is impossible to keep moving in a straight line.

快 "Look, that human is ahead ..."

After a long while, several burned beasts first discovered his tracks.

"Where to escape, humans! Obedience, catch it!"

"Stop me ..."

A scream roared in the back, followed by several huge hoof claws.


Yun Nieyun knew that once they were entangled with these heads, the rest of the army would surely surround himself, his face sinking, and Da Yan Tianji Sword was put on display.


A flash of blood flashed across him, and several celestial beasts were split in half by him.

Using the Fusion Avenue, the combat effectiveness has increased more than ten times. The defense that required dozens of swords to break before, only one sword is needed at this moment.


Yizhao beheaded and killed a few head-burning beasts, Nie Yun grabbed it in the air, collected all the corpses into the world of objects, and then lightly flickered and disappeared again.

The roar of the few burning beasts just now will surely pass out, and stay here, there is only a dead end.

After an hour.

"Why so many burning beasts ..."

Behind a hill, Nie Yun gasped, his face helpless.

After killing a few burned beasts, his whereabouts were finally found. Numerous burns of burned beasts generally came in, and he was surrounded by three layers inside and three outside.

Fortunately, he is now powerful and protected by Wanjie Yuyi, otherwise he will be killed alive before he escapes.

Even if I escaped, I was hit somehow. At this moment the chest was stuffy and blood seemed to flow from the corners of the mouth.

There are too many smoldering beasts. He can kill several heads with one sword. But dozens of heads came at the same time, and the power of Jianqi could not break their defense.

Therefore. They are not afraid of themselves at all, nor do they use any tricks to rush forward in piles.

I was surrounded several times, and I could hardly escape. If it were not for many means, I would have been caught.

"Continue this way, sooner or later, you will be caught!" Nie Yun rubbed her brows, and was excited before she was gone. Instead, it was full of worries: "Now there are three ways for me to go. First, break the diaphragm and leave the place! Second, kill all these burned beasts ... Third, find ways to enhance their strength and let the burn Celestials no longer dare to attack me! "

"This place contains the prototype of the avenue and the true meaning of the world. It is difficult to come in. If you leave directly, it will be difficult to come again next time! And. The so-called core has not been found, and the world of things has not been promoted ..."

I came here with great pains and hardships and fled if I was besieged. It's a bit reconciled.

I lost this opportunity, and the world of things will want to be promoted again, and I do not know how many years.

Therefore, the first way must not be taken, otherwise, it will have a certain impact on his Tao.

"The second way is feasible, but ... the current strength cannot be achieved unless the full power of the Fusion Avenue is used ..."

I thought of this. Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

I use fusion to achieve 100% strength, and I really don't have any fear of these celestial beasts. It is not known to kill them all, but ... doing so will inevitably lead to the peep of the heavens of God. Descend the Hell of Heaven.

Once the catastrophe landed, it was tantamount to leaving the wolf den and entering the tiger's mouth again.

Alas, and it is a deadly tiger mouth.

The second way, certainly not!

"The first two will not work, then you can only take the third one!"

"I think of ways to improve my strength, and these flaming beasts did not dare to come and trouble myself!"

"The idea is good, but ... how can I improve my strength again?"

Nie Yun pondered.

For his current situation, the best way to improve is to advance to the realm.

However, before you realize the perfect realm, if you are promoted at this moment, all previous efforts will be in vain and unwilling.

"There are three methods for rapid promotion at present. The first is to directly advance to the realm of the emperor. This is not good. Don't think about it! The second is to integrate other avenues and let the avenues merge multiple times ..."

He combined the two avenues of fire and ice, giving him this strength, which shows the horror of Fusion Avenue.

If there are a few more fusions at this moment, such as the fusion of devour, medical meditation, fantasy, and kendo, the power will definitely increase again.

"It ’s just that the more avenues that merged are more against the sky, the more they break the balance of the heavens, and the more they are peeped at by heaven ... According to previous experience, it is really necessary to fuse so many avenues together, and to use the most power, it is also related to the flames and cold. One tenth of the ice fusion road is not much different! "

No matter how great the power is, the heavenly path limits a line, and if it exceeds, it will kill! No matter how strong it is, it is just furnishing.

Moreover, I really want to merge these avenues. Without using the avenue, my strength will plummet. Even if I return to the realm of the gods, it will become the object of arbitrary slaughter.

"This road won't work!" Nie Yun shook his head again.

"The third method is to find a core, integrate it into the world of things, and quickly increase my strength! As soon as the world of things is promoted again, my strength will definitely increase again, and ... if you get the core, leave if you want to leave, and then No need to worry about it anymore ... Now it seems that this is the only way to go! "

The first two roads won't work ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can only take this one, but this one is not easy to imagine.

"According to the previous induction, the core must be in the mountain range where the Celestial Beast inhabits. There is the nest of Celestial Beast. If you want to get it, people must pass first ... How can I survive?"

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

The biggest contradiction now is that he was chased and killed by the Burning Heaven Beast. He has fled here, and will be found at any time, surrounded by siege ... How is it possible to return to the center again?

And once it really reached the center, I'm afraid that it hasn't found the core yet, it was killed by so many burning heaven beasts.

This is like the relationship between the spear and the shield, it can hardly be adjusted.

"If it is the divine realm, you can sneak, hide ... use all other methods to mix back to the core, but the space law here is different from the divine realm, which contains the true meaning of the world and the prototype of the avenue. These things have many restrictions ... the most important The thing is, the Celestial Beast is too sensitive to this area. Once the space changes, you can find that if it is invisible, it is difficult to escape the search! "

Xie Nieyun is best at stealth and stealth, but these two have little effect on the celestial beast.

The other party has a very sensitive touch, and a strong control of space, hiding ... will only fall into the surrounding of the other party.

"It's not possible to hide or escape ... What should I do?"

Nie Yun was a little worried.

I thought that I could feel the avenue when I came here, and successfully promoted the world of things.

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