Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2433: Heart array

There has never been any Emperor Realm in this seventh-level world, and naturally no one will use teleport.

Although the Emperor Henggu was powerful and became the first person in the world, he never knew what the teleportation was, and he did not know how to prepare for it.

Just above the imperial city, more than 300 million kilometers from here, I came to the top in a blink of an eye ... Is this still human speed?

Henggu trembled all over again. Looking at the young man in front of you, you are no longer afraid, but fear.

Not to mention the strength of the opponent, but this speed is not something he can compete with.

"Where do your people see them?"

Ignoring his shock, Nie Yun frowned.

"It seems to have gone to the bottom of the sea ..."

Henggu quickly answered.

"Go in!" Nie Yundang flew over to the surface of the sea before he came to the surface. The talents of Xiangshui displayed his talents. The sea surface suddenly boiled and a huge hole appeared.

The two flew straight inward along the hole.

Seeing that the sea water turned over by himself, Henggu felt a little numb.

Since encountering this teenager, he has experienced one thing more than one horror and one thing more incredible than he can bear.

When he came to Beichen Sea, he wanted to enter the sea. First, he had to prepare a pure-yang defensive soldier. Then he swam carefully in. He didn't dare to go too deep. He was afraid that he would not be able to come up because of the freezing ice. , Flying straight inward ... the gap between the two is too great.

Not a level at all.

Knowing that the boy in front of him is a person of two worlds, he is not entangled, and said: "It is said that Beichenhai has an ancient ruin, which is the place where ancient gods fell. I have also come because of this legend. But ... Not found!"

"Ancient **** fell?"

Nie Yun shook his head.

This legend is everywhere.

He is now a god-level powerhouse. With this strength, many ancient gods were not opponents before. It is not surprising that the so-called ancient **** fell. I'm afraid it's just a gimmick from some people.

However, there may be a hidden cave in this place. Otherwise, it would not be possible to find it with the power of the world space.

Following the broken waterway all the way down, dozens of breaths were flown, and Nie Yun no longer looked down, and his face gradually slumped.

Although no teleportation was used, he relied on his flying speed. One breath can take hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and millions of kilometers can easily be reached. There are dozens of breaths flying continuously down the water surface. I haven't seen the bottom of the sea yet ... this is a bit exaggerated!

Is this sea water tens of millions of kilometers deep?


Even the sea of ​​gods would not be so deep.

"No, this is the formation!"

Nie Yun stopped abruptly.

There was no end in sight, and I didn't know how far behind, and this was definitely not the deep sea. It's ... trapped in a certain formation.

And this formation is extremely powerful, and even he is unaware of it.

"A seventh-level world ... how could anyone arrange such a powerful formation?"

Nie Yun wondered.

Seven-level world. The strongest person that can be born is similar to Henggu. A person of this strength can pinch to death with one finger. How can he arrange such a powerful formation? Didn't even notice he was caught in it?

"I'm afraid this level seven world is not easy!"

Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

It is just an ordinary seventh-level world, he can easily refine and even destroy it by himself. The world in front of him contains matrix formations that he did not even see at the moment. It is enough to show that there is a problem in this world!

I am afraid that Prince Ruxia and others have fled here, and there is no way out. But it has long been known that this world is special.

"Exploration of the World of Things!"

Although weird, it was not nervous.

Promoted to the eighth level. Not far from the divine realm, there were not many things that made him afraid.

The power of receiving the world space accompanied his will to spread outwards, and the entire Beichen Sea was enveloped in an instant.

The Beichen Sea is extremely vast and covers an area of ​​millions of kilometers. Ordinary practitioners may not be able to find the end after flying for dozens of days, but in the eyes of Nie Yun.

"It really is a formation!"

The power of holding things in the world and the power of the soul are different from ordinary forces. It is a rule of space. No matter how strong the matrix method is, it can't stop it.

The entire Beichen Sea is a huge formation.

This formation method has a psychedelic effect. As long as you enter the ocean, you cannot find a living door, it is easy to fall into the sea, and you will never find the end.

"According to the characteristics of the formation method, this health gate is here ... no, if we are here, it will not be simply seawater ..."

Nie Yun also knows a lot about the formation method, but the formation method is very weird at present, and he hasn't confirmed the position of the door for a long time.

"No, that's not right ..."

"If you go this way, you will only fall into deeper confusion ..."


In a moment of effort, he rejected dozens of plans. The whole array kept spinning in his head, but he couldn't find the right exit and location.

"No ... this is not a magical array, but ... a mental array! If I try to find a living door, I am in a state of mental demon, and I will never find a way out!"

I don't know how long after that, Nie Yun suddenly became agitated, as if he understood something.

Divine formations ~ www.readwn.com ~ are divided into many types, sleepy formations, kill formations, magic formations ... and a terrible formation, called heart formation!

The mind array looks simple. On the bright side, it looks like a kill array, a magic array, and a sleepy array. When you really want to find it, it will disturb people's minds and cause people to endless speculation.

There is no single birth gate for this kind of formation, and there is no law at all between the birth gate and the death gate.

If you consider it in the normal way of cracking the matrix, it is easy to fall into chaos and find out the direction.

When encountering such an array, as long as anyone who has studied the array, it will be unknown and will completely collapse.

It can be said that this kind of matrix method can easily trap masters of matrix methods, and those who know nothing about matrix methods can often find an exit.

Therefore, if you consider it according to the formation method, you will only fall into it and cannot extricate yourself.

However, as long as you understand the formation method, it is impossible to clearly look at the dead door in front of you.

"Heart array ... it's really exciting!"

Understand what kind of formation method is, Nie Yun smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile.

When I came to Divine Realm, I only heard of this kind of formation, and I never dreamed of meeting it myself, and it was such an environment.

If he does n’t know anything about the game, it ’s better to break it, but he knows a lot about the game, but hesitates more and more, not knowing what to do.

"It seems that only tricks can be used ..."

Although I don't know how to find a way out, since it is determined that it is the heart array, it is easy to handle. When Nie Yun's heart moved, a shoe appeared in the palm of her hand.

To be continued.

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