Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2434: The trick to make Henggu collapse

"A trick?" Henggu stunned in his heart.

Nie Yun's voice was not concealed, he heard it, heard the word "unique trick", and hurriedly came over.

The shock the boy gave him along the way is too great, the means are endless, the power is endless, it is simply an unbeatable myth!

Of course, after seeing so much, he also knows that it is only a small part of the other party's real strength. How powerful it is, no one can confirm it before the best trick!

It's a blessing to be able to see this powerful person use the trick now!


A flick of the wrist showed an image recording stone on the palm.

Not only does he want to see how the other party is doing their best tricks, he also decides to record them. He will watch them during practice in the future.

Henggu stood and waited not far, and he did not dare to blink, for fear of missing any detail.

Nie Yun moved at this moment.

Throw the shoes I didn't know where to get them into the air.


The shoe fell down and pointed to the direction of the toe.

"Okay, this way!"

Looking at the position pointed by the toe, Nie Yun was relieved, with one big finger, said very arrogantly.

"Direction? Seniors"

Henggu, who was recording on one side, saw the young man so determined the direction, rubbed his eyes hard, and wondered if he had read it wrong.

This shoe seems very ordinary, isn't it a magic weapon, why do you just throw it away to determine the direction?

Didn't you find it for a long time just now?

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seeing his confusion, Nie Yun looked over.

"Senior, why did you throw your shoes and decide the direction? What terrible avenue is involved?"

Hesitating for a moment, Henggu couldn't help asking.

I ca n’t help but do n’t ask, the other party ’s tricks are not used, I do n’t ask to understand, sooner or later, they will become a demon, and can no longer progress.

"Avenue?" Nie Yun frowned, blinking. Immediately he understood what he meant and couldn't help laughing. "It's a boulevard involving Mao. I can't find my direction. I can only throw my shoes."

"Throwing shoes?" Henggu carefully considered the source and history of throwing shoes, hoping to find the purpose and clues for doing so.

"Heart array is a kind of spirit demon array. Regarding the practitioners themselves, no matter how you think about it, how to break it. It must be wrong. In this case, you might as well not want to throw a shoe and empty your mind. This may be found answer!"

Nie Yun explained.

"This cough cough!" Henggu was choked with saliva several times.

Is this all right?

This is the heart array, everyone's fear formation method, throw a shoe and you will not play it!

What is Nima's trick?

"Okay, go in this direction!"

Ignoring his shock, Nie Yun reached out and grabbed his shoes. It depends on flying forward along the direction of the shoe tip, flying hundreds of thousands of kilometers, throwing the shoe again.

Throwing shoes to break the line looks ridiculous. In fact, there are people in the realm of God who break open the heart.

Heart array, heart demon formation method, as long as you watch it will produce a heart demon, as long as the heart demon exists, it will never go out. Because of this, this formation method is so terrible!

Throw shoes. Seen on the bright side, it is ridiculous, but people don't need to think about it, they don't even need to watch the formation. Of course, there will not be a heart demon. The so-called heart array is useless and self-defeating.

Henggu didn't know this situation, so he had to convulsively follow the teenager and watched him throwing his shoes over and over again.

After even throwing it a dozen times. The sea in front of me suddenly shook, and a solid ground appeared in front of me.

Undersea, here it is!

"Does this really work?"

Seeing that he really reached the bottom of the sea as he wished, Henggu rubbed his eyes hard, for fear of misreading.

I just saw throwing shoes. I thought it was a teenager who had no choice but to mess with it. I never dreamed of such a powerful formation. I found a way out by throwing shoes and walked out smoothly.

Is this really a trick?

"It seems that in the future, I will throw my shoes!"

Henggu's heart secretly decided.

This trick is so powerful, he is also considering, if in the future, if there is a major national issue that is difficult to solve, do you want to try it?

"It's under the sea!"

Not knowing what he thought, Nie Yun was relieved.

Throwing shoes can break the array, not to say that the mental array is not strong, but this mental array is only the lowest level.

Once you meet the advanced mindset, let alone toss your shoes, even the cucumber is useless.

There are countless strong men who have been trapped alive in history. Although Nie Yun thinks that he is powerful, he dare not easily challenge this weird formation.

Unless you have a deep understanding of the Demon Avenue and are proficient in the Demon, otherwise, there is only a dead end.

Sigh of relief, Nie Yun looked around.

The bottom of the sea in front of me is calm and peaceful, like a quiet 6 place. There is nothing special, but it is a bit cold.

Seeing Henggu's constant chatter, Nie Yun stretched out his fingers and sent a hot air stream, which only made him better.

"If you can arrange such a powerful formation, this seabed must hide very powerful things, but just such a vast seabed, how do you find it?"

Nie Yun was not in a hurry, but was meditating.

Being able to arrange a mind array in the sea water shows that the bottom of the sea must hide very powerful things, but the vast bottom of the sea, if you don't know the direction, you can find it for no purpose.

While thinking, Nie Yun saw Henggu on one side and looked over with serious face: "Senior, I can find it!"

"Can you find it?"

Nie Yun couldn't find anything, and the other party could find him, which made him curious.

"Yeah!" Henggu nodded, took off the shoes under his feet, raised his hand and tossed, saw the direction of the tip of the shoe, and pointed forward: "If you keep going in this direction, there will be no problem"

Nie Yun: ""

Shaking his head helplessly, Nie Yun did not choose Henggu's method in the end.

I just threw shoes in desperation just to break my heart. Now there is no formation method. Throwing shoes has a fart!

When the spirit moved ~ www.readwn.com ~, he took out the seeking needle, thinking about Prince Ruxia.


Turn the direction needle slightly.

"It works!"

Nie Yun laughed.

The homing pin could not find the trace of Prince Ruxia and others before, but I did not expect to be able to use it under the sea.

It seems that the isolated seeker was not looking for a special space, but the heart array in the sea.


Finding the direction, Nie Yun didn't hesitate and flew in the direction pointed by the needle.

The two flew one after the other for about half an hour, and an ancient seabed in front of them slowly appeared in front of them. (To be continued.) ◆ You can get a view when you come to the cloud. ◆

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