Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2435: Frost King

The ancient city is huge and vast. With the breath of time flowing, the walls of the city are covered with green moss only in the seawater.

"How can there be a city here? Beichenhai has been around for hundreds of millions of years and has never heard of a city!"

Seeing the ancient city, Nie Yun could still maintain his mentality. Heng Gu was in the same place and couldn't believe his forensic ex-wife.

He has lived in this seven-level world for years. Beichenhai has hundreds of millions of years of history as far as he knows. He has never heard of such a city.

Never heard of it, wouldn't it indicate that the city has been on the ocean floor for hundreds of millions of years?

"This city has existed not hundreds of millions of years, but billions of years ..."

Nie Yun looked slowly and said slowly.

The city gave him a vast and ancient atmosphere. This atmosphere is the same as the original Yanhuang Temple. Don't guess, at least it is something from the ancient times.

"Huh? Someone!"

As he was about to enter the ancient city, Nie Yun frowned suddenly.

He felt the breath of life in the ancient city.

The power of holding the world space is slowly released and slowly spreads into the distance.

"It's Prince Ruxia!"

A moment later, Nie Yun's face gave birth to a joy.

The breath of life I just felt was not others, but Prince Ruxia, Ye Tao and others.

"However, it seems that the prince Xiang is also there, just to save it!"

When he saw Prince Ruxia, Nie Yun also saw several others, one of whom was headed by him. He also knew that it was the soaring prince who flew with Prince Yan Huo in front of the palace.

This guy was standing beside him. Although he was just a perfect emperor, he had a strong breath that suppressed Prince Ruxia's inability to resist.

It seems that this cricket is not far behind, even though it has not reached the sky.


Seeing that Prince Ruxia and others were in a bad situation, Nie Yun did not hesitate. Yila Henggu, quickly flew forward.

This ancient city carries a special power, even him. Do not dare to teleport easily.

In front of a square in the ancient city.

Prince Ruxia was anxious.

He has a magnificent realm in the imperial realm, and has done everything possible to never beat a puppet of the same level. No one will believe it!

But that's the truth!

It ’s not that he is inferior, but ... he has been hunted and has already been seriously injured. The most important point here is the bottom of the Beichen Sea, but he must also share some strength to withstand the cold around him. Otherwise, he will become long ago without the attack of the other party. Ice cubes.

What makes him strange is. He needed to work hard to withstand the cold in order to stay here, but the soaring prince and the uncle on the opposite side didn't care, as if the cold around them had no effect on them.

"Ha ha, Ru Xia, don't struggle, this maggot is made of the cold iron of Yin, the surrounding cold is useless to him. As for us ... we have already taken Zhiyang Dan before coming! This is made by His Holiness Wu Huang himself. Elixir! The coldness will not affect it! "

Seeing to see his doubts, Prince Soar laughed wildly. There was a joke in his eyes.

"His Excellency Wu Emperor?" After hearing the name of the emperor, Prince Ruxia turned his head to look at a young man in the crowd: "Wu Qing, is it the Zhiyang Dan you gave? Did you already know this?"

Wu Qing. The descendants of His Majesty Wu Huang, the strength is not much different from his, but also a perfect imperial realm. He has always been loved by His Majesty Wu Huang and is the most outstanding child of Wu Huang's veins.

If any of these people can come up with such precious elixir, it must be this person who can only be cured by sound.

"I gave it to Zhiyang Dan!" Upon hearing the question, Wu Qing did not deny it, but laughed. It seems a bit mad: "I don't know this place, but before my ancestors said, Wanjiedongtian was actually part of the ancient battlefield. The ice emperor of ancient times once fell here, as long as you find an extreme cold The ocean may find the treasure of the Ice Emperor! Our family members have not found it for countless years ... I didn't expect you to accidentally rush in, and it really helped me! "

"Ice Emperor?"

Prince Ruxia obviously didn't know that Beichenhai was so involved and couldn't help it.

The reason why he rushed to this seventh-level world was indeed a desperate pursuit, and he never dreamed that he was the land where an emperor fell.

"The ancient emperor fell into a catastrophe, and countless great emperors fell! Later, the nine great forces formed, dividing the emperor's meteor battlefield into nine pieces, creating nine caves of ten thousand worlds. Although this is only one of them, there are also the remains of the great emperor and treasure! In this way, the nine emperors let posterity come here to test, in fact, they hope that they can find such treasures, soaring into the sky, and impacting to a higher level! Unfortunately, no one has been successful for so many years, and no one has been found After all, you can find it by running wildly, really lucky! "

Wu Qing hehe laughed: "However, no matter how lucky you can only make me a wedding dress! Rest assured, we will quickly kill you. If we blame you, we can only blame you for choosing the wrong path! "

"So it is!"

Prince Ruxia then understood.

Wan Jie Dong Tian, ​​he always thought that the emperors collected countless small worlds and gathered them. Now it seems that it is not that simple.

These secrets involve the emperor, even if he is a prince, he doesn't know it. Wu Qing can know it now, I am afraid that it is also what Emperor Wu Huang said to him.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, kill him soon, let's find a way to find the treasure of the Ice Emperor!"

Soared Prince Xiang.

Hearing his order, the crickets fighting Prince Ruxia in front of him accelerated his attack. For a moment, his strength was vertical and horizontal. Ruxia itself was the end of a strong crossbow. At this moment, he was suppressed repeatedly, could not hold on, and was kicked in the chest. The blood spewed upside down and flew out.

"Prince Ruxia ..."

The strength of Ye Tao and Yun Rou on one side was not great, and they were restrained by other disciples. They could only watch him hurt.

Not long, the two were also injured.

For a moment, all three were taken to Prince Xiang Xiang and others.

"Ru Xia, you have gained power over the years, and you haven't bothered me a lot. Didn't you ever dream of today?"

Looking at Prince Ruxia, who was seriously injured in front of him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Prince Xiang Xiang laughed and was indescribable.

The same prince, he has been suppressed by the other party, and today he saw the other party kneeling in front of himself, like a dead dog, full of joy.

"What's the use of killing me? The treasures of the emperor have virtues, even if you come to your eyes, you don't deserve it!"

Seeing the other person's pride, Prince Ruxia hummed.

"A virtuous person? Hey, let me tell you clearly, we are a virtuous person, the treasure of the Ice Emperor, we have to order!"

Prince Xiang snorted coldly and waved to the left and right: "Kill them all!"


Several people who held Prince Ruxia and Ye Tao and raised their long swords.

(To be continued.)

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