Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2436: Kill the prince soar

"I didn't expect to die here!"

Seeing the sword falling, Prince Ruxia and others shook his head.

The trial of Wanjiedongtian was extremely dangerous, and they had already prepared for death, but they did not expect to die in the hands of Prince Xiang Xiang.


Just when Prince Ruxia and others thought that death was unquestionable, the few people holding the sword ready to operate were fixed as they were, and then their pupils shrank at the same time. powder.


The flying prince Han Mao exploded.

The people who just exploded were descended from the Nine Emperors. Each of them was no less powerful than him. Such a mighty strength, without saying a word, was blown up directly. What happened?

"Hehe, Prince Xiang, let's meet again!"


Two figures appeared before the crowd.

"His Royal Highness ..."

Seeing the silhouette clearly, Prince Ruxia and others were overjoyed.

I thought that no life would be possible, and I never dreamed of the critical moment. His Royal Highness appeared.

However, with a smile on his face, Ye Tao suddenly thought of something, "Your Highness goes quickly, their purpose is you ... you must not be in trouble ..."

These people are not killing them, the main purpose is to look at the young man.

He fled all the way, in fact, he was afraid that Nie Yun would hit the other side when he came out of the burning Tian District. He thought he had escaped here, even if they had an accident, His Royal Highness was safe, and he never dreamed of it, at this time ... !!

"You're not their opponent, leave soon! Prince Yan Huo and others have followed him, and they are nearby. If you don't leave, you will be too late ..."

Prince Ruxia was also busy.

Although Nie Yun's strength is very strong, but Prince Ruxia has known him for a long time. The soaring prince and others in front of him may not be worried, but the one who prince Yan Huo is alive is really vigilant.

Once found by this powerful man. It's hard to escape!

According to the princes Yan Huo and Xiang Xiang and his hatred, how can they be easily let go!

"Relax. It's okay!"

Seeing several of them thinking of themselves regardless of their safety, Nie Yun was touched in the heart, grabbing the palm of his hand, and the Shennong Baicao Suspension came out, covering Prince Ruxia and others.


The injuries to Ye Tao, Prince Ruxia, and others were restored to the naked eye under the light of Shennong Baicao Jing. A few breaths are as good as ever.

"Nie Yun! I'm here just now, I'm worried about killing them where to find you, I didn't expect you to come here! I thought you would always hide like a turtle with a head!"

The soaring prince on the side first looked at Nie Yun who was clearly in front of him, and laughed wildly.

The purpose of their coming here was to hunt down Nie Yun, and this guy finally made an appearance after hiding for so long, and was overjoyed.

"Hide?" Nie Yun looked at the other coldly: "I don't have to hide against you clowns!"

"Really? I see how hard you can talk!"

Prince Xiang Xiang smiled coldly, a jade card appeared in his hand, crushed violently.


A ray of light channeled out from the Jade brand. Shoot out and disappear into the depths of the ocean.

Seeing his movements, Nie Yun did not stop. Instead, he smiled slightly and stepped forward: "Message to Prince Yanhuo? But ... I'm afraid you'll be disappointed because ... he's been killed by me!"

"You killed him? Haha, do you think I will believe it? The Lord Beixu around Prince Yan Huo has already reached the time to steal the sky, and it is up to you? A little perfect king? What a joke!"

Hearing this, Prince Xiang Xiang thought Nie Yun was bragging, and immediately laughed, his face grim.

To steal the sky to borrow life. The strongest under heaven, the imperial realm is ahead. They are just like children, without the slightest resistance. He was a little king, and he dared to say this ... It's ridiculous!

"Master Beixu? You said that old man ... I'm sorry, I was killed too!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"You killed Lord Beixu?"

As soon as Prince Xiang Xiang wanted to continue to refute, he realized that something was wrong.

The jade amulet he used just now, as soon as the other party received it, he would immediately come to the messenger. Now he hasn't moved. Is he really killed?

"It's impossible for Superman Marvel's adventures! Lord Beixu, who steals the sky and borrows the longevity of life. There is no heaven to suppress it. You can exert all your power. How could you kill a king?

Although strange, Prince Xiang didn't believe it.

The strength of Lord Beixu, he has seen it with his own eyes, like the surging river, the power is endless, how could he be beheaded?

"You will see him soon, and believe it then!"

Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense to the other side, his body flickered, and he came to Prince Xiang Xiang with a light finger.


The latter didn't even have a chance to react, and immediately flew out, hitting his back against a wall, the water was turbulent, and the flying prince flew open with blood.

"Your strength ..."

Until this moment, Prince Xiang Xiang finally believed and was afraid.

One finger of the other party, he didn't have the ability to resist at all. What is this strength?

"You ... run!"

On the side, Wu Qing and others saw that Prince Xiang Xiang was hung on the wall without even blocking a move, like a picture, almost scared to urinate his pants.

Their strength is not much different from that of Prince Xiang. The latter did not even block Nie Yun with a finger, and they certainly couldn't block it!

Dare not to talk nonsense immediately, turn around and run away.

"Want to leave? It's too late to go now!"

Nie Yun's eyes were cold, and he pointed forward with five fingers.


Wu Qing and that uncle, everyone who was still arrogant just now, as if they hit a huge iron plate, fell down directly, fell heavily to the ground, and smashed a large pit.

"If you blame, blame you for following the wrong master and offending people who shouldn't offend!"

One shot took everyone, Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and flicked his fingers again.


In the blink of an eye, several people were shrouded in flames at the same time.

"Do not……"

Wu Qing, Prince Xiang, and others were full of terror in their eyes and uttered a terrible shout, but it was too late at this moment, and the sound was extinguished before it was extinguished by flame.

This flame is weird ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although it is still burning in the depths of the ocean, for a moment, the astronaut and others turned into a ball of ashes, and a few rings of objects fell to the ground.


Nie Yun put away the stuffing ring.

These people are not in a weak position. When they come to the trial, they must have brought a lot of treasures. Of course, these good things cannot be thrown away for nothing.


Looking at Wu Qing, Prince Xiang Xiang and others who have been turned to ashes, Ye Tao and Prince Ruxia blinked their eyes almost crazy.

It is as simple as killing a fly to kill so many powerful people ... What is this strength?

"His Royal Highness, have you reached ...

Swallowing, Prince Ruxia could not help asking. (To be continued.)

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