Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2441: Bone replacement (top)

The self-contained space in the hall seemed very empty. Looking around for a week, there was only a round platform in the middle.

The round platform is completely made of ice and is only over half a meter high, with a skeleton sitting on it.

It can be seen from the skeleton that the owner is not tall, but with a force that can not help but be surrendered. Each of these bones is crystal clear. Although I haven't known how many years it has been here, I still have a force that cannot be blasphemed. .

"Is this ... the skeleton of Emperor Frozen?"

Nie Yun's face was positive.

If really the same as Wu Qing said, this relic is left over by the battle of Emperor Meteor, at least hundreds of millions of years away now. For such a long time, the skeleton of the perfect imperial realm will also become a cup of loess, and this skeleton can Well-preserved, with such power, I am afraid that the strength of the skeleton master before his life has reached a terrifying situation.

"A generation of emperors finally ended like this!"

Guessing that it might be the skeleton of Emperor Frozen, Nie Yun was full of emotion and walked slowly to the round platform.

In the realm of God, everyone wants to be detached, to live beyond heaven, in order to obtain an infinite life, as a result ... it will also be crushed by the wheels of history, leaving a pile of bones.

What happened to the ice emperor during his lifetime, and the time spent with him for hundreds of millions of years has completely disappeared. If he hadn't come here in person, I would have no idea that there was once another emperor strongman who majored in the ice road.

The Frozen Avenue is ranked in the 80th place. According to the truth, it is impossible to break through the heavens. He can become the emperor. I am afraid that he also supplemented a kind of avenue. The fusion of the two has reached the level of happiness.

The round terrace was slowly exuding a chill, with eight small characters engraved on it, all written in ancient languages. After experiencing the Sword Spirit Valley, Nie Yun consulted books and could recognize a lot of these ancient handwritings.

Looked down for a while. Recognize it.

"Hit the first hundred times and pass it on for me!"

Eight words, with an unquestionable tone. Let him stumble for the first hundred times.

It is understandable to bow to the emperor. Especially this ancient emperor, why did the battle of Emperor Meteor occur and what happened? Although he did not know, he knew that without these people's fighting, the world of God could not have such a stable life.

Without hesitation, Nie Yun came to the futon in front of the round platform. Knelt down.

For the first hundred times, it is not too difficult for him now, it is not long and has been completed.


When the last head was bowed, the whole hall was roaring, a vast breath came over, and the immobile skeleton in front of him suddenly lifted his head.

"I'm the Ice King!"

Skeleton Road.

The sound was long, as if from ancient times.

"The younger Nie Yun met the Emperor Hanbing!"

Nie Yundao.

"You can come here. You can get my inheritance for the first 100 times!" The skeleton slowly said, "But ... I broke the emperor's realm with the ice road and the popular road, and wanted to complete my inheritance. It depends on the talent! "

"After a while, I will take you to the floating bridge for assessment. There are three sections in this bridge. Each section has different assessment content. If you can pass all three sections, I will recognize you as my disciple and get my ice All the inheritances of the emperor! If they fail, they will be trapped in it, and they will never come out forever! "

"Floating bridge?"

Nie Yun froze.

I thought it was the first hundred times. It is not so easy to get the inheritance directly.

"You gave me the first hundred times. I will naturally not betray each other. The bridgehead of each floating bridge. There will be a stone monument with the cultivation tips I left behind. I will help you change your physique and let you Suitable for learning! "

The skeleton said faintly, the palm of his hand suddenly lifted, extended a finger, and pointed at Nie Yun.


Before Nie Yun took precautions, he felt enveloped by a huge force, and flew towards the skeleton involuntarily.


Feeling that the whole body is controlled by strength, it is impossible to move it. Nie Yun's face is not very good-looking.

He didn't like the feeling very much.

However, they also know that they cannot resist.

Although the other party has been dead for many years, and there are only a bunch of skeletons left, he was once a great emperor. His strength is not what he is now, and he can compete.


Soon, Nie Yun came to the bone under the control of great power.


A finger of the skeleton was drawn out to Nie Yun's arm, and with a slight touch, his body, which he thought was very powerful, was broken open, and blood spurted wildly.


The severe pain pierced his head, and Nie Yun shouted.

"My skeleton, although it has existed for billions of years, has not been eroded by time ... now, I will give it to you!"

The skeleton said faintly, palms extended again.


An irresistible force poured into the whole body, and Nie Yun's body swelled instantly and exploded directly.

"Well, killed by the other ..."

His body was blown up, and Nie Yun had a good heart.

I did not expect that after such a long time in the realm of God, I experienced many dangerous immortals, but died in the hands of a bunch of skeletons.

It is ridiculous that he worshipped him for the first hundred times.

"Huh? No, if I die, why am I still conscious?"

His body exploded, and Nie Yun thought he was dead. After a while, he realized that something was wrong.

If you have died, it is impossible to have such clear thoughts, and the thoughts have not disappeared ... Can it not be dead?

No, the flesh is fried into powder. How could it be alive?

Strange in his heart, Nie Yun's thoughts looked at the skeleton in front of him, and he couldn't help but look at it for a moment.

Two skeletons appeared directly in front of him.

"This is my skeleton!"

After just glancing at it, he immediately recognized that the extra pair was his own.

"My body just exploded, and the skeleton was perfectly cut out ..."

Nie Yun suddenly realized.

The skeleton of the Ice Emperor just now did not know what method was used to explode his flesh, leaving only bones.


Thinking about it, the skeleton of the Frozen Emperor moved again, and slowly moved towards his own skeleton. Soon, the two skeletons slowly merged to form one.

"A bone change?"

Nie Yun was stunned first, then ecstatic.

The other party is helping himself!

Although I have perfected the physical perfection through various cultivations ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is comparable to the perfect soldiers of the imperial realm, but after all, it is only the limit of mortals. Compared with the imperial realm, it is far worse!

The skeleton in front of him seemed to know his limits, and replaced his skeleton with his bones.

Replaced with the bones of the emperor, although he doesn't know what will happen, he knows that the benefits are definitely more than getting an emperor soldier!

No matter how strong the emperor's realm is, it is also a foreign object. Its own skeleton becomes the emperor's ... Doesn't it explain that as long as the skeleton does not die, people will not die?

The skeleton of the emperor ... Even if the emperor's realm takes the shot himself, I am afraid it will be difficult to completely kill it!

ps: Everyone can add the public prestige of Laoya, open the prestige to add new friends, Laoya will talk about the end of this book.

(To be continued.)

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