Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2442: Bone replacement (below)

"If he doesn't take the initiative, even if I get the skeleton, I can't refine it!"

Thinking about this, Nie Yun was moved for a while.

The skeleton of the Great Emperor has gone through the thousands of hammers and hardships of the Emperor Realm and the Great Calamity. If the other party is unwilling, with the current strength, it is impossible to refine, let alone integrate into the body and replace its own bones.

At this moment, the skeleton shoots itself, which saves a lot of trouble and is more compatible with itself.

Coo coo!

My heart is thinking, the skeleton of the Ice Emperor in front of him has been perfectly integrated with his bones and completely integrated.

"It's my heritage, I hope to help me take care of the ice!"

The two skeletons were completely fused together. After the last sentence of the idea of ​​the ice emperor disappeared, it disappeared, as if it had never happened again.

"A pulse of ice?"

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

I got the Skeleton of the Ice Emperor, and helped him take care of %%%%%% of the ice pulse, which is inescapable, but ... After the time of hundreds of millions of years, the so-called ice pulse does not exist, it is unknown. .

"Leave it alone, get out of the body quickly!"

Without thinking about these things, Nie Yun controlled the soul to move closer to the skeleton. The two merged together and suddenly felt a surging force spread out of the bones, nourishing the soul, and constantly deriving muscles outward.

Squeak! Squeak!

The skeleton was full at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the flesh that had just been crushed appeared slowly.

Nie Yun seems to have fallen into the hot spring, and his limbs and bones are indescribably comfortable, especially a huge force that constantly leaks out of the skeleton, constantly changing the body and soul. Let his power be constantly moisturized and strengthened.

I do not know how long it has been. open one's eyes.


When the body moved, left the round platform.


Just got together. The round platform was broken into powder, like a pool of crushed ice.

The Fusion Skeleton consumes all the power, even if the round platform is the treasure, it cannot bear it.

"Thank you senior!"

Knelt down on the futon again, and stung several times in a row.

If there was some reluctance before the bowed head, it is now willing.

At this moment he knew why the other side had to slap the first hundred times by himself, and incorporated his own skeleton into the other side, saying that even if he died. There are no bones left, let alone the first hundred times, thousands of times, are not enough to repay the kindness.

When he was finished, he stood up and squeezed his fist, and Nie Yun felt a powerful force filling his body.

The bone replacement is successful, and the body is constantly solidified under the moisture of the skeleton. Already broke through to reach the imperial realm.

The physical strength has increased, and the strength has also greatly improved. Even if the avenue of fusion is not borrowed, the fusion realm is not applicable. With physical power alone, you can fight against stealing the sky to live!

Moreover, the skeleton keeps moisturizing the physical soul. Over time, this combat power will become stronger and stronger.

even. With the support of this skeleton, his power is as vast as the ocean. Endless, can be said to add a never-wearing engine to the body.

To put it plainly, after a successful bone replacement, his current combat effectiveness is more than twice as strong as before.

"Although it didn't help me in the promotion of the world of things, it made me stronger!"

Nie Yun laughed.

The world of receiving things is still level eight, and there is no progress. However, after the success of the bone replacement, his defense strength has greatly increased. Even if he does not use the World Realm feathers, he can enter the core of the Tiantian District without any problems .

I thought about how to get more fruits from the Heavenly Beastmaster. After the bone replacement is successful, it is no longer needed.

"Floating bridge, here I am!"

After feeling the changes in the body, Nie Yun spit out a breath and smiled gently.

The skeleton said before that if you want to get all the inheritance, you need to pass the floating bridge. At this point, you have to go and see if the skeleton is replaced.

As he finished speaking, a force shrouded it, disappeared from the hall, and appeared on a long covered bridge the next moment.

The bridge spreads far away. I don't know how far it is.


Without rushing forward, Nie Yun turned his head and saw a huge stone monument at the bridgehead of Futian Bridge, which wrote three big characters "Fengshenjue"

"Fengshenjue, the practice secrets of the popular road ..."

After glancing at it, Nie Yun understood it, and looked happy.

The skeleton of Emperor Frozen had been said before. He succeeded in emperor with two avenues of ice and fashion. Since this is the case, naturally he has a deep understanding of fashion.

Fengxing Avenue, ranked 79th, is far ahead of Hanbing Avenue.

This method of Fengshen is exactly a trick to perfect the figure with the help of the popular road. Once the cultivation is successful, Nie Yun's speed can be increased several times again.

"Well-fired body method is very strong, but compared with this Fengshenjue, it is still far worse!"

Nie Yun's strongest body form now is the Ninghuo body form obtained from the Vulcan Sect. This type of body form can increase the speed by nine times in an instant. Because of this, he can experience danger many times and retreat from his body.

I thought this infernal fire is one of the most powerful in the world. After reading Fengshenjue at this moment, I realized how naive the idea is.

Immediately increase the nine-times of the fuming body method and Fengshenjue, the difference is not a star point, the two are not at the same level.

It's no wonder that Elder Yuangyuan, who created the underworld body method, has completed the imperial realm and hasn't even reached the time to steal the sky, and the creator of Fengshenjue is the Ice Emperor. The difference with knowledge cannot be described in words.

"However, although the infernal body method is not as good as Fengshenjue, it can be used as a reference, allowing me to quickly improve my understanding of Fengshenjue ..."

Knowing that Nine Fires are not as good as Fengshenjue, but both of them increase the speed and have a lot in common. With the former, he can accelerate his understanding and cultivation of Fengshenjue.

Standing quietly in front of the stone monument, Nie Yun was immersed in it, and a river-like avenue slowly appeared above his head.


The avenue is getting wider and wider, as the tornadoes converge, the ripper's air whine.


Nie Yun's closed eyes opened sharply, and his body seemed to be lifted by the wind ~ www.readwn.com ~ The body flashed, and the next moment had appeared hundreds of kilometers away.

"So fast!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened: "Although he hasn't cultivated to the point where he has reached the end of his life, the current speed is almost within a hundred kilometers and teleportation is almost the same!"

Teleportation, instantaneous movement, takes almost no time. After practicing Fengshenjue, this effect can be achieved within 100 kilometers. The speed is terrible!

You will not be afraid of being besieged by using this method to fight people in the future!

Besides, I ca n’t fight but run away, I ’m afraid no one will catch up!


My heart was feeling, a huge black shadow on the bridge suddenly appeared, making a roaring thunder.

(To be continued.)

Chapter two thousand four hundred and forty-two rebirth (below:

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