Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2443: Fengshenjue 3rd

"It's a pass to escape my trap!"

The shadow hummed, and his body flashed, and thousands of identical figures appeared, covering the sky.

"This is a plant life like Tenshin!"

Nie Yun could clearly see the body of Heiying at a glance.

Not a beast of God or a beast of heaven, but a plant life.

He is no stranger to this kind of life. When he was in the Six Heavens and Earth, he had obtained a strain and fought alongside him.

"I am Tian Tian, ​​a tea kung fu can pass to the next level without hitting my vine. If it cannot pass, it will be teleported to and repeat this process!"

The shadow's voice continued to sound.

"A tea time?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

The sky-eating vine spread in front of me, knowing how many billions of kilometers. If I want to fly at full strength, I do n’t know how long it will take. I ’m afraid it ’s difficult to complete a tea effort.

However, since he knew it was the assessment, he didn't step back, took a deep breath, his eyes showed firm eyes.


The body flickered, and the next moment had entered the dense vines in front of him.


As soon as I entered, a vine was shot suddenly, and my clothes were torn apart.

Nie Yun's physical defenses are strong. Although he is not injured, he is equal to a vine ... The challenge failed!

Failure at the beginning made him helpless.


The challenge failed, and the body was controlled by a huge force again.

"The vine that eats the sky will suddenly grow, that is, if you look at the empty place before, the road may be blocked at any time ..."

Back, Nie Yun did not continue to challenge, er, but calmed down to reflect.

Tiandao Liudao He and Tianxinvine fought side by side many times, knowing that the life of this plant is terrible, and its vines can grow at will, sealing all the paths you want to take.

of course. Since the assessment hopes that someone will pass, it will certainly leave a line of vitality. It seems that only by finding this line of vitality can the challenge be completed.

"Actually, I use teleportation. The challenge can be completed as well, but ... The King of Ice left this level to improve my understanding of Fengshenjue, and I must not be lazy!"

Nie Yun's eyes were firm.

From the world of things to the eighth level, the distance that the power of space spreads increases. If you want to pass without touching the vine, you can use teleport.

However, in this way, it is impossible to hone the understanding of Fengshenjue, and it is not possible to improve the control level of Fengxing Avenue, which has failed the good intentions of the Frozen Emperor.

Therefore, since we want to pass, then we must pass it in a fair way. Speculation will not be done.

"try again!"

Sitting still, Nie Yun stared at the vine and watched for three full days. Numerous plans have been deduced, and then he took a breath and challenged for the second time.


Fengshenjue cast, and rushed straight into the vine.

This time, he rushed not in the gap, but in a thick vine.

After three days of observation, he found that the vine was constantly moving. According to the law of observation, it was speculated that the vine in front of him would disappear when he came to him and move to the next place.


really. The moment the body came into contact with the vine, the latter disappeared.


Nie Yun rejoiced for a while, rushing straight ahead in accordance with the previously deduced route.

Fengshenjue urged, leaving a residual image in the air at high speed.

These three days while stroking the vine. Research on Fengshen is continuing.

It is indeed a martial art that contains a avenue, broad and profound. After three days of research, I have a better understanding of this body method, and it is more handy to apply.

Whirring whirring!

Nie Yun's body flickered constantly, as if she was constantly moving. In a few moments, I flew a distance of millions of kilometers.

For this million kilometers, his derivation was not at all wrong, and the route he took was the only way to live.

"It seems my guess is correct!"

Consecutive success, Nie Yun rejoiced for a while.

Less than a cup of tea, he stopped and had stepped out of the shroud of Tian Teng and successfully passed.

When it landed on the ground, another huge stele appeared in front of it.

"It's the second priority of Fengshenjue!"

Seeing the text on the stele, Nie Yun nodded.

At the beginning of the cultivation of Fengshenjue, I felt that this body style had perfectly explained the popular road. After three days of cultivation, I found that there were still some shortcomings. I did not expect that there was a second priority.

No more thinking, eyes fall on the second method.

The spirit kept on deducing. With the first layer as the foundation, the second training was a lot simpler, and soon I felt that my whole body was unobstructed, and the popular avenue was flowing in my body, and there was no shame.

With a happy face, knowing that the second hard work method was also practiced in Dacheng, Nie Yun looked up and looked forward.

Like the assessment of the first pass, it was the same as the one that blocked the road. This time, the gap was obviously smaller and there were fewer empty spaces.

Nie Yun ran three times in a row. On the fourth time, he found the correct route and successfully broke away from the blockade of Tian Teng.

At the last stage of the floating bridge, Nie Yun still stopped in front of the stone monument.

Fengshenjue is third!

This weight represents the pinnacle of popular avenues, and even the content inside has exceeded the category of heaven.

It is also very difficult for Nie Yun to understand the transcendence of Heaven. A long distance.

"No, I have come to Wanjiedongtian for more than two months. If you continue to enlighten, I am afraid that it will take several years to reach the level of success ... but I don't have that much time!"

Stopping enlightenment, Nie Yun stood up.

It is still difficult for him to transcend the avenue of heaven. He wants to re-train Fengshenji to Dacheng. Even if his talent is not available in a few years, Wanjiedongtian only opens for three months. Now, more than two months have passed, and the remaining time is not long.

The purpose of coming to Wanjiedongtian seems to be to promote the world of things, and to gather the perfect realm. Naturally, you cannot miss the opportunity.

"Have the time to get the Ice Emperor to leave this place and search for the core of one of the eight regions, so as to impact the perfect realm. Otherwise, after three months, it is forcibly transferred and left, and it is difficult to find the core of this region! "

There is only one way to make the world of Natto quickly advance, devouring the core of the fused world ... same as devouring the center of Fentian District.

As long as one can successfully devour one, it is very likely that the world of things will be promoted to the same level as the **** world, and the perfect realm will be successfully condensed.

"So ... the most important thing at the moment is to find a way to break through the trap of Tian Teng!"

Nie Yun looked up and looked forward.

As before, the third level is still guarded by Devourer, but it is more terrifying than the first two levels. (To be continued.)

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