Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2448: Advance all

"come on!"

Hundreds of Beasts were beheaded and killed. Nie Yun smiled slightly, his body moved, and the teleportation generally appeared in the herd, grabbing it in the air.


There was a roar of heaven and earth, and the blood flowing in the air was caught in the palm of his hand.

The Beast of the Sky was already huge, with hundreds of blood gathered together, like a huge pond, suspended above his palm, exuding a horrible breath.


Nie Yun's eyes were cold and fused, and the avenue of fire was released. A black flame appeared in the palm of his hand, and the huge blood was enveloped in the blink of an eye.

Zizi Zizi!

The blazing flame made a roar of blood, and within three breaths, the pond-sized blood mass became the size of a palm, but with dozens of drops of liquid.

Although the total number of liquids is reduced, the energy is even more powerful. Each drop contains the full power of at least ten split-day beasts. If they are placed in the realm of God, they will trigger a series of scrambles.

"Hurry up and refine!"

Put these dozens of drops of refined blood into the world of Nawu, flick your fingers, three drops flew in front of Ru Xia and others, and drill into the body along their acupuncture points Followed, so only Ru Xia, Ye Tao and Yun Rou).

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as the blood entered the body, Ru Xia and others knew that this was a great opportunity, and they didn't talk nonsense. They all did it on their knees, closed their eyes, and fully digested this violent power.


Seeing their movements, Nie Yun smiled slightly, grabbed the palm again, and the three disappeared from the same place at the same time. The next moment they had entered the world of things.

The three of them died together with him in Wanjie Dongtian, and have fully trusted. Besides, in the eyes of others, this is just a container of space, and the exposure of the world of things will not cause much sensation.

"Time accelerates!"

Knowing that Ru Xia and others have a different constitution, it takes a lot of time to refine a drop of blood. When the spirit moved, the time began to accelerate as the three of them were located.

A hundred years inside, just a few breaths outside.


A hundred years have passed. The three Prince Ruxia completely refined the drop of blood, and each of them released an amazing breath.

Especially Prince Ruxia, the strength of refining blood finally went a step further, reaching a life of stealing the sky!

As for Ye Tao and Yun Rou, their bases are lower. Even so, they are infinitely close to stealing the sky and borrowing life, and can be regarded as a strong player in the divine realm.

"This is the heart and muscles of the Fissure Beast. If you eat and refine, your strength will definitely increase again!"

Immediately after feeling the changes of the body, countless pieces of minced meat fell from the air, all of which were the bodies of the fissures.

Although these things are not as powerful as the essence and blood, they are also great supplements. They are difficult to find in the **** world.

Prince Ruxia also knew at this moment that this was the place where time accelerated. You're welcome, cut the flesh of these beasts of the heavens, cooked and swallowed.

After each person swallowed more than a dozen split beasts, they made a breakthrough again. Although Prince Ruxia still stole the sky and borrowed his life, his strength increased a lot. Ye Tao and Yunrou also broke through and reached this heaven The highest realm.

It's not that Stealing and Borrowing Life is a good breakthrough, but that the strength contained in the Split-Sky Beast is too strong!

Dozens of robbers have instilled all their powers in one person, even pigs. It can certainly reach an unbelievable state.

What's more, Ru Xia, Ye Tao and others are all talented people with excellent talents.


The strength advances, and the trio's confidence increases, leaving the world of things. Back to the Split Sky Zone.

At this time, Nie Yun was standing among the beasts of the split-day beast. With a slight stroke of the ice blade, dozens of heads were beheaded.

Seeing that there were only a small number of thousands of fissures before, Prince Ruxia rushed over and said, "Leave us a few ..."

Wrist fit and rushed towards the closest head in front, punched out.


A huge space crack appeared, and this split-sky beast shuddered. Before he could scream, he was beaten into flesh.

Consuming the essence and blood of dozens of split-day beasts, plus the corpses of dozens of split-day beasts, his strength has reached the peak of stealing the sky and borrowing his life. With one punch, the adult split-day beast cannot resist it. .

Compared with Prince Ruxia, Ye Tao Yunrou is relatively weak. Even so, the split-day beast alone is not an opponent. The four of them worked together for a short time. Thousands of split-day beasts have all become corpses.

"Thank Your Highness for cultivation!"

Beheaded and killed all the split-day beasts, Prince Ruxia and others knelt directly in front of Nie Yun and were heartily convinced.

Although their talents are nothing, it is still too difficult to break through stealing and borrowing life alone. This can be seen from the divine inheritance of hundreds of millions of years and the scarcity of stealing and borrowing life.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Nie Yun's slaying of the Beast of the Heavens, and the violent violence would be purified by incompetent methods, and then accelerated with time to give enough time to refine, they would not be able to break through in this life, to such an extent.

In particular, Ye Tao. Although their status in Yunzhou City was respected by Ye Guogong, they never had an ancestor who stole the sky to borrow their lives.

If you reach it by yourself, Ye Guodu will have no problems for at least a million years.

"It's just a matter of stealing the sky to borrow life, as long as you follow me, heaven, and even above heaven, it is not impossible to reach!"

Holding everyone up, Nie Yun smiled.

In the eyes of others, it is difficult to reach the life of stealing the sky. With the blood and corpse of the split-day beast, it is not difficult to impact it. In the future, I really want to consolidate the success of the perfect realm and impact the success of the emperor, so that these people can reach heaven Situation, even higher, may not be impossible!

"Tian Dao Jing, above Tian Dao ..."

Prince Ruxia's eyes were fiery and excited.

If others say this ~ www.readwn.com ~ they may not believe it, but the young man in front of him has done too many miracles and made them have to believe.

"Go ahead. I just searched for a split-sky beast. Prince Dobo and others are indeed in the center of this split-sky zone, but they don't know where they are. This team of split-sky beasts came out to search. One of them! "

Nie Yun laughed.

When the Beast of the Heavens was beheaded and killed just now, a soul search was performed on it, and the general situation of the center of the Heavens of the Heavens was known.

More than a month ago, Prince Dobo, Prince Liumu, and the demon Yan, all tried to mix in here. Later, they were discovered by the fissure beast and chased around, but all three of them were protected by powerful people. There are many ways to stay in peace, but disappeared three days ago.

Because of this, the Beastmaster Beasts thundered and made them come out to look for them. These thousands of Beastmasters were just one of the teams that came out to search.

(To be continued.)

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