Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2449: Center of the Rift Zone

"Prince Duobo, Prince Liumu, etc. have many tricks, and enter here at the same time, and work with the fissure for more than a month, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Hearing this news, Ye Tao came over with doubts.

The most important thing to come to Wanjiedongtian is to find the avenue of birth and see if you can surrender. At the same time, you can feel the annihilation of the world and lay the foundation for the impact of the emperor. The sky area stayed, and they were not pursued by the fissure beast. If there was no purpose, no one believed it.

"Is it impossible ... is that news true?"

Prince Ruxia, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke.

"What news?" Everyone came over.

"When I first arrived in the Tiantian District, I said that one of his subordinates was on a mission under the devil's strict control. He heard the news that his purpose of coming here was to find a secret to break the heaven. I always thought it was false news. Dobo, Liumu are here now, will the news be true? "

Prince Ruxia said.

Not long after the crowds entered Wanjiedongtian, he did say this, but for too long, most of them forgot. At this time, the old things were revisited, and Nie Yun stopped.

It has always been thought that Wanjie Dongtian was a testing place created by Putian and other people. If there is a secret that breaks the heavens, it would have been discovered by others.

However, from Wu Qing's mouth, it was learned that this world of caves is not so simple.

The battle of the ancient emperor fell, the world collapsed, and then the nine forces of the Divine Realm divided the collapsed world, and part of it formed the cave of all circles. If this statement is true, maybe there is a chance to break the heavens.

After all, there are even ruins of the emperor. If you break through the heavens, you will never be bigger than this!

"There is such an opportunity. Don't miss it, go!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun nodded. Fly in the direction of the split sky area first.

The center of the split sky area is a stable spherical world larger than the burnt sky area, and everyone's strength has been greatly improved. With the help of Wanjie Yuyi on board, there was no danger all the way.

Entering the spherical world, everyone just felt their bodies sink, as if they had fallen into the space of gravity.

"The pressure of space here is even higher than that of Divine Realm?"

Everyone was uproar.

The sense of space oppression in the split-sky area is greater than that of the divine realm, and even more stable than that of the divine realm. Here, the strength of stealing the sky to borrow life is felt suppressed.

"At least a twelve-level world!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

Think of the pressure stability of the divine space as a tenth grade. Here is at least twelve!

The twelfth-level world, even his current strength, cannot easily tear the space for teleportation.

"The power of holding world space!"

As soon as the spirit moved, the force of holding the world space spread outwards, about ten kilometers in diameter, and stopped.

Twelve levels of space oppression is even greater than that of the Divine Realm. The power of holding the world space here can only spread for ten kilometers, that is, within ten kilometers. He can still teleport.

"So much space is oppressed. It is difficult for the heavenly world of God to peek, and the avenue is fused. More power can be used!"

The space in this place is very oppressive. It is not so easy to peep into the heavens of the **** world. Before, you could only use one tenth of the power of the fusion road. This time, you can definitely use more!

Of course, there is a limit to the number of times that Fusion Avenue can be used. It is not necessary. You don't want to experiment and waste opportunities.

"A world of at least level twelve ... if you can find the heart of the world and integrate into the world of objects, you can definitely bring the world of objects to the stability of the divine world and form a perfect realm!"

Nie Yun was excited.

Being able to use Fusion Avenue more power here is trivial. The most important thing is to find the refining of the heart of the world!

Once successful, the world of things will certainly break through. Reach the tenth level and form a perfect boundary.

With the formation of the perfect realm, you can break through the imperial realm without suppressing your strength.

Without breaking through the imperial realm, you have the strength of stealing the sky to live, and how strong should you be once you break through?

Even he wasn't sure, and he wasn't sure!

"Look for the needle, look for the heart of the world!"

Thinking of this, the seeker needle flew out, dripping and spinning around his head.

"Huh? Can't find it?"

This time, the direction pin is not as easy as it was before, but it keeps turning, it seems to have lost its direction.

"Try Prince Dobo!"

Unable to find the heart of the world, Nie Yun was not in a hurry, but thought of Prince Dobo in his mind.


The homing needle turned up, but, as before, it couldn't stop and couldn't find the direction either.

"No way?"

With a frown on his eyebrows, Nie Yun's face was not very good-looking.

It ’s okay to find the heart of the world. After all, the more stable the world, the greater the spirituality of the world, and the harder it is to find, but what's wrong with finding a prince of waves?

"The seeker can find things within the range of the heavens and earth, but it will lose its effect when it enters a powerful and separate world. Moreover, this world is more stable than the gods. ? "

Seems to see his doubts, Prince Ruxia said.

"Good!" Hearing the explanation, Nie Yun suddenly realized.

This world is more stable than the divine realm. If the seeker pin can be used here, the divine realm can certainly be used!

Whoever is looking for can indicate the direction when thinking about it. This may involve the mystery of Tianji Avenue. Not to mention that Putian may not be able to refine it, even Xuanyuan Emperor may not be able to do it.

"It seems that I can only find a way to find Prince Dobo and others!"

The seek pin was useless, and Nie Yun was helpless.

The world in the center of the split sky area is extremely vast, and it has caught up with the two states of the Divine Realm.

The speed of Nie Yun and others is as fast as the outside world, but in such a world of strong oppression, it can only be regarded as ordinary.

"It takes at least a month for such a large world to cross from one end to the other ~ www.readwn.com, and the rest is too late to look carefully!"

Knowing that the seek pin was useless, new problems appeared before everyone.

The world in the center of the split sky is the size of two states in the Divine Realm. Such a large range. If it is a seventh-level world, Nie Yun can completely teleport from this side to the other. The pressure of space is still great. Although they are stealing the sky to borrow life, they are only equivalent to the peak of the realm of the gods, and their flying speed is limited.

If you search every inch, it is almost impossible to find Prince Dobo and others who can't find even the Rifting Beast!

Besides, there are only twenty days left, and we must speed up.

"Find the world heart of this world first!"

Nie Yun had a plan in mind.

The current plan is not to find Prince Dobo and others, but to find the core of the world first.

The so-called opportunity to break through heaven is far less attractive to him than devouring the heart of the world! (To be continued.)

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