Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2450: Mixed into the Beast King Palace (Part 1)

Opportunity in heaven is nothing but a vain thing. It is unknown whether it will be successful or not, but it is a real thing that can swallow the world to the perfect level.

It's just that although the idea is good, the twelve-level world heart is not so easy to find!

Although the center of this split-sky area is far less vast than the Divine Realm, the level is higher than that of the Divine Realm. Finding the Heart of the World is harder than I am.

"How to find?"

Prince Ruxia and others also understood this, and looked helplessly.

"We certainly can't help it, but ... Sure Beast must know!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

The center of the split-sky zone is so large that they only want to find the heart of the world. They ca n’t do it for ten years. The split-sky beasts are different. They were born here and have been here for hundreds of millions of years. The places are familiar, they must be!

"Yes indeed!"

Everyone's eyes brightened at the same time.

"However, this matter must be discussed from a long-term perspective. The heart of the world is extremely involved. The ordinary Split-Sky Beast will certainly not know it. I am afraid that only from the mouth of the Split-Sky Beast King can one or two be learned!

Knowing the way, Nie Yun didn't feel relaxed, but frowned even more.

Such things as the heart of the world, like the treasures of the emperor, will not necessarily be known to the ordinary Celestial Beast, but the Beastmaster who can certainly know, is not something they can compete with now.

Like the Heavenly Beast, both the Heavenly Beast and Heavenly Beast are even higher in rank. The Heavenly Beast Lord is all heavenly, let alone the Heavenly Beastmaster!

Although the strengths of the four people have made great progress, Nie Yun knows that in the face of strong men at the level of heaven, there is no fighting power at all.

I have played against the Beastmaster, knowing the terribleness of such a strong man, unless ... the power of Fusion Avenue can be fully exhibited!

Just do it that way, without fighting, the heavens of the **** world will stare at themselves and kill themselves.

As for why the heavenly beasts can use the power of heavenly roads okay ... because they signed a contract with heavenly roads. What kind of contract is this? Nie Yun didn't reach that level and didn't know.


Hearing the Beastmaster, Prince Ruxia and others smiled bitterly.

"Go to Beast King's Palace first. See the machine at that time!"

Rubbing my eyebrows, I can't think of a good way for the time being, but I can't afford time delay, so I have to watch while walking.

Although Ru Xia and others' strengths have reached the sky, the speed and Nie Yunbi with Fengshenjue are still far worse. Therefore, several people did not quit, and were once again accepted into the world of objects. Nie Yun speeded up and flew towards the direction of the Beast King's Palace.

By extracting the memory of the split-day beast, the location of the Beast King's Palace has long been known, and there is no delay on the road.

The Beast King Palace is a luxurious residence built by the Beast King for himself. It is located to the east of the center of the entire Sky Zone. To one day. I saw a tall mountain appear in front of me.

The upper part of the mountain was severed by people, and a towering palace stood on it, giving a sense of majesty.

"Talented talent!"

Seeing countless fissure beasts guarding near the high mountains, Nie Yun knew that the place was here, hesitated a moment, the camouflage master's talent turned, his body kept growing, and he became a fissure beast for a moment.

The promotion of the world of things, and the understanding of the Three Thousand Avenues have also made great progress. The understanding of Camouflage Avenue has also deepened, as long as the strength does not exceed him too much, it is difficult to see.

The fissured beast he disguised is called Yu Chi, the one he reads and remembers.


Become a cracking beast. Nie Yun flew in the direction of the Beast King's Palace with one wing.

"The Beast King's Palace is forbidden, don't run wild!"

As soon as he flew, he was blocked by several fissures.

"Who said it? It turned out to be Youchi! Didn't Wang let you look for those humans? How did you get here? Could you have found them?"

One of the split-sky beasts recognized him.

The split-sky area is so large, many split-day beasts have lived for years. It's normal to know each other.

"Find it? Don't say it, those people didn't know where they went, they haven't found it now!"

Pretending to be You Chi's voice, Nie Yun said in the beastly words of the split-day beast.

Tianer Avenue increased, and some ordinary beastly words were all right.

"Why didn't you find you back? Don't you be afraid that Wang will be angry and kill you?"

This split-day beast hummed.

"I have important news for Wang when I come back, let me go!"

Nie Yundao.

First think of ways to mix into the Beast King's Palace, and then say, have been blocked by these split-day beasts, how to get news?

"Important news? Wait a minute, Wang is seeing guests back, but he is not free now!"

This head splits the beast road.

"Guest? What guest?" Nie Yun looked at him strangely.

In the entire Split Sky Zone, only the Split Sky Beast exists, and there is no other life. Where are the guests?

Could it be ... Prince Dobo them?

Wrong, isn't the splitting beast arresting Dobo and others?

"It is the King of the Burning Heavens! I heard that the burning of the Heavenly Beasts has been destroyed. The entire area of ​​the Burning Heavens has collapsed ..."

This eloquent split-soul beast lowered his voice.

In the eyes of this fissure beast, they are all a race, and these are not a big secret, and it is harmless to speak.

"Burnt Beastmaster?"

Nie Yun's mind was "giggled!"

I didn't expect this guy to be here.

At the beginning, he refined the core of the Tiantian District, causing the Tiantian District to collapse. After he came out, the Tiantian Beast and the Beastmaster could not be found.

This guy is also a heavenly class. If you really join forces with the Heavenly Beastmaster, you and others will probably have a lot of trouble.

"Fentian District collapsed? How is this possible? What about the other burned beasts?"

Nie Yun pretended not to know, and looked surprised.

"What the **** is going on, where do I know, I also heard, it is said that because of the collapse of the world, Burning Sky Beasts were directly extinct ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is not much left! Hey, Burning Sky Beasts and We have cracked the beast many times, and we did not expect to encounter such a thing ... "

The words crack the heavenly beast with emotion.

"Most of it is extinct?" Nie Yun said with tongues: "Then what are the Beastmasters doing here? Wouldn't you like to come to us to take refuge in Split Sky Zone!"

"I don't know what to do here, I think it is to want our king to help them avenge them!" Then he looked at the celestial beasts from side to side and lowered his voice again: "I heard that the reason for the collapse of the Tiantian District was Because of humanity! "

"Human? What's the joke, human beings see that we only have to escape, and can we collapse such a powerful burning sky area?"

Nie Yun sneered deliberately.

"These are also legends. I don't know what the specific situation is ..." Then the beast shook the beast and shook his head, trying to speak. Suddenly, a roar rang in the air, and the sound of the beast shattered in his ear.

(To be continued.)

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