Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2452: Who counts who? (on)

It has been speculated that the strength of the Beastmaster is very strong, and I never dreamed of it being so powerful.

The world of accepting things was promoted to the eighth level, and the camouflage avenue has also been improved accordingly. I thought I could hide from each other, and only a few breaths were discovered.

However, the more dangerous, the calmer Nie Yun was, and his brain moved quickly. He stood up, shook it gently, and the camouflage gas disappeared and changed back to human appearance: "Yes, I am a human!"

They've all been discovered, and camouflage doesn't make much sense.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you? You are challenging my limit!"

A red light flashed in the eyes of the Beastmaster.

Kill the people and run away, even disguised as the fissure beast to come over and see yourself, do you really think you are blind?

Still feel that the camouflage is seamless?

"Challenge the limit? Beastmaster's words are bad!" Knowing that he couldn't escape, Nie Yun didn't plan to escape either. Standing in the middle of the hall, he smiled slightly: "I came here to make a deal with you!"

"Trading? Do you deserve it?" The Heavenly Beastmaster smiled coldly, the majestic majesty came out violently, and the entire hall of oppression issued a "squeak!"

"Whether it's worth or not isn't the best choice for the Beastmaster. The key is whether it's good for you!"

Nie Yun had already thought of a solution, no longer feeling nervous, but with a smile.

"You thought I would just say two nonsense, and I wouldn't kill you? Human cunning, now I will give you a sentence, if I think it is useless, I will make you disappear from this world immediately!"

The giant Beastmaster's huge eyes stared, the hoof claws stretched forward, and his fingertips seemed to gather huge thunder and lightning, which would be shot at any time.

It seems that it came true, as long as Nie Yun said something wrong, he would start.

"You can kill me ... but if you really want to do this, you will never want to be an emperor beast, you will be stuck here forever!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Imperial beast?"


The Heaven-Beast Beastmaster stood up violently, with lightning cracks all over his body, and his huge eyes looked violently.

Emperor Beast. Equivalent to the great emperor, as long as the practitioner is a man or a beast, it is difficult to counteract the temptation.

Nie Yun smiled slightly as if he knew the changes of the other party. With a volley in the palm, a throne in the palace fell behind and turned to sit up.

Although the opponent is strong, but he has taken the initiative, he must discuss the conditions.

"So courageous. You thought you said an emperor beast, and I dare not kill you?"

Seeing him like this, the eyebrows of the split-day beast jumped.

"If you dare to kill, go ahead! When the Celestial Beast Lord becomes the Emperor Beast, I believe it will not let go of what you did to it today!"

Nie Yun's face didn't matter.


The split-day beastmaster's face sank.

The other party is right. Today, he will annihilate the King of the Heavenly Beast. The other party really wants to become the emperor. The first operation must be himself. If the family of the Heavenly Beast is not good, it will be destroyed.

Think of this. The Heavenly Beastmaster has no previous pride: "You said that the Heavenly Beastmaster became the Emperor Beast, what does it know?"

Today, the Burning Beastmaster behaved strangely, and has always felt strange. The human being in front of him also felt something wrong.

"Of course I know! But ... I think we should discuss the conditions first!"

Nie Yundao.

"Talk about conditions?"

"Yes, I know how to get you promoted to the Emperor Beast. Anyway, the Emperor Beast has said that if it succeeds, it has 90% hope to reach the Emperor ... Of course, this secret depends on whether you want to talk If you don't want to talk, you can kill me immediately! "

Nie Yun sat on the throne without fear.


The Beastmaster of the Heavens did not expect that in his own palace, he was coerced by a man who had been lowered, and his eyes blinked. Although angry, he dared not say more.

After a while, his teeth clenched, "What do you want? Say it!"

"It's very simple. First, no matter what happens in the future, we are an equal alliance. You can't do anything to me! Second, after you find the human you are looking for, take me there!"

Nie Yun stated his conditions.

The Beastmaster of the Heavens is too strong. If he turns his face after telling a secret, he is not an opponent.

Sign the equality contract first.

"it is good!"

The Beastmaster of the Heavens didn't hesitate much, and nodded in agreement.

The request from the other party is simple, and it can be easily completed.

"Let's get started. The Equality Alliance requires you and I to separate our souls and put them into each other's body. This can restrict each other. Let's get started!" Nie Yun stood up.

To sign an equal alliance, you need to take out a part of your soul and give it to the other side. In this way, both parties have jealousy.

Although this is good, it also has disadvantages, which is equivalent to giving your life to someone else to control.

If the other party is beheaded by others, his own soul will be annihilated, and even if he does not die, he will be greatly injured.

Nie Yun didn't want to sign this kind of soul contract, but he knew that the other party didn't want to sign it. Some things were best when the other party said it.

"Soul contract? This way everyone is restricted, I ca n’t see it like that ... signing the heaven contract! God ’s heaven contract ... so I ca n’t resist, you ca n’t resist either, it ’s fair!”

Sure enough, as he thought, the Beastmaster of the Heavens hesitated for a moment, and said loudly.

"God contract of the **** world?" Nie Yun pretended not to be very happy.

"Yes, rest assured. Although I am a strong Taoist, after all, my strength is very weak, only the strength of the two states, signing the contract of the heavenly Taos, I dare not resist!"

The split-day beast king.

"Well then, sign the contract of the heavens of the heavens!"

Nie Yun nodded.

He knew what the other party meant, but he didn't break it.

Divine heaven contract, under the supervision of divine heaven path, even if the current strength of the split heaven beast king is a certain distance from divine heaven path ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you want to break through this contract, you can do it at a certain price. , I said the secret of Emperor Beast, once the other party broke through the Emperor's realm, this contract would be completely ineffective.

But it also said that ... the idea was very good and very correct, but ... it happened to fall into Nie Yun's calculations.

"let's start!"

Seeing his consent, the Beastmaster of the Heavens split, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he was suppressed.

"Well! I'll communicate with Tiandao ... Sign a contract at the same time!"

Nie Yun pretended not to see the excitement in his heart, stood up from the throne, raised his finger upwards, and swiped gently, a crack appeared in the heavens and the earth, and then a huge idea appeared in the palace.

This idea carried the power of the world, suspended in the palace, and the oppressed could not breathe.

"Is this heavenly consciousness?"

The split-day beast stunned for a moment, always feeling something wrong.

(~ ^ ~)

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