Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2453: Who counts who? (under)

The divine consciousness of heaven and heaven is powerful and unmatched. This one looks a little weak.

However, looking at the extent of the vastness, it must be the consciousness of the divine heaven and heaven, no doubt, because it really cannot remember what other worlds would have such vast wills.

"Don't dare sign it, I'll go to the Burning Beastmaster, I believe it must be willing!"

Nie Yun raised an eyebrow.


The Beastmaster of the Heavens no longer speaks. When the spirit moves, a thought flew out of his mind and merged with the will of heaven in front of him.

"It's your turn!"

Nie Yun didn't speak, and the same idea flew into the heaven, blending with the other's idea. For a moment, two white rays of light enveloped one person and one beast, and the contract was completed!

"The contract is completed. I will not cause you any harm. As for finding those humans, they will also take you there. You should tell the secret of the Emperor Beast!"

After signing the contract, the powerful idea of ​​the heavens in the air slowly subsided, and the Beastmaster of the Sky looked over.

"Well, I'll tell you right away, but before that, I still don't know anything ... just now you said that you have the strength of the two states, what do you mean?" Nie Yun looked over in doubt.

He used to think that the strength of the heavens was not much different, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

At least the state of the two states it talks about has never been heard before.

"You do not know?"

The split-sky beast looked at it strangely: "The level of heaven and earth is still out of your human beings, and I also know it from a human mouth!"

In its view, the boy in front of him should be a child of a large family. He must have a high status after practicing to steal the life, and it is impossible for such a person to know the division of heaven and the world!

"I don't know!" Nie Yun shook his head.

His strength before coming here was just to complete the king's realm, and he was at best tied with the perfect emperor's realm in one product. These higher-level secrets are naturally unknown.

To put it bluntly, he advanced too quickly. The accumulated time is too short, and secrets not seen in many books of the Divine Realm are unknown.

"Tiandao is a name for the control of the world. The bigger the world, the stronger the Tiandao. You must know this!"

Seeing that he didn't know, the split-sky beast did not hesitate, and said.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

The heavenly way exists in the world. The more oppressive the world space is, the stronger the heavenly path is, and the larger the world is, the more vast the heavenly path is.

"The strength of the heavenly realm is also classified according to this situation. With the kingdom of God as the unit, the boundary in the body reaches the size of a state, which is the state, and the size of the two states is the state. Environment, and I am in the state of two states ... "

The split-day beast king.

"One state, two states?" Nie Yun suddenly realized: "Say this, is the heaven of the divine world the realm of Kyushu?"

There is Kyushu in the Divine Realm. Doesn't it indicate that the heavenly path of the Divine Realm is Kyushu?

"This is the reason, but ... except for the emperor, no one knows the strength of the state of God's heavenly path, because the kingdom of God has endless oceans in addition to Kyushu, and the area of ​​the endless ocean is much larger than Kyushu! . No one knows how strong the Divine Realm is ... and even if it succeeds in impinging on the Emperor Realm, it is not known if the Divine Realm has exerted all its power to block it! "

The split-day beast king.

"So it is!" Nie Yun nodded secretly.

The range of the Divine Realm is immense. Kyushu is only a land area, and the sea area is larger. If you really want to use the range to measure the power of the gods, it is really not easy to count.

Forget it, it's useless to think so much, the heavens are far away from him. He has no plans to impact the imperial realm in the near future, and it is useless to think so much.

"Do you know the people who came before, why didn't they leave after being chased by the fissure?"

The other side said the classification of heaven and the state, and Nie Yun said, "The purpose of those people is to find the heart of the world in the sky-splitting zone and refine it!"

"Looking for the heart of the world to refine?"

The split-day beast looked over in doubt.

"Yes, the reason for the burning of the Tiantian District is precisely because they refined the heart of the world!" Nie Yunxin opened his mouth.

This is a long-awaited rhetoric. Only by saying so, the other party can believe and cooperate with him.


The split-day beastmaster's face sank.

If he didn't believe it before, he believed it now.

The world in the center of the burning sky is extremely solid, and the collapse of countless worlds has not been destroyed, but it is now scattered. The only explanation is that the heart of the world has been refined!

It's just ... how could they refine the heart of the world?

"Because of them, some of them carry the Emperor Realm!"

Nie Yun threw the bomb again.

"What? The Emperor Realm?" The Heavenly Beastmaster breathed quickly.

Emperor Realm soldiers are scarce in number than the Emperor Power. His current strength, as long as he gets it, can directly impact the Emperor Beast!

"Don't ... the Lord of the Burning Heavens knows about the Emperor Realm, then ... do you want me to grab each other and give it to him?"

This time without Nie Yun, the Heavenly Beastmaster immediately understood it.

No wonder the former Burning Beastmaster was so weird that he wanted to catch the human himself and deal with it, and to avenge himself ... The original purpose is here!

The so-called revenge is to swallow the Emperor Realm alone!


Understand this, the words of the Beastmaster to the young man in front of me, I believe a little more.

"That's right! So we can find these people as long as we find the core of the world. As long as we capture the Imperial Soldiers, your strength will be able to make rapid progress and it is normal to break through the Imperial Realm!"

Nie Yun's words were confused.

He was recognized by the other party, and he thought about it in a short time.

It was him who devoured the heart of the world of the burned sky, and it was also him who took out the imperial soldiers and provoked the burned king of the beast ... but none of these split beast kings knew it!

The Heavenly Beastmaster couldn't be too stupid to tell it!

In addition, the celestial beast king only knows that there are humans in the split-sky area, and he does not know that he is not the prince, but the prince and others. With this kind of misinformation, it is easy to marry things to the prince.

With the ally of the Beastmaster, you do n’t need to be afraid next time you encounter the Beastmaster, more importantly, it is directly said that the purpose of Prince Dobo and others is the heart of the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ can cause the Beastmaster Vigilance, take yourself to find.

As long as you find out where the heart of the world is, you immediately rush to the refinement, and that's where the Prince Dobo is!

This will do three things in one fell swoop. First, let the Beastmaster help find the heart of the world and reduce trouble.

Second, unite the Beastmaster of the Heavens, a powerful man in heaven, and make it his ally.

Thirdly, the scourge of water was brought to the hands of Prince Dobo and others, and it may be able to beheaded by the hands of the Beastmaster.

"Dare to poke my heart of the world in the sky-breaking zone, delusional ... No wonder you can't find these despicable humans, who originally hid here and left, we will catch them now!"

Bewildered by Nie Yun's words, the Beastmaster of the Heavens stood up and howled.

Knowing that there are Emperor Realm soldiers in human hands, it can't help it.

(To be continued.)

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