Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2459: Madness

"Crack of the Heavens Beast? What is he going to do?"

The more Nie Yun looked, the stranger it became.

Demon Yan ignored the floating flowers, and when his spirit moved, several long swords appeared in front of his body.


The long sword turned upside down and stabbed him in the chest.


I was thinking about how Mo Yan refined this heavenly flower. I never dreamed that this guy would start self-harm.

With so many swords stabbing themselves at the same time, the pain is a trivial matter. The key is that the stabs are all vital lifebloods of the body.


It was not enough to pierce the chest, a maggot flashed in Demon's eyes, one of which was a long sword pointed straight at the heart.

"No ... he committed suicide ..." Nie Yun looked ugly.

The long sword is aimed at the heart, even the strongest person who can steal the sky can't resist it. As long as he pierces, he will die!

When I found Tiandaohua, I thought he would directly swallow and refine it, but did not expect this guy to choose suicide? What?

Strangely, Nie Yun did not stop.

First of all, Mo Yan has a bad relationship with him. He is still an enemy. Moreover, he believes that the other party will not be so stupid and commit suicide. In doing so, he must have his own purpose.


When it was strange, the sword was stabbed into the heart, the magic Yan sitting on the ground, a blood spurted out, and the breathing stopped.

"Really suicide?" Nie Yun opened his mouth wide.

I thought there was a purpose, but I didn't expect that I actually committed suicide.

I was also excited to say that I can break through the heavens, but commit suicide the next moment? What?

However, Nie Yun still hasn't passed, and still hides and observes silently.

Sure enough, he saw something wrong.

Coo coo!

After a while, Mo Yan's body suddenly made a cry similar to a frog. "Hoo!" A light shot straight from the eyebrow.

"It's the soul! He just destroyed the body just now. The soul is not damaged ..."

Seeing this light, Nie Yun nodded.

The demon had committed suicide before, only destroying * 's vitality. But his soul was not damaged in the slightest.

In order to reach a life of stealing the sky, Xiu can live in the world for a long time even without the flesh alone.

Nie Yun was just strange. Why do you want to kill the body?

However, this strangeness did not last long before the answer was obtained.

The soul that came out of the heart of the eyebrow rushed into the corpse of the fissured beast not far away without hesitation.

Borrow the soul!

It stands to reason that only when the soul and the flesh complement each other can they become stronger and stronger.

But there are exceptions. Many strong men were physically killed and their souls fled. At this time, if you want to continue to cultivate, you can only use the body to return the soul.

Resurrected with a dead body.

This kind of mortal return, because it is not your own body, poor integration, will limit the progress of future strength.

Besides, other people's bodies are not as good as their own.

Usually, this kind of mortal rebirth uses the same race, for example, humans must find human corpses to resurrect their souls. Like Demon Yan, it was the first time I saw a soul from a corpse of a split-day beast.

"Kill yourself. Let the soul have nothing to do, and then use the corpse of the Beast to return the soul ... Does he want to become a Beak of the Beast?"

Nie Yun's face was strange.

This devil is ill, the body is good, you have to kill it, and then return the soul ... what on earth is it?

Everyone was killed in the flesh, and he was forced to repay the soul only when he was forced to help. He was all right, he killed himself, looking for a body that was not suitable ...

"No ... Tiandaohua should only adapt to the Heavenly Beast. If it is swallowed by him, it will inevitably lead to conflict. It is not only impossible to become Heavenly State. If it is not possible, it will die ... Return the soul with the body of the Heavenly Beast It's different! "

"As long as the soul is completely fused with the corpse, in the eyes of Tiandaohua, it is a cracking beast ..."

With a flash of light in his head, Nie Yun's complexion changed.

If the guess is correct, this devil is too harsh!

At the cost of abandoning the human body, in exchange for the opportunity to become a heavenly state ...

Although you can reach the heavenly realm, you can change the shape and appearance of yourself at will, and it is very simple to change back to your own appearance, but ... Since then, his body is a split-day beast, not a human!


In shock, Mo Yan's soul seemed to adapt perfectly to the body of the split-day beast. He looked up at the heavenly flower above, full of excitement, and swallowed up his head.

"After swallowing, it will become a heavenly powerhouse. Of course, this situation is not allowed!"

Seeing his actions, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Demon Yan is not a good bird. If he wears a pair of trousers with Prince Dobo and others, and let him become a strong man in heaven, he must be himself.

I didn't find it, since I saw, how could it be successful.

"Heaven, I am here ..."

The soul and the corpse of the Beast of the Heavens were completely fused, the devil snarled, and the huge head slammed forward.

However, just before the mouth came, about to bite, a white palm came over, gently pinched on the flower, and the next moment, the flower that gave out powerful power disappeared out of thin air!


Devil Yan froze, then his eyes turned red, and he was going crazy.

He spent countless hard work and beheaded the flesh, just to be able to swallow the heavenly flower, successfully promoted, and never dreamed that just before the success, the heavenly flower was stolen ...

"Who? Who? Someone comes out ..."

Devil Yan growled wildly.


Regarding the roar, Nie Yun was too lazy to pay attention, and the next moment had already appeared one kilometer away.

Relying on the power of holding things in the space of the world, Telepathic powers are hard to grasp without blocking the space, not to mention only the magic of stealing the sky and borrowing life.

"Who the **** is it!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Soon after Nie Yun disappeared, a wild roar came from the cave, and a loud noise sounded one after another, as if the demon Yan was constantly hitting the wall with his body.

No wonder he is crazy ~ www.readwn.com ~ After spending countless hard work, he will succeed when he sees it, but it is a shortfall ... the most important thing is ... he has already died physically, and even if he wants to return to the human body, he cannot do it!

In other words, he can now only bear the body of the split-day beast!

"If Prince Dobo and others are here, they must be doing the same thing ... they must be speeded up to stop them!"

Taking Tiandao flowers into the world of things, Nie Yun continued to move inside the cave.

Demon Yan, Prince Dobo, and others should have been here almost. Demon Yan's goal is Tiandaohua, and Prince Dobo and others must be the same.

Become a split-day beast, although you will never have a chance with the throne again, but you can become a heavenly powerhouse and behead yourself!

Once it succeeds, the danger in the future will disappear ... It is a game, he believes that Prince Dobo will definitely do it as long as he is not stupid!

So, before he succeeds ... find it and stop it! (To be continued.)

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