Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2460: Dobo advance to heaven

The cave spread undulating, I do n’t know how deep it was, flying straight ahead, walking for a long time, Nie Yun stopped.

"So powerful!"

Carefully concealing his breath, Nie Yun walked forward slowly.

The reason why he stopped is because he just felt a powerful and imposing breath in front of him.

This breath is not weaker than the Heavenly Beastmaster, at least it is from a strong man in heaven.

Moving forward quietly for a while, Nie Yun spread the power of holding the world space into a straight line and extended forward.

Although the world of intangible matter is invisible and belongs to the power of space, after all, the Heavenly Powerful is too powerful, and still dare not risk all of it.

"Is Prince Dobo?"

After a while, Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

The center of the powerful power in front is the Prince Dobo who has not been seen for a long time.

At the moment, like the previous Devil Yan, he sat cross-legged in front of a huge split-sky beast, covered with blood, cut off his breath, and there was no trace of heavenly flowers in the air. Celestial beast released.

"I'm late……"

Seeing this, Nie Yun knew that it was late.

Obviously, Prince Dobo has completed the steps of swallowing the heavenly flowers, and successfully integrated into the body. It seems that he has just refined and his strength has not been completely consolidated, so he can't control his strength and keep spreading.

"Sure enough, this heavenly flower is too scary!"

Seeing the roar of the power on this split-day beast not far away, Nie Yun also confirmed the previous guess.

Earlier, he snatched the demon God's heavenly flower, but he only guessed that this thing could promote him to heaven, and did not confirm. At this moment, when he saw the power of Prince Dobo, he finally realized that this was true.

Not long ago, the "Beast of the Sky" adapted to the violent power in his body, and his huge eyes opened to look at the dead body sitting cross-kneeed in front of him.


Shouted. A huge suction generated from the mouth of the fissure beast, and the body was swallowed by it.

Coo coo!

The corpse was swallowed by the fissure beast, and it was completely refined within a short time. This is the fissure's body slowly creeping. It didn't take long for him to look like Prince Dobo.

"Slay the body, the soul borrows the corpse of the fissure beast to return the soul, swallows the celestial flower fusion power, and then devours the body of the deity. Let the blood merge into the body of the fissure beast, so that it looks like the deity ..."

Looking at this scene, Nie Yun shook his head.

Although the appearance and temperament of Prince Dobo now are exactly the same as before, in fact, the body has become a cracking beast and can no longer be returned.

"Although Tiandaohua is good, it can make people promote Tiandao ... but I still don't need it ..."

Although he really wanted to be promoted to heaven, he needed to abandon his flesh and become a cracking beast, such a perverted thing. Still won't do it.

Just like the broken divine realm of the floating heaven and continent that year, he could only break through the soul. He would definitely not do it.

The physical body represents the blood and power, not to mention that his physical body also contains the world of things, endless dantian, and abandoning the physical body is equivalent to giving up these, how is it possible!

"Haha, I'm already a strong man in heaven, Nie Yun ... I will kill you. You can't survive or die!"

Returning to his own appearance, the prince Dobo screamed in the sky, his violent power rolled out, and he was set off like a **** demon.

The imperial imperial prince. Possessing the blood of the Emperor Putian is also considered to be extremely noble in the entire divine realm, but now in order to break through his strength and become a celestial beast, it is also an insult.

All of this was caused by the man named Nie Yun. If you don't kill him, it's hard to eliminate the hatred of your heart.

"He has become a strong man in the heavens, and it is a bit difficult to kill now ..."

Nie Yun rubbed his brows.

He and Prince Dobo can already say endlessly, Wanjie Dongtian is a good place to kill him, but ... the other party has now become a heavenly power, it is not easy to kill again!

Although his strength came to Wanjiedong Heaven to be promoted a lot, in the face of Tiandao strong, still a lot worse! The two are not in the same realm at all and are completely incomparable.

"No wonder they sent someone to kill me, but they didn't do it. They wanted to come to me after they reached heaven ..."

It seems that Prince Dobo and others have a sense of self-knowledge, understand their own speed of progress and true strength, and rushed over as soon as they entered the world of heaven, I am afraid they have already been killed.

But now it breaks into a different world. Once they meet, they can only escape.

"Duobo, did you succeed?"

When Nie Yun was on his guard, a voice rang out from the depths of the cave, and then another figure flew over.

"Prince Liumu? This guy has actually reached heaven?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

Appearing not far away was his other enemy, Prince Liumu.

At this moment, Liumu, like Duobo, is also in the state of heaven. Although the strength on his body has not been released, he can still feel the vastness of his body. If he encounters it, he may not even be able to stop it.

"How to do?"

He couldn't stop a multi-wave prince, and now there is another driftwood ...

"It's really impossible ... I'm also looking for Tiandao flowers, I don't use them, Ruxia they can use them! Once successful, I also have a Tiandaojing strong side, at least there will be no safety issues!"

As soon as my heart moved, an idea came out.

He is definitely not going to take Tiandaohua, but if Prince Ruxia and others will use it, it is not certain.

There is little hope of becoming a great emperor, and there is a chance that being a strong man in heaven, it is something that countless people cannot refuse.

"Now I have a heavenly flower in my hand. Ask them if anyone wants to!"

As soon as the spirit moved, the avatar of the world of Nawu appeared in front of Prince Ruxia and others.

Prince Ruxia entered the world of split sky and was accepted into the world of things. Now he is practicing with peace of mind and consolidating.

"His Royal Highness!"

Seeing him coming, the three stood up at the same time.

The reason why they can reach the life of stealing the sky, thanks to the highness of the Highness in front of him, is full of respect for him.

"Such a situation!"

Nie Yun doesn't make nonsense ~ www.readwn.com ~ directly said: "I now have the opportunity to make the heavenly powerhouse, but ... Once successful, it will lose the human body and become a celestial beast. I do n’t know who you are willing?"

Having said that, he also explained in detail the efficacy of Tiandaohua and how to take it.

They are free to choose, and they don't care if they don't want to. He won't force it.

"Become a split-sky beast ... but can it reach heaven?"

The temptation of heaven and earth was too great, and the three of them could not breathe quickly.

"Anyway, you can become your deity, even if you become a cracking beast? Without this, according to my qualifications, it is impossible to take this step in my life ..."

Ye Tao came forward, with firmness in his eyes: "His Royal Highness, I want to try!"

(To be continued.)

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