Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2461: play off

"Would you like to try it out? It's very likely that you won't come back. Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Nie Yun asked.

"No regrets!" Ye Tao nodded without hesitation.

Among the three of them, there is no blood of the emperor in the body, nor does he have a very anti-natural talent. If you do n’t use the flower of Tiandao, you may not reach the state of heaven forever. In this case, why not fight it?

Although it has lost the human body, it can be transformed into a celestial beast. Besides, the number of divine beasts transformed into human beings and the number of children born and married are countless.

"Since you have decided, this is the corpse of the split-sky beast, this is the heavenly flower!"

Before coming to the Split Sky Zone, the four teamed up to kill thousands of Split Sky Beasts, and all the corpses were collected into the World of Nagoya. This thing was so much a queen's plan.

Handing things like heaven flowers to Ye Tao, Nie Yun's spirit retreated from the world of things.

"Mo Yan sent me a message just now, saying that someone had snatched the Tiandao flower that he had so hard to get ... I guess it was Nie Yun who did it. He may have already come here. We must hurry up before he refines the Tiandao flower. It is found, otherwise, once it is successful, it will be difficult to kill him! "

As soon as the spirit retreated, he heard Prince Liumu's solemn words sound.

"He snatched Mo Yan's heavenly flower? Can't let him succeed!" Prince Dobo also looked grimly: "Return along the original road and meet Mo Yan, if he really comes, it must be within this range!"

"Good!" Prince Liumu nodded.

Listening to the conversation, Nie Yun's face sank.

He did hide here. If the two came over, he would surely find himself soon and be discovered by the two great Taoists ... he didn't think he could escape.


Thinking of this, Nie Yun didn't hesitate and moved his spirit. Direct teleport away.


The next moment appeared one kilometer away.


As soon as he moved, the space fluctuated, which immediately caused the ideas of the two waves and Liumu. At the same time, the two men dispersed their mental strength and immediately found Nie Yun who had just fled.

"Haha. I'm worried about where to find you. Don't blame us if you come by yourself!"

Seeing him, Duobo and Liumu were overjoyed.

Abandoning the blood of the emperor, he must desperately reach the realm of heaven, in order to kill this "prince" who did not know where to come out. I thought it would take more time to find it, but I did not expect it to appear directly.

And it hasn't reached heaven!


They did not hesitate. He rushed straight in the direction that Nie Yun disappeared. The speed was too fast, and the space inside the cave was marked with cracks.

"Abominable, so fast ..."

Nie Yun's face was ugly when he saw Liumu and Duobo who were about to catch up behind him.

Although he does not need much time to teleport, he can only move one kilometer each time, which is a little slower than the full force of Fengshenjue. However, although Fengshenjue is powerful, it is not as strong as Tiandao because of his strength. Full speed.

quickly. The advantage of fleeing first became obsolete, and the two princes were less than a kilometer away.

"What to do? Once you are overtaken, you can only offer the Yanhuang Temple ... but once the Yanhuang Temple is sacrificed, you can only be passively beaten, and with the current control of the Yanhuang Temple, you can't resist the refinement of the Heavenly Powerful ... ... "

Nie Yun was anxious.

Once this situation is caught up, the resistance must be irresistible, and only the Yanhuang Temple can be sacrificed, but with his ability to control the Yanhuang Temple now, he can't hold back the refining of two heavenly strong men.

In other words, if he really wants to be caught up, he will not only be killed. Even Yan Huangdian may be lost.

There must be a better way.

"Where did that human fled? Damn. Let me seize it, and he will smash him!"

"Dare to lie to me. I signed a contract with him and can't take it, but if you kill him, I won't stop it ..."


When I was walking non-stop, I didn't know what was good, and suddenly I heard two angry roars.

"Is it the Beastmaster and the Beastmaster?"

The scalp exploded, and Nie Yun's face was even more ugly.

There are really tigers in front and chasers in the back, too bad luck.

Burning Heaven Beastmaster and Splitting Heaven Beastmaster now can't wait to pinch themselves to death, as do Bobo and Liumu. Once both parties are trapped in the middle, they can't escape if they want to escape!

"Huh? There is power fluctuation, is it you? Haha, this time I see where you are going!"

When Nie Yun's heart was full of anxiety, the two beastmasters also found him and roared excitedly.


The two Beastmasters blocked the escape route, and looked over with a smile, as if looking at the fish on the chopping board.

Before he let him escape because there was some misunderstanding between the two beasts, and a contradiction appeared. Now the contradiction is clearly explained, and it is naturally impossible for him to escape.


Seeing that the two beast kings were blocking the way in the front, the waves and Liumu in the back were about to catch up. Nie Yun was full of anxiety. When he didn't know what to do, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and an idea appeared in his mind.

"Haha, run away? Why should I run away? I have found my partner, and they have successfully swallowed the heavenly flowers, and become the heavenly strongman with the corpse of the Heavenly Beast. I think you are going to escape ..."

Nie Yun concealed the panic on his face and stopped in the air to laugh loudly.

"Swallowing the Heavenly Flower?" The split-day Beastmaster immediately stunned, and his eyes showed madness: "Abominable, hateful! Dare to devour the Heavenly Flower left by our ancestors. I want you all to die, all die here!"

Before, it was still thinking, why is this human desperately coming here, and hesitates to lie, the most important reason is here!

Celestial flowers, their reliance on the tribe's achievement of heaven and earth, was transformed by the corpses of the ancestors who successfully attacked heaven.

They humans are actually refining, and they also rely on the corpse of the split-day beast ... This is the biggest insult to their split-day tribe, and it is simply unforgivable!


Just after roaring, I saw two human figures rushing out of the cave, full of strength and turbulence, and they have reached the state of heaven.

And ~ www.readwn.com ~ With his eyesight, naturally, he can also see that the other party only completed the promotion after catching the corpse of the split-day beast, just like the boy said.

"Humans, you look for death!"

The Beastmaster of the Heavens is angry, the violent power radiates, and the surrounding space keeps twisting.

It has never been so angry.

Duobo and Liumu did not expect the two Beastmasters to appear in front of them, and stopped involuntarily.

"Two, these two stupid Beastmasters will be given to you, I will come and go!"

Seeing that they didn't do it directly, Nie Yun screamed in his heart, screamed, and his body moved suddenly. The next moment, he moved behind the two of them and rushed straight into the cave.

There is no other way but to find a way to find the heart of the world and devour it.

(To be continued.)

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