Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2462: Find the heart of the world

"Where to escape!"

Duobo and Liumu were stunned by the two great beastmasters. When the reaction came, Nie Yun had left, annoyed wow, turned and chased after him.

"Abominable humans, don't run away!"

After listening to what Nie Yun said just now, the two great beastmasters thought that Dobo Liumu was also with him. In addition, when they saw each other's promotion by virtue of heavenly flowers, they were furious, and the hoof claws caught them in the air, blocking the way.

The heavenly flower is the foundation of the split-day beast. The humble humans dare to steal it. It is simply unforgivable! Even if Nie Yun didn't provoke him and was discovered by the Beastmaster of the Heavens, it would never be light.

Boom boom!

As soon as the four heavenly strong men took the action, the whole cave seemed to be unbearable and cracks appeared.


Nie Yun was lucky enough to escape, and did not dare to stay, and flew in quickly with every effort.

Although this is the home of the Beastmaster, it has been a heavenly state for many years and is stronger, but since the two Princes of Prince and Liumu know the heavenly flowers, there must be many backhands. The two sides really fight and win. Negative, it's hard to say.

Besides, Duobo and Liumu are not fools. The priority is to chase and kill themselves, not fight with people. It should not be long before they can talk about the two Beastmasters and become their allies.

Once the four heavenly powers join forces, they can't escape even if they want to escape!

You must hurry up and find the heart of the world before they reach an agreement.

"Huh? Heavenly flowers?"

Speeding forward, his eyes flashed, a seal appeared in front of him, and as before, a heavenly flower hovered quietly.

It seems that there are many heavenly flowers in this cave. Otherwise, many waves and Liumu would not be able to become heavenly strong so soon.

"The seal left by the heavenly strongman can only be obtained if it is broken ..."

Stopped, Nie Yun thought.

Although Tian Da Hua does not take it, he can take it to the people around him, especially those left from the Chaos Ocean in the medical museum. If he can reach the heaven, he will greatly increase his power.

only. This is the seal left by the Tiandao strongman. It takes several days to break the magic Yan, but he does not believe that with the current strength, it can be broken in a short time.

It took days to get the heavenly flower that didn't do much to him ...

He doesn't have this time. I really want to do this, I'm afraid that Tian Dao Hua has been caught up by Duo Bo and others before they can get it.

"Try Frostblade!"

Knowing that time could not be delayed, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and Han Bingbian appeared in front of him. As soon as the body moved, the fusion avenue moved.

Fifth use!

I was so anxious to be chased just now. This avenue is useless. At the moment, I do n’t care about it for the sake of heaven.


Driven by the fusion avenue, the cold ice blade exudes the chill air, cutting the space to appear cracks.


Eyebrows raised, and fingers pointed forward.


Frostblade slammed into it. "His!" It sounded like a sharp weapon cutting paper. The seal left by the heavenly strongman, without blocking the slightest, was broken through a large hole.


Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

He didn't report much hope at first. If Hanbing Blade really can't break, this heavenly flower will not be needed. I never dreamed that it would be so simple!

It seems that the Frostblade is even more powerful than he imagined, especially in conjunction with the Fusion Avenue, the power is terrible!


As soon as the palm was scratched, the heavenly flowers floating in the seal were taken into the world of objects, and turned to continue to write and rush forward.

With the ice blade to break the seal. In less than an hour, more than a dozen Tiandao flowers have fallen into their hands.

After taking away these dozens of plants, the cave seems to be gone, and they walked for nearly half an hour. No one was seen.

"It seems that there are a lot of heavenly flowers, and not every single Beastmaster can be formed after death!"

The split-day beast has existed for hundreds of millions of years. According to one beast king in one million years, at least one million beast kings have died. With so many beast kings, there are only a dozen heavenly flowers. It shows that not every beastmaster dies can form a heavenly flower.

"May be related to ... breaking through the heaven alone!"

When my heart moved, I thought of a possibility.

He collected dozens of heavenly flowers in succession, and he closely observed the carcass of the beast under the flower.

Although these corpses have died for hundreds of millions of years, they still carry a majestic and breath that cannot be humiliated, and even have the challenge and unyieldingness of heaven in their eyes.

With this kind of power, I am afraid that these split beasts did not swallow the heavens reached by the heavenly flowers, but broke through alone!

Otherwise, there would not be such a powerful mind.

"Hundreds of thousands of years of fissures, only a dozen break through the heavens ... it's too difficult!"

Nie Yun sighed.

The Beast of the Heavens is the beast of the Tao of Heaven. It is born to have greater superiority than human beings. Such a great advantage. After hundreds of millions of years, there are only a dozen successes. The Tao of Heaven is too difficult to break through!

"Maybe the Beastmaster is going crazy ..."

Although I do n’t know if the Beastmaster ’s death will form a heavenly flower, but there are only a dozen strains of the Beastmaster, and all of them are taken away, which is equivalent to breaking the lifeline of the Beastmaster. Going crazy.

"Come on!"

In the face of the mad Beastmaster, he knew that he was definitely not an opponent and had to move on.

Fusion Avenue combined with Frostblade's superposition of two pairs made him extremely fast. The deeper the range that he entered the cave, the more he felt a breath that made his heart spread.

"Huh? Why is there resentment?"

He continued to walk forward for a while, and suddenly felt the resentment he had seen before, again a lot of strong.

This resentment emanated from the tombs of many beastmasters when they first entered the valley. The resentments of past beastmasters have been transformed. As the entry deepens, the resentment becomes less and less, and even disappears for some distance.

Nie Yun was a bit strange before, but I never figured it out ... why did this happen again?


Strange in her heart, she used the power of the world space to block her resentment, and Nie Yun continued to go deeper. Not far this time, she saw the resentment flowing slowly around her, forming a huge vortex.

In the very center of the vortex is a large black hole, I don't know how deep it is, the resentment is being swallowed up by the black hole, and it keeps gathering.

"this is……"

A glance at the black hole ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's eyes lit up sharply: "Heart of the World in the Split Sky Zone!"

I've been looking for this for so long, but I didn't expect him to find it.

"However, I can only confirm that the heart of the world may be in a black hole. No one knows what is going on!"

This black hole is naturally not the heart of the world. What's going on below can't be seen or understood.

Bang! Bang!

Just wanting to observe and study it carefully, if the danger under the black hole is not dangerous, I heard a rapid explosion coming from behind me.

"Boy, I see where you fled this time ..."

With a shout, the Four Heavenly Beastmasters, the Burning Heavenly Beastmaster, Prince Dobo, and Prince Liumu, the four heavenly beasts really joined together and chased here. (To be continued.)

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