Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2463: Siege

"Sure enough, I guess!"

Nie Yun shook his head when he saw the four strong men appearing at the same time.

His guess was indeed accurate.

The guy who stands out from many princes is much better than himself.

I flickered the Beastmaster and others, because with the help of some messages that the other party did not know, Prince Dobo and Liumu Prince had swallowed the Heavenly Flower, and also refined the body of the Beastmaster ... if you have committed such a big taboo, you can United Front with the Beastmaster.

Eloquence is much stronger than him.

"The prince of the imperial imperial dynasty willingly gave up his blood and turned into a beast and admired it! Of course, what I admire is the Heavenly Beast King. These two people not only swallowed the heavenly flowers, but also sacrificed with your people ... The situation allows, and with them ... terrific! "

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Finding the exact location of the heart of the world, he was no longer nervous.

"Nie Yun, you don't have to fight for words, today is your death!"

Unprompted by him, Prince Dobo sneered and turned to look at the two Beastmasters: "Two guys, this guy destroyed the Tiantian District and snatched all the heavenly flowers, and you all saw it, now Do it! "

"Yes, boy, I won't kill you today, it's hard to dispel my hatred!"

The Heavenly Beast Lord roars first.


Ignoring the killing intentions of Prince Dobo and the Heavenly Beastmaster, Nie Yun smiled and looked at the Heavenly Beastmaster: "We have signed a contract for complementary damage. You haven't forgotten this!"

"Hey, I can't do it. I don't believe you can escape from the three great Taoists this time!"

Splinter Beastmaster sneered.

"That's it ... hey, the beast is a beast, it's easy to be blinded by people! I came here with you, but these two humans came here a few days ago ... It will take at least a few days to break the seal left by the Heavenly Powerful ... Lost more than a dozen days of Taoism, but you feel that I stole it ... "

Nie Yun shook his head.

He had the Frostblade, and none of them were aware of it, and didn't know to rely on this powerful weapon. Even if it takes only a short time, the seal can be broken.

Therefore, with the help of this unknown, he intends to split the relationship between Prince Dobo and the Heavenly Beastmaster.

of course. It doesn't matter if it's unsuccessful, at least it has planted a seed in its heart.

Sure enough, the Beastmaster of the Heavens looked at Prince Dobo and others in doubt again.

The boy in front of him is just stealing his life, and it is impossible to break the seal in a short time. Achieve the Heavenly Way, and come out from it ... To say who has taken so many Heavenly Way flowers, they are obviously more likely.

"Do you think this low-level provocation is useful? I'll let you die now ..."

Seeing that the Beastmaster's face was not good-looking, Prince Dobo knew that he had to talk too much with the boy in front of him, which would only cause him to become passive, his eyebrows raised, his palms raised and shot straight.


The violent force swept through, and the peculiar realm of heaven and earth shattered the space.

"Want to kill me? Haha, sorry. I don't want to die yet!"

Seeing this palm split, Nie Yun smiled lightly, and the next moment had been teleported to the black hole, he had to jump in.

"Knowing that you will teleport, do you think you can escape this time?"

Just as Nie Yun was drilling into the black hole immediately, the Beastmaster and Prince Liumu started to work at the same time.


The two heavenly strong men stretched out their fingers at the same time, and under their power, the space seemed to freeze like flowing water and instantly freeze.

Ability unique to the Heavenly Powers-Space Condensation!


Space condenses, and Nie Yun is like a fish frozen in ice, and it is useless to struggle. Not to mention entering a black hole.

"come on!"

Freezing Nie Yun, Prince Liumu sneered, and grabbed it in the air.

Nie Yun's body immediately approached him slowly and uncontrollably.


Seeing that his body kept moving, Nie Yun raised an eyebrow suddenly. Frostblade flew out, gently everything in front of him.


The imprisoned space opened immediately, like broken ice, sending out a series of thunder.


Ning Yun didn't dare to stop in the least, and rushed straight to the black hole.

The most important thing now is to find the heart of the world and refine it. Only then can there be any opposing force, otherwise, I really want to die here.

"It's not that easy to escape!"

Before flying far, a powerful force rushed over and blinked to Nie Yun's back.

It was Dobo's attack just now.

The three great powers of heaven will unite, if they let him escape again, I am afraid they will not have to live.

"Help me resist!"


Seeing the attack approaching, Nie Yun did not dodge, but moved his spirit. A figure suddenly appeared behind him and punched him!

Ye Tao!

At this moment, Ye Tao had completely refined the heavenly flower, turned into a strong heavenly state power, swept through his fists, and immediately blocked the attack of Prince Dobo.

"How are you so strong!"

Prince Dobo narrowed his pupils.

Although Ye Tao and he were strong at the same time, he made a fist contact, the former was more solid and more horrible. If the two are really fighting, he is not an opponent at all!

how is this possible!

"Hey, I can only say you are stupid!"

Ye Tao chuckled and punched him again.

Prince Dobo refining heavenly flowers, but in half a day, although he has become a heavenly strong, the strength has not been completely consolidated. Ye Tao is different. Under the accelerated world time of Nie Yunna, he has cultivated for more than 100 years and fully integrated heavenly flowers , Consolidation of strength, real fighting power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nothing worse than the Burning Heaven Beastmaster!

In this case, how could Prince Dobo be an opponent!

"This guy is weird, shoot together!"

Seeing the power of this punch, Prince Dobo knew that it was difficult to resist, and could not help but make a long cry.

Because the Beastmaster of the Heavens had signed a contract with Nie Yun, he did not take any action, but the prince Liumu and the Celestial Beast did not bother, and the violent force greeted him.

Boom boom!

For a while, the world collapsed. The attack of the three heavenly strongmen defeated Ye Tao's attack. The remaining strength remained undiminished and still came.

Although Ye Tao's strength is very strong, but the three heavenly strong men shot at the same time, he still can't resist.

"Don't resist!"

Seeing this force rushing in, once it hits, Ye Tao will be injured, and Nie Yun hurriedly transmits a voice.


Knowing that Nie Yun would not harm him, Ye Tao's body immediately relaxed and no longer resisted.


As soon as the power came to him, he felt that his body was shaking, he had disappeared in place, and returned to the world of things.

"Yanhuangdian, come out!"

Knowing that Ye Tao couldn't resist, Nie Yun took it into the world of things. At the same time, a huge palace emerged suddenly, covering him.

At the most dangerous moment, Yan Huang Dian was sacrificed by him.

(To be continued.)

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