Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 241: Owe

"How to divide? Just like Mu Xia said just now, you who get the baby can compensate what you don't get, otherwise you will fight, as long as you die two, is it good to divide?"

Ou Xiangcheng, a soaring sailor, grinned, his voice sounding like an erhu with a broken string.

"Okay, it's really a good way ..." Mu Qing's eyes flashed a bit of spicy after hearing Ouyang Cheng's words, and then he smiled slightly, wondering what to think.

I can reach the extreme peak. No matter which one is the decisive person, just look at Mu Qing's expression and she knows that she has already started to kill Ouyang Cheng.

"Okay, we don't have to quarrel anymore, this thing is settled, everything is for the baby! Let's go!"

Qi Qiyang waved his hand to interrupt the words of everyone.

"Qi Yang is right, everything is for babies, but ..." Suddenly, Nie Yun spoke.

Although Nie Yun defeated Mu Shengxue to create supreme majesty just now, after all, he had only had a short time with the crowd. Everyone saw him speak at this time, all frowned except for the shame of flowers.

"Presumptuous, how can you speak here! We are all headed by the son of Qi Yang, what he said is nothing! Don't shut me up!"

Qi Mu Shengxue sighed coldly.

"If you still want to be a dead dog, keep talking!"

Ignoring his scolding, Nie Yun snorted.


Remembering the power of the boy's punch, Mu Shengxue's face was red and white for a while, and he couldn't help but take two steps back, but wanted to say something to refute, but couldn't say a word.

"We are a whole, Mu Shengxue, don't worry, don't say that others can't beat you into a dead dog, even if you dare to do it, I will kill those who don't obey orders!"

Qi Qiyang shook her hand and stood in front of Nie Yun and Mu Shengxue. The whole man looked at the boy coldly with the supreme smell.

"Really? Hehe! Since the son of Qi Yang wants to protect Mu Shengxue, I really want to try it, how can you protect it!"

Xie Nieyun smiled slightly, Xuan Yu's sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and with a flick of his wrist, the force of Dantian cooperated with the earth to hit Yang Yang.

If you accept it at this time, the other party will only be more oppressive to you, instead of establishing a majesty with your hands!

Although this Qiyang boy didn't make a shot before, he brought a lot of intense oppression to Nie Yun. Obviously, Qi Haixiu has reached an outrageous level. Instead of being oppressed in his heart, it is better to break the temptation, regardless of success or failure. I have the initiative.

"So big dog gall!"

The son of Qi Qiyang did not expect the young man to do it, regardless of his life and status. He raised his eyebrows and did not use weapons. As soon as he turned around, he grabbed Xuanyu's sword with one hand.

This scratch, covering up, down, left, right, and right and left positions, as long as Nie Yun chooses to attack, Xuan Yu's sword will surely fall into his palm and be caught by him.

方位 The position of his grasp was subtle, but what surprised him was that Nie Yun ignored his movements at all, and the sword fell slowly, without hindrance, and it seemed that he had no intention of evading.


Qi Yang's action of sending attacking tricks to others has never been seen before. As long as the combatant is not mentally disabled, he should not do so. How can he not dodge?

I want to know that once the long sword is caught by the opponent, it loses the initiative and the battle is equal to defeat. I just saw that the young man was fierce and the battle was decisive. It should not be a fool!

Although Xun's heart was shocked, Qi Yang still did not dare to slacken, turning her palm into a phantom, and the fingertips fell on the tip of Nie Yun's sword.

While the fingers fell on the tip of the sword, the five fingers instantly danced like playing a pipa, shaking for hundreds of times at once, and each fingertip revealed a force to weaken the impact of Xuanyu's sword, hundreds of times, The power of the earth was caught by his palms!

"The son of Qi Yang really clever means! Take the trick with my bare hands and admire it!" Nie Yun knew the power of his earth's potential, and his strength was indestructible. Even if the other party resisted by using high-class weapons from the royal family, he was confident. The sword was broken, and now this boy of Qiyang actually uses his palm to attack with his strength, which is terrible!

"Since I am the leader, I am not allowed to take any action ..." Catching the young man's sword, the son of Qi Yang was secretly shocked, and his tone was much better than before.

"No hands are allowed? Oh, sorry, I have already started" "—"

Nie Yun smiled slightly, took a step back, and raised his corner of the mouth to look at Mu Shengxue behind Qi Yang.

"Huh?" Seeing Nie Yun's expression, the son of Qi Yang had a strange look. Just when the boy was doing something with himself, did he hit Mu Shengxue again?

The doubts in Xun's heart were not over, but she saw a big hole in Mu Shengxue's chest "嘭" that hit the white clothes, and the blood immediately gurgles along the sky, dyeing all the clothes red.


Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

"Fighting bulls across the mountains? How is this possible?" Qi Yang's face also changed. With his knowledge, he could naturally see that when the boy and he started, they used a special penetrating power to put behind him Mu Shengxue was seriously injured!

"Haha!" Facing the horrified eyes of everyone, Nie Yun smiled slightly, took Xuan Yu's sword back to Dan Tian, ​​and stood upright.

When I just realized the dark energy ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can fight cattle across the mountains, and shake the meridians through the tens of feet of rock, the sea collapses, and I am turned into flowing water. Now There is only one son of Qi Yang, which is naturally simpler.

"My son, Chuan Chuan, save me." ... "Pierced his chest by secret strength, Mu Shengxue could not die for a while, looking at Nie Yun full of panic, shouting anxiously

"Whew! Well, if we want to successfully enter the demon ancient ruins, we must cooperate sincerely, so killing each other will only reduce our overall strength! Mu Shengxue I will give you treatment now! Yun Tong, you do n’t Don't worry about it, everyone values ​​peace! "

Knowing the horror of young men, Qi Yang's attitude also changed. He smiled, grabbed Mu Shengxue with a big hand, and the air was immediately enveloped by a special atmosphere. Under this atmosphere, Mu Shengxue's injured chest turned out to be naked. Visible recovery.

Healing gas!

I did not expect that this son of Qi Yang turned out to be a special talent owner, a therapist!

"Oh, okay!" Seeing the rapid change in attitude of this Qi Yang son, it was astounding that Nie Yun no longer pursued it, looking at Ou Yangcheng and continuing the topic he was interrupted by Mu Shengxue just now.

"Brother Ouyang has been saying that he is a Xiangshui teacher just now. How powerful is Xiangshui's talent. I wonder if we can show a few people who haven't seen the world to show Xiangshui's breath so that we can also open our eyes?" (Unfinished To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小 苏 歌 哥]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starter" to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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