Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 242: Ambiguous posture

The Xiangshui Division has never seen it in his previous life and does not understand the structure of the Xiangshui gas. If he can study it, he can rely on the speciality of Dantian and immediately have this talent!

With this talent, you don't have to be afraid of getting into the water, and you won't be tempted by others.

After living for hundreds of years, Nie Yun knew that when searching for treasures, instead of waiting for others to give you points, it would be better to take the initiative to get all his own, while also saving a lot of trouble.

"Since you want to see it, there is nothing to show you, this lets you know that my one-third share is definitely worth the money for you!"

Ouyang Cheng snorted coldly, stood up, his body straightened, and rushed straight towards the seawater below.

As soon as his body touched the seawater, two huge wings emerged instantly under the ribs, crystal clear, with the color of ice sculptures, and a slight movement of the wings, the water flow formed a huge wave, a powerful boost, making Ouyang a speed lightning Like going forward.

"Good water control ability! No wonder he is so confident. If he really works for us in the water, we may not be rivals if we are united!"

Seeing that the seawater was accompanied by Ou Yangcheng's mood fluctuations, the entire endless ocean was like his back garden. Everyone's face changed, and I believed what he said before.

Xiangshui is indeed a special talent owner who controls water, which is really terrible!

Ouyang Cheng's strength on the land may not even be as good as Mu Shengxue, but once he is allowed to enter the water, it is like a tiger entering the jungle and a dragon into the sea. He has exerted all his strength and can definitely increase his strength tenfold!

too strong!

"This is Xiangshui talent? Great

"Master Qi Yang, this cloud copper is not a fuel-saving lamp at first glance. Why didn't you just kill him directly!"

Mu Shengxue hated his teeth itchingly when he remembered the previous shame.

"Go straight? Now you're not in a hurry, the monster Shengguxu is in serious crisis. If he is killed, who will we look for?" Qi Yang said lightly.

"It's really a good way to find him, but ... I'm afraid this kid will not eat hard and soft, and we will get in trouble when we get the baby back!" Mu Shengxue said.

"It's okay, I watched the scene of his shot just now. If I really want to do it, even if he comes three more, he's not an opponent! Besides, I came out this time with a hole card. It's easy to kill him!" Qi Yang didn't care .

"Since the son said so, I'm relieved!" Mu Shengxue smiled.

"Well, give me a good job. Once the nine-hearted demon fruit is in my hands, I will kill them all. Good things are indispensable to you!" Qi Yang comforted.

"Yes! I will do my best to be a bull and a horse for my son!" Mu Shengxue quickly vowed.

The crowd went all the way. On the third day, when they encountered a sea storm, Qi Yang didn't say much. He grabbed his hands and turned into a large ship full of iron armor.

This big ship is different from ordinary ships. It sinks as soon as it enters the water. Like a submarine, it floats in the middle of the sea.

When everyone enters the ship, one can rest, and the other can escape the storms and monsters at sea, which is indeed the best choice for walking at sea.

"Nantan Dantian? And the space is not smaller than mine ..."

Seeing that the son of Qi Yang took out the big ship at hand, Nie Yun knew that this man must still be holding a dandan, otherwise, there was no place for such a big ship to hold, and his eyes narrowed.

It is worthy of being the son of a great force. The Qiyang therapist and Nawu Dantian really don't know if there are other talents and methods.

After walking and stopping, after experiencing several rounds of monsters and besieging, after walking for seven or eight days, everyone stopped on an island.

This small island is only a few hundred miles wide. Under the moist sea air, all kinds of fruits and vegetation are dense, and the shore is full of various shells. The crystal grains of sand are shining, as if the whole island is covered with precious stones.

"The Yaosheng Ancient Ruins is just under the ocean not far from this island, let's go down!"

Seeing the island, everyone's eyes showed excitement at the same time, Qi Yang pointed forward and said the specific direction of the ancient demon shrine.

"The seven stars gather together, the sky is shrouded, the ground fire is in full potential, and the hundred streams merge ... this so-called demon saint, really will find a place!"

Looking in the direction of Qi Yang's fingers, Nie Yun saw seven small islands standing alone on the sea, forming a state of seven-star convergence. The sky was covered by dark clouds, and the aura was condensed without dispersing. You can see that there is plenty of aura under the water and it is a great place for cultivation.

Finding this geomantic treasure in the endless sea, this demon saint is really amazing!

"Trouble Brother Ouyang!"

Seeing the environment clearly, the son of Qi Yang turned to look at Ou Yangcheng and laughed.

"Nothing, come with me!"

Ouyang Cheng didn't have any expression on his face. When he jumped into the sea at first, when he entered the sea, the huge wings spread the sea, revealing a balloon that could hold a dozen people.

Everyone enters the balloon ~ www.readwn.com ~, which means that they can breathe spontaneously without hypoxia.


With a low whisper, Ouyang Cheng broke the water and swam deep into the sea.

They did not hesitate to follow behind the balloon and quickly moved inside.

The water pressure is getting deeper and deeper. Ouyang Cheng just began to care about his face. The biplane can accommodate a dozen people. After entering the tens of thousands of meters of deep water, the range was reduced by half. Several people were close together and wanted to turn around. Physically difficult.

Nie Yun was in the same camp as Baihuaxi, and the two were close together. The woman's unique aroma of Baihua involuntarily passed into her nose, and her fiery body was half pressed on her body, especially the softness of her chest. Nie Yun's mentality is calm, but he still feels that he can't speak dryly, and he can't help laughing secretly.

It's not too good to be too close to the beauty!

ps: add more to our third leader [devildragon]. . . (To be continued.)

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