Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2484: Boundless abyss

"It seems to be asking!"

Seeing the appearance of a hollow cave, Nie Yun was surprised, knowing that he had been waiting here for sure, and no news was available. For the purpose of this plan, he had to go and ask.

Just ask, you must meet.

"The trapping demon is a powerful man in the state!"

Through observation, Nie Yun also saw the strength of the trapped demon.

A state of heaven power!

In the eyes of others, it may be invincible existence, in his opinion, nothing is too much! With the help of various means, it can be killed instantly.

"He has the Emperor Canglu as the backstage, but he is also a hegemon. He cannot be easily beheaded. How can I ask if he can't be identified, and let him tell the truth?"

Nie Yun thought about it and thought of it after a moment, smiled a little, and the disguise turned, and the whole person changed his appearance and temperament.


The figure disappeared.


Trapped inside.

The trapped demon's face was iron blue.

There was a group of people kneeling in front of him.

"Your flock of waste, so you can't even see it personally, what use is it for you!"

With a roar, the palm of the trapped demon snapped down.

There was a roar of heaven and earth, and dozens of people's shadows instantly turned into meatloaf, which was shot dead on the spot.

"Abominable, abominable!"

After killing these people, the trapped demon seems to be still deflated, and his body swept vigorously, and the countless precious decorations in the hall turned into powder instantly.


As he planned to continue venting, the hall space fluctuated, and a figure appeared in front of him.

This figure looks more than thirty years old, and his face is a bit yellow. Although he doesn't know him, he feels the strong breath and power that made him palpitated.

"It's sinking in the air. I've seen the emperor and I don't know why the emperor came to me."

Not much hesitation. The trapped demon bowed directly to the ground, and the atmosphere did not dare to say a word.

Able to teleport to him. With such a powerful breath and strength, only the Emperor Realm can do it.

As long as he is not a great emperor, he has a natural fear of the emperor.

"I inquire about one thing!" The comer's voice was deep, with majestic irrefutable.

The comer is naturally Nie Yun.

The way he thought about just now is to disguise himself and make the other party mistakenly think that he is a powerful emperor.

As long as this misunderstanding, you can perfectly hide your identity.

After all, the Emperor Realm is not easy to ask, even if there is a Canglu Emperor as a backing. It is also impossible for the latter to offend another emperor because of a trivial matter.

At the level of Emperor Realm, who has no friends? Who hasn't backed up? Even if his strength is not as good as yours, there is no guarantee that he will not be stronger. As long as it is not hatred that does not share the sky, there is almost no action among the powerful emperors.

"The emperor, please speak. You know everything and you can't stop talking!"

"I heard you caught a woman named Fairy Fairy, where is she?"

Nie Yun is not nonsense. Asked directly.

"Fairy Fairy?"

The trapping devil does not know why the emperor is interested in a small figure in front of him, or he answers: "She was arrested by me, but ... escaped ten days ago?"

"Ran away?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and the whole room seemed to enter hell. The strong sense of oppression made the trapped demon's face pale.

If you had doubts about the sudden emergence of the emperor before you, you can now confirm it.

I am afraid that only the Emperor Realm can make him such a strong man in heaven feel the oppression.

"Back to the Emperor, what I said is true. I arrested her to marry her! She agreed too. Ten days ago, I suddenly said that I wanted to play in the trapped city. I didn't care. Then, who knows ... she ran away! "

The trapping demon said that his face was ugly.

The magnificent and powerful man was deceived by a guy who completed the imperial realm. It feels shame to say it out.

"You send someone to follow ... I am afraid that these people are stronger than the blue fairy, plus how can you make her escape if you are a strong man in heaven?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were wrinkled, and the heavenly coercion of the world of objects was exerted, and his whole person was like an invincible deity.

Listening to the other party ’s appearance, the Fairy Fairy definitely knows that he ca n’t escape, and deliberately obeys the other party, causing the other party to be paralyzed. At this time, he proposes to turn around and trap the devil to send someone to follow. He will definitely send more power than the Fairy Fairy. Let her escape?

"Yes ... it's she who wants to see the sinking Shentan! Go straight in!"

Feeling the coercion, the trapped demon could not help but explain quickly.

"Trapped in the sinkhole?" Nie Yun froze.

He knew this place, just inside the empty city. When the power of the four dark spaces covered the city, he saw it.

However, I only know this place, I don't know if there is anything strange, why did I escape when I got in?

"Yes, the sinking Shentan is unfathomable, connecting ... the borderless abyss ... she jumped in and went straight into the borderless abyss, I don't know where to go ..."

The trapped demon was afraid that the other party would be angry, and quickly explained.

"Entering the Abyss?"

As Nie Yun's pupils shrank, his face became very ugly.

He hadn't heard of the sinking Shentan, but the boundless abyss has long been heard.

The Boundless Abyss is known as one of the four dangerous places in the world of God. It is as famous as the Wraith Realm. Even if the emperor enters it, it may never come out again. The degree of danger can be imagined!

The ordinary imperial realm enters into it, and it can be said that there is no death!

Because of this, he is feared by the scorpion!

How come there?

Nie Yun's eyes immediately revealed a thick evil spirit.

The reason why Fairy Fairy entered the endless abyss must be because she knew that the ordinary methods could not escape the palm of the trapped demon god, so she entered it in a hurry.

Therefore, it can be said that this situation is forced by this guy in front of him!

The boundless abyss is not an ordinary place. It will die when you enter ten of them ... I do n’t know if this guy made her alive or dead, how could I let it go!

"The Emperor spares his life ..."

Feeling the scourge on him, the trapped demon kept screaming: "I am the illegitimate son of the Great Emperor of Canglu ... Please don't kill me!"

"I won't kill you, but I'll make you suffer!"

I knew that the other party had a relationship with Emperor Canglu ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't expect to be the illegitimate son of this emperor.

After hesitating, Nie Yun decided to save his life first.

After all, because such a guy offends an emperor, it is not worth it.

Of course, the crime of death is inevitable, and the fate of the blue fairy is unknown, and life and death are unknown. How can it be easily bypassed!

Forefinger and **** were together, and nodded to him.


A special force entered the body along the opponent's meridians.


With a scream, the trapped demon could not help rolling on the ground. When he looked up again, the emperor had just disappeared.

(To be continued.)

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