Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2485: Depression of the Canglu Emperor (1)

"No ... what did you do to me?"

The mad roar of the trapped demon, the whole body was instantly covered with blisters, the muscles were rotten, the body was like a thousand knives, the severe pain paralyzed the nerves, and even the soul was shaking and could not bear it.

This kind of pain has never been experienced since childhood, even if the so-called torture known as the first in the world of God is nothing compared with one!

"No ... how can your grand emperor shoot at me!"

Under the severe pain, the trapped demon kept tearing his muscles, and his blink of an eye was beyond recognition.

According to normal regulations, the Emperor Realm cannot easily attack ordinary people. Although he has reached the level of heaven, in front of the Emperor Realm, he is still not much different from ordinary people and can be beheaded and killed.

Because of this, the trapped devil can't figure out why why a dignified emperor tortured him like this.

Wouldn't you let a woman in the imperial kingdom fall into the abyss? There are so many successful imperial realms in the divine realm!

My heart was full of puzzlement and hatred, but I didn't dare to scold it.

The great emperor, Vega, really dare to yell at him. The other party absolutely dare to kill it, and he will not be criticized by others.

The Emperor Realm can transcend even heaven and earth. He is already at the top of the world, how can he let others easily insult.

"Save me, save me ... only he can save me ..."

Not afraid to scold others, the trapped demon thought of how to relieve this pain. When he turned his wrist, he took out a jade card tremblingly and crushed it.

This was the messenger sent to him by the Emperor Canglu at the time. I thought that he could never use it because of the strength of his heavenly state.


As soon as the jade card was crushed, a figure appeared in the hall, looking at the hollow demon who fell to the ground, and his pupils shrank: "What's going on?"

"Save me ... save me!"

At the moment, the trapped devil was unable to bear under the tremendous pain and torment, and could not stop thinking about it.

"My son. Rest assured, I will save you for my father!"

The comer's face was ugly, his palms slammed forward, and a powerful force poured out. Envelop the trapped demon.

He claimed to be the father, and it should be the backing behind the trapped devil, the Great Emperor of Canglu!


Strength shrouded the empty demon, and the latter really eased a lot, and his pale face became ruddy.


Emperor Canglu repossessed his palm. His face was gloomy like ice: "What's going on? How did you get this?"


When the trapped demon just wanted to speak, he felt painful again, and the pain seemed more severe than before.


The Great Emperor of Canglu frowned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows: "I want to see, what can you do!"

Obviously, just now he wanted to help the Emperor to cure the disease, but the result was not only unsuccessful, but also made the back bite stronger.

As a result, his anger was stirred.

The best of his dignified emperors can rank fourth in the boundless sea. Actually, even a small evil can't be cured.

It can make Tiandaojing's son so painful. Don't guess, but also know that this evil is left by another emperor. If he can't get rid of it, he will lose to another emperor.


His power poured out, and the entire hollow was filled with a huge force, as if it had become a substance.

In fact, even if it becomes a substance, it becomes a rock again. Ordinary imperial powerhouses can also be easily broken, but filled with his power, it is almost impossible for the heavenly powerhouses to break open!

This is Emperor Realm!

Beyond Heaven. Beyond time's super existence.

The immense power entered the body along the meridian of the trapped demon, and soon he discovered the crux of the problem. Someone left a special airflow in the other person's body.

This air flow merges with the soul and body of the other party and keeps corroding!

Look at the airflow, don't want to kill him, just let him suffer a bit!

But look at the power of airflow. If it is not expelled in time, if it is tortured for a long time, even if it can be cured in the future, it will be almost useless.


The power of the Canglu Emperor flowed along the meridians of the trapped demon, constantly attacking this special airflow, and seemed to want to wear it off.

After a while.


Emperor Canglu spurted blood, and the whole man took a few steps back, his face became a bit pale.

"how can that be?"

Pupils shrink.

The air flow left by the opponent in the trapped demon did not seem to leave, but with imposing majesty that was even more terrible than the heavens of the year. Even if he was forcibly expelled with this strength, he still suffered. Backbite, chest boil, difficult to calm down.

"I do not believe!"

The mood calmed down, and the Canglu Emperor roared, revealing the sorrow.

Even if the opponent is strong, he can't beat it, but ... he can't get rid of it if he doesn't believe it!


Pour the power into the body of the trapped demon again, and after a dozen more breaths, hey!

Three consecutive blood spurts, and the Emperor Canglu retreated again.

"Save me ... save ... I ..."

For two consecutive collisions, the Emperor Canglu was okay to say that the trapped devil could not bear it anymore, and the entire human face was like golden paper, dying.


Seeing his son's appearance, he would die at any time. The Canglu Emperor's fist clenched and his whole body trembled.

He tried it just now. With his current strength, if he really tried to expel it, though he could do it, his son's life would not be saved!

"Who is it? Who made you this way?"

The angry face was ugly, the Emperor Canglu hurriedly asked.

"Yes ... an ... emperor ... I don't know who it is ..."

Shouted the trapped demon struggling.

"Imperial? I'll see where you come from!"

Hearing his son admit that he is the emperor, the Canglu emperor roared, and grasped his palm forward. The scene in front of the hall quickly changed.

Time is back!

Back in time, he had to see for himself who had hurt his son.


In the blink of an eye, time returned to before he didn't come here, the Emperor Canglu continued to watch.


The time mirror in front of me is instantly broken ~ www.readwn.com ~ disappeared without a trace, no matter what means he uses, he will never see it again.

"Can't peep? Strength is stronger than me or fate is elusive?"

The Great Emperor of Canglu changed his face.

There are two possibilities to make time go back. First, people who want to investigate are more powerful than themselves, and the other party can stop time back! Second, the fate of those being probed is unpredictable!

The so-called fate is elusive, that is, even Tiandao cannot record his situation!

Heaven ca n’t be recorded?

how can that be?

"It must be stronger than me!"

The Great Emperor of Canglu gritted his teeth.

(~ ^ ~)

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