Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2544: Weird Heart Demon (Part 2)

"Brother, what's going on?"

God Tower Emperor left, and Nie Tong looked over in doubt.

"Miss Yao Shuang has a dark shadow in her soul. I suspect ... it's some kind of terrible demon!"

Nie Yun said the guess in his heart.

The black shadow was observed with Shennong Baicao Jing just now, and although I didn't confirm it, I guessed it.

Being able to enter the soul without being noticed can't think of anything but the demon.


Nie Tong's eyes were also sinking.

It is the most horrible thing to see, not touch, as long as it is a cultivator. Even his current strength, try to avoid encounters.

"Can it be expelled?"

"This soul demon has been completely integrated with her soul, it is difficult to peel off, and if you are not careful, you may let Yao Shuang's soul fly away, and you can no longer recover!" Nie Yun looked cautiously.

This demon has been completely fused with it, it is difficult to separate, the force is too small, the peeling cannot be opened, and the force is too large, it is easy to let her soul fly.

Even if he now completely controls the medicine of the Emperor Shennong, he feels a bit powerless.

"What then?"

Nie Tong was also anxious.

He knew that Miss Yao Shuang was regarded as a life by Emperor Yuanyang. If something went wrong, the Emperor would never be able to bear it again.

"I can't help it now, I can only try it! See if there is anything that can attract this demon, and then try to eliminate it!"

After thinking for a while, Nie Yun said slowly.

This situation can only be the same as the cure for Fire Poison to the Fairy Fairy at first, trying to attract the demon, and then using large methods to erase it.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

Because, as long as the demon is not separated from the other soul. Once shot, it is equivalent to obliterate the other soul.

"You are here to stay. Don't bother me if the Emperor Shenda brings Yunlang Medical Immortal over!"

Analyze what to do. Nie Yun no longer hesitated and explained Nie Tong. When the spirit moves, all the altars and souls in front of you are taken into the world of things.

It is difficult to attract this demon from the outside world, but it is much simpler in the world of things.

He is the only person in charge here, and he can easily solve any problems.

With this reliance, the illness that the Emperor Shennong could not resolve, he may be able to resolve.

Enter the world of things. With a stroke from Nie Yun's palm, the altar flew slowly.


Eyebrows raised, and fingers wanted to go forward.


A huge black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the stone platform.

Demon Cloud!

Forming a perfect realm, Nie Yun has also made great progress on the avenue of heart and soul. In the world of receiving things, a heart and soul cloud composed entirely of heart and soul can be easily formed.

This thing is the favorite thing devoured by the demon, which has a fatal temptation to it.

Coo coo!

The demon cloud slowly approached Yao Shuang on the stone platform. At the same time, Nie Yunshi looked forward to Qi. Observe quietly.

As the demon cloud approached, the shadow in Yao Shuang's body moved, revealing the form of craving. Want to devour the cloud of the demon in front of me.

"come on……"

Nie Yun's spirit is highly concentrated.


I don't know how long it has been before, Black Shadow can't help it anymore, slamming out and rushing towards the Demon Cloud.

"This time!"

Seeing it rushing out, Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes shot fine, and he said softly, "OK!"

The space in front of me freezes instantly, and the shadow that just rushed into the cloud of the demon was sealed in place.

He is the master of the world of things, and there is nothing he can do when the emperor comes. Not to mention a small caution.

"I'd like to see, what the **** are you. Where did you come from!"

Calm down, Nie Yun looked at it.

Although seizing this demon. However, if the source problem is not solved, Ms. Yao Shuang may have a similar situation. If she wants to work once and for all, she can only eradicate it completely.

"Huh? This demon is familiar ..."

The power of holding things in the world spread over, and Nie Yun wanted to find the source, only glanced at it, and immediately hesitated.

This demon gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it long ago.

"Weird thoughts in those bodies in Chaos Ocean?"

A movement in my mind reminded me of something.

At that time, in the chaotic ocean, some special dead shadow ideas were born in some dead bodies. These ideas can absorb human souls and strengthen themselves. At that time, they didn't know what it was, and they always thought it was a unique ability of the **** world.

After arriving in the realm of God, many people of the Putian Dynasty were lifted. If they didn't find it, they would leave it alone.

Unexpectedly, everything that was almost forgotten by him suddenly appeared in front of him!

Even if this shadowy demon is not that kind of thing, it definitely has some special relationship.

"Heavenly engineer, calculate the source!"

Thinking that it could be related to the chaotic ocean, Nie Yun could no longer calm down, his natural talents were working, and he was staring at the shadowy demon in front of him, trying to figure out where the source is.


In the long river of heavens, the black shadow flows straight ahead, converging into a huge figure.

"Who is this?"

When he saw the dark shadow, Nie Yun's face sank. He was about to see the other person's features to find out the specific location. Suddenly the river in front of him collapsed suddenly, and a huge force was enveloped.


After being bitten back, a spurt of blood spurted.

Immediately afterwards, Nie Yun felt a little groggy in her head, as if in a fantasy state.

"Well, in my world, you want to attack me?"

With a cold hum, a thought came out, and the whole person was instantly sober.

However, when I looked again, I found that the shadow had disappeared. Everything before was like a dream, and nothing was caught.

"Escape? This ..."

Nie Yun's face was ugly.

This is not the outside world, but the world of things!

The opponent can attack himself here and escape smoothly ... this demon is too weird!

If it is not here, but the outside world, I am afraid that if I take it just now, I will sink into it and it will be difficult to escape.

It seems that the master of this demon is far more powerful than himself, and even if he has a perfect realm, his strength has soared, he is not an opponent at all!

"Leave it alone, let Yao Shuang recover!"

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out what happened ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun looked up at the weak soul in front of her.

By stripping out the demon, Yao Shuang's soul became clearer, but he still had no self-awareness and was hazy.

However, it is hard to fail Nie Yun. In the world of receiving things, what you want to nourish the soul is just a matter of thought.


Numerous treasures that nourish the soul enveloped Yao Shuang's soul.

Her soul is too weak. If she gives too much strength, it is not good. She can only gradually and nourish slowly.

"It can be restored in about three days!"

Looking at Yao Shuang's current situation, Nie Yun speculated that it would take about three days to restore consciousness. He didn't wait too much at once, and his spirit moved back to the outside world.

At this moment, the Emperor of the God Tower had already captured Yunlang Yixian and was standing not far.

ps: I only called at nine o'clock, and quickly coded a chapter. . (To be continued.)

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