Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2545: Love Dao Zun

[Broadcasting] Pay attention to "Beginning of Reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't snatched red envelopes after the New Year, this time they can show their skills.

At this moment, the Yunlang Medical Immortal has not been tortured. Although the Emperor God Tower looks reckless, he is not stupid. Nie Yun only said that there was something wrong with this elixir, and he caught him, and he understood it. The trial should have been completed.

"How? What does he know?"

Don't bother to talk about Yunlang Yixian again, Nie Yun looks at the God Emperor in front of him.

Now that the trial is over, you don't have to go through it again and again.

"He didn't know anything. The prescription was indeed found in the tomb, and the elixir was also made strictly according to the effervescent formula, but ..." The emperor of the pagoda stopped for a moment: "When he said that it was Dan, some appeared The illusion made him think that alchemy had failed, and he finally succeeded, he felt incredible! "


Nie Yun nodded.

That's right.

It seems that the starter is a guy who is good at the demon, and guessed it well. This so-called illusion is the method of disturbing the mind, so that he is not aware of the elixir in the elixir.

"Did you find something? What about niece Yao Shuang? How is he?"

Seeing his contemplation, the Emperor Shentian could not help asking.

"I found something, but I still can't figure it out ... Yao Shuang has been put in a safe place by me, and is being treated now, so I don't want to disturb you! But rest assured that she will be fine with me. ! "

Nie Yun waved his hand to comfort him.

"That's right, if you can't save it, I'm afraid no one can do it!"

Knowing that he is a descendant of Shennong, the Emperor of the God Tower is relieved.

It is also normal. At the time, Yao Shuang was rescued by Nie Yun. If anyone in the world would not harm her, Nie Yun must be one of them.

"There are three gods who are good at the spirit demon. The first is the old man who is hiding in the ghost world. Although the ghost world seems to be a dangerous place in the **** realm, some are wanted by the **** realm and have nowhere to escape. The emperor may still hide in it! The old man with the monument is one of them! "

"The second place is the boundless love of Daohai, and he knows very little about his information. It seems that after a failed relationship, he has been retired and has never appeared. He has no specific strength. No one knows the ranking. Behind. But no one knows where the real combat effectiveness is. "

"As for the third Demon Emperor, he is from the Putian Dynasty. He should have a good relationship with Emperor Yuanyang. It is impossible to start his daughter!"

"Who the **** will it be? Seeing the powerful look of the demon before, unless the emperor takes the shot, it is impossible to attack me in the world of things!"

The mind kept spinning, Nie Yunfei thought quickly.

When I first came to Divine Realm. I don't know much about many emperors. With the increase in strength, what kind of capabilities do you have? I also know some.

For example, there are three people in the God Realm who are good at the Demon Avenue. He has also read the information before, although it is not detailed, at least he can make a judgment basis.

"What's wrong? Did you remember something?"

Seeing his frown frown, the Emperor of God Tower could not help asking.

"It's a bit, but I can't be sure ..." Nie Yun shook his head and wanted to continue thinking, and suddenly patted his forehead. He and Nie Tong haven't been in the world for more than two years, and they don't know much about the great emperor. But in front of this tower emperor is himself a powerful emperor, and has lived for hundreds of millions of years. All the secrets must know everything, and asking him is much better than thinking alone!

I do n’t hesitate to think of it: "Sacred Tower Emperor, I ask you something, you must answer truthfully, otherwise it will affect my judgment!"

"Relax, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you!"

Emperor Shenta also knew that he might be involved with Nie Yaoshuang and patted his chest.

"Well, in addition to the old man of the stele, the lover of Daoism and the demon of the devil, who is good at the demon, is there anyone else?"

"Those who are good at demon spirits? Just these three!" The Emperor Shenta said without much hesitation.

"Just these three ... then tell me about these three people in detail! Let's start with ... Huabei old man!"

"The old man in Huabei ... is an extremely crazy guy, and does not belong to any of the nine forces! He is lonely and does not associate with people. As for what avenue he is good at ... I do n’t know. He only controls the demons and attacks The outstanding descendants of the nine major forces! As long as the descendants of any of the forces are more powerful, they will be hit by his poisonous hands! Of course, he did not kill them, but made them crazy, and finally changed from genius to mediocrity! "

"The emperor discouraged him a few times before, but he didn't listen. In the end, he was furious by the nine forces and shot together. At that time, he was almost killed, and eventually turned into a demon. "

The emperor of the pagoda thought for a while.

"The outstanding descendants of the assault on the nine major forces? What is he doing?"

Nie Yun froze.

I only knew that the old man of Huabei was rushed to the Phantom Realm by the nine major forces. What was the matter, I did n’t know. There was this story.

"I knew that the old man in Huabei was in the Wraith Realm, and he still had this hobby. Dixuan asked me to look for Xuanwu Xianteng, I'm afraid he had the intention to kill me!"

When my heart moved, I suddenly remembered something.

I don't know much about the old man of Huabei, thinking that he is an emperor, and he cannot easily do something to the weak. Now that he knows this, it seems that Emperor Xuan had deceived himself into the Wraith Realm, and had such plans.

No one can tell if they were beheaded by the old man of Huabei!

"This stink woman is poisonous!"

He cursed, no longer thinking about it, looked up at the Emperor of the God Tower, and then asked, "Where is the lover?"

"The lover of Taoism is an emperor of the boundless sea. This life has been a little longer ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is the life of the emperor! It is said that he and Xuanyuan ’s emperor broke out in the world of God together. ... they met a girl walking together ... "

Emperor Shenta smiled and said, "With the longer and longer time I spend together, Dao Zun gradually likes girls, but girls like the Xuanyuan Emperor! There is a love triangle relationship!"

"The relationship between the three of them was maintained for many years. Finally, I could n’t help but confess to the girl and confessed what happened. No one knew what happened. Just knowing that he came back with three liters of blood. Damage, followed by frustration, complete retreat, and ignore the things of the divine world! "

"Following, his affairs have hardly spread. These things are also what I heard from Yuan Yang and me. To be honest, the most affectionate and devoted man, even me, have never seen it. ! "

God Tower Emperor Road.

Although the experience of love and Taoism is simple, he is more respectful in his tone of speech.

ps. Children's shoes for chasing, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting currency? 515 red envelopes countdown, I'll draw a ticket, ask for extra and praise tickets, and finally rush! (To be continued.)

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